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WIP Starbound Toolset / Dungeon Editor

Discussion in 'Dungeons and Sidequests' started by Kel^, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    The editor currently displays foreground (and background, but with no brightness shading) tiles from the tile layer only. The object and wire layer to come soon. A beta release of the editor should only be a few days off.

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
    ZackTheGreat likes this.
  2. ZackTheGreat

    ZackTheGreat Space Penguin Leader

    That's actually really cool, I'm so excited to get my hands on this to make some awesome dungeons and microdungeons. <3
  3. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    One of the goals I considered when discussing the project with Armagon was cross-platform support. I'd really love to make sure everything works as expected with Mono once the core functionality is implemented.

    The project will be open sourced at some point in the future.

    I'm planning to add ship support after the core functionality has been implemented. I also discussed the possibility of opening up universe saves, and I'd love to add that too. Something like a basic map editor. It depends on whether the developers decide to release the save file specification, or whether one of many reversers figure out the save format before then.
    ejh1990 likes this.
  4. ejh1990

    ejh1990 Phantasmal Quasar

    Your project is just getting better and better. :D

    Also, 'grats on the kudos and support of a dev. :)
  5. Astrus

    Astrus Industrial Terraformer

    After having built my own dungeon manually, pixel by pixel, I'm looking forward to this!
  6. SquarelyCircle

    SquarelyCircle Cosmic Narwhal

    Awesome, awesome, awesome!

    I'm also super excited about how open and supportive Armagon and Bartwe have been about this tool. This bodes very well for the modding community, and the future of Starbound.
  7. Lance Hancock

    Lance Hancock Existential Complex

    So would this by any chance be user friendly?
  8. Quixotic

    Quixotic Big Damn Hero

    Modders are AMAZING. Already you've developed a very interesting and useful tool. Keep up the great work!
  9. Voidnaut

    Voidnaut Big Damn Hero

    The fact that modders are already making tools that make official development easier is mind-blowing. In a cool way; no disrespect to the devs.
  10. loofou

    loofou Aquatic Astronaut

    You don't know how time-consuming tool programming can be. It will save a lot of time when it's finished eventually, but until then you see absolutely no progress in your game (which is your main project). Sometimes it is just better to work on plain files, because you see the progress instantaneously. So I can understand the devs in not making any editors (I just asume they didn't make any, because in Tiys work streams he always edited the plain files). Nonetheless this tool could help them immensely!
    Kel^ and Voidnaut like this.
  11. Armagon

    Armagon Gameplay Design, Sound & Dungeon Guy Chucklefish

    That's pretty much precisely why I've had to make keys for our dungeons. It makes it easier for both myself and modders to create content based off the existing dungeon files with image editing programs. Making these keys can be immensely tedious, but doing it properly is necessary for readability and ease of use. I'd be happy to be able to work with a dedicated toolset that makes my job a lot simpler. Frankly, I would prefer being able to focus exclusively on building some really cool stuff, without having to transcribe it from a screenshot and muck about with JSON every time I want to add a new object to a dungeon.

    That's why I stand in full support of Kel's endeavor here. :)
    Sem, loofou and ZackTheGreat like this.
  12. loofou

    loofou Aquatic Astronaut

    As a game tool coder myself, I'm really interested in this project as well. Especially if it helps you guys make more awesome stuff ;)
  13. Voidnaut

    Voidnaut Big Damn Hero

    This thread is giving me that Christmas feeling.

    So, since there's some people who know what they're talking about here, maybe I'll just ask a relevant question rather than starting another thread.

    How practical, computation-load wise, is a biome that is mostly "dungeon" -- I'm thinking of a kind of "Kowloon Walled City"/Blade Runner-esque planet, covered in dense urban warrens, neon signs, dingy bars and warehouses, blind alleys and flickering lights. It's a project I'm contemplating but I'm pretty naive when it comes to this stuff.
  14. Windy017

    Windy017 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like the sound of this. Do you think it would be possible to have like... infinity floored dungeons or Instance Dungeons? (Like, you open a door or go through a corridor and you get teleported to the dungeon or whatever.)
    SquarelyCircle likes this.
  15. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't know if instance dungeons are possible (at least now) but you'd have to talk to the Lua modders about that. I'd imagine that dungeons can go infinitely deep, until the core of the world, if you set it up like that, but I don't know for sure, sorry!
  16. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    The last few days have been spent rewriting the way the editor handles JSON data, layers, and rendering. This will allow me to easily overlay layers, so you will be able to see all layers at once for the current part selected. Biome tiles are now visible (placeholder dirt), and the brightness of background tiles is now lowered.


    The editor will now dynamically load all material / object / npc data and display it in the editor, even if the fields are new / unrecognised.


    Next on the agenda is implementing a visual display of non-asset brushes (worldGenMustContainSolidBackground, etc, and connector brushes), then viewing all layers of a part at once. Because of the way I've rewritten the layer system, actually drawing your map should be trivial to implement, so that will follow shortly afterwards.
    PolarStar likes this.
  17. Voidnaut

    Voidnaut Big Damn Hero

    this is hot, like a binary system.
    MindlessMass likes this.
  18. Kel^

    Kel^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    Finally spent a little time touching up the UI. The elements on the right (and the new bar at the bottom) now scale gracefully with your resolution. Sorry for spamming my own thread to death, but I want to keep the progress updates coming quickly!

  19. Veav

    Veav Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No updates means it's done, right?
  20. PolarStar

    PolarStar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    When you posted, he'd only not said anything for 8 hours! Give the guy some time.

    This mod looks really, really good, by the way. I'm extremely impressed by this, and can't wait to get my hands on it.

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