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WIP Starbound Toolset / Dungeon Editor

Discussion in 'Dungeons and Sidequests' started by Kel^, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Veav

    Veav Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    NO U
  2. Conir

    Conir Void-Bound Voyager

    just here to say that i really like what you have done, awesome! :)
  3. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    Haha, no, unfortunately I haven't had much time to work on the editor today -- with university work and all. I've implemented zooming and panning within the editor, and I'm almost done implementing a grid overlay. I'm hoping to release a sneak preview version at some point tonight/tomorrow that functions only as an interactive dungeon viewer (no editing), just to get feedback on the user interface. University work permitting, of course.
  4. Conir

    Conir Void-Bound Voyager

    so this actually looks very user friendly imo - so i have actually high hopes to be able to understand it when its finished :)

    i would like to know more about the workflow, or the steps required to get something i made into the game. from my understanding sofar:

    1. i paint a dungeon, biome, ship whatever in your app
    2. i export it to some file
    3. i add this file somewhere into my SB folders
    4. now the dungeon is considered when randomly generating a world

    is this somewhat correct? :D
  5. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    More accurately, it will be:
    1. Design your dungeon in the editor.
    2. Add your dungeon to the planetbiomes file's whitelist, so it is considered for generation.
  6. Conir

    Conir Void-Bound Voyager

    so the output is some sort of code i copy&paste?

    sounds easy enough :) thanks for your work!
  7. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well the output will be a .dungeon file full of code, and several .png images filled with a colour map. But you won't need to touch any of that stuff. You'll just add your dungeon name to the whitelist.
  8. Conir

    Conir Void-Bound Voyager

    allright then - your avatar tells me "You can do it!" so i feel confident enough to give it a try as soon as you release something :)
  9. Veav

    Veav Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aww... sadly, that's the right way to do it. Good luck out there, and I can't wait for a release!
  10. ZackTheGreat

    ZackTheGreat Space Penguin Leader

    I'll admit, even I'm getting a little impatient only because I'm so friggen excited (not as a rude gesture, but as like I was when I was waiting for beta I was impatiently excited). I can't wait to get my hands on it because its going to have making dungeons sooo much easier. :lolwut:
  11. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    I definitely want to get something out there - even if it can only display dungeons - as soon as possible. Thanks for the support everyone. :)
  12. medikohl

    medikohl Void-Bound Voyager

    so can you define npc placement friendly shop keeps/ angry temple guards?
  13. Armagon

    Armagon Gameplay Design, Sound & Dungeon Guy Chucklefish

    I've been in regular communication, and I've gotta say Kel's been doing a fantastic job so far! We've got a pretty firm idea of how things are going to work, so fingers crossed that we'll have something I can put to good use in the near future!
    PolarStar, MindlessMass and Voidnaut like this.
  14. MensRightsActivist

    MensRightsActivist Space Hobo

    I cannot wait to use this to help make my Naruto dungeon!


    *tips fedora*
  15. Voidnaut

    Voidnaut Big Damn Hero

  16. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine


    Unfortunately, there are still problems to fix with object placement. (as you can probably see from the screenshot.) I'll need to fix that problem before I'm comfortable with a public release. Nonetheless, we edge ever closer!
    PolarStar, Kawa and Voidnaut like this.
  17. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

  18. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Is there a way to place more than one block at a time in the current build?

    As for suggestions, I would really appreciate it if there were some sort of built in functionality that allowed me to place objects into geometric shapes like ellipses and triangles. Having a selection tool that allowed for copying and pasting of an entire area would be good (and maybe mirroring about both axes too). Another function that would be useful would be a masking tool (only replace blocks of certain type or replace every other block except the selected type). Having some form of the fill tool would be helpful too. There was already mention to this, but being able to place the spawn point of NPC's would be fantastic.
  19. medikohl

    medikohl Void-Bound Voyager

    does the game use npc spawners off screen?
    the blue teleport looking things?
  20. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    At the moment you can't place blocks. This version is an early release that allows you to view dungeons, but not edit them -- the editing capability is the next thing I'm going to be adding., once I've completely finished rendering (including npcs.)

    Variable brush sizes is definitely something I want to do as well.

    I like the copy/paste idea/mirroring ideas.

    I'm not sure about the usefulness of a fill tool, given that the world is saved in a grid format, each element corresponding to 8 pixels. This means that you'd only be able to fill an area with 8x8 tiles, so it doesn't seem like a very useful tool. It might have a use in quickly painting backgrounds in a house, for example, but it's one of those extras that might get added once everything else is done.

    Cheers for the feedback!

    The blue tiles (and other colours, too, depending on map) are connectors - each modular piece has a connector, and depending on the rules set for each piece, it may be generated at the connector spot during world generation.

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