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Tutorial Starbound Server Management Console Release

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Icer, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    Interesting, there are a few possibilities for that:

    If people log in from the same subnet, they will show up as the same IP. For example, 3 people all playing from the same house using the same router will all get IP x.x.x.x, no way to tell them apart. The same thing happens if someone opens multiple clients from the same machine.

    People are getting added, but not removed properly. If refreshing fixes it, then its probably this. Next time this happens, can you please confirm that the players in question are no longer on the server?
  2. combatmedic02

    combatmedic02 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmmm it doesn't seem like they are not being removed properly as when I refresh I still have the same amount of players but they still have duplicate IPs. For example 9 people currently have the same IP then 5 other people have my IP even though they aren't in the same house, it's definitely some sort of weird bug... Possibly it may just not updating properly or something? :/
  3. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler


    1230AM EST 12/30/2013

    • Global announce when players join and leave
      • Disable it by editing the ISSMConsole.properties file and setting "ANNOUNCE_PLAYERS_JOINING_LEAVING=false"
    • More bug fixes
      • Long packets are now properly encoded, this fixes MOTD length bug
      • Player file properly created again
  4. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    Godly! However Icer, can you please tell us the errors you're restarting on. I don't want it to conflict what I have or don't have. I have yet to see it actually auto restart on it's own yet, without my .bat interference.

    Edit: Can you make it so we can change the console name on the chat?
  5. combatmedic02

    combatmedic02 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmmm I still don't get join/leaving messages or the MOTD show up in game... is there something i'm missing? >_<
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  6. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    Icer, new problems cropped up from 0.42 to 0.44 upgrade. It's picking up false positive errors, not sure which one because I am flooded with them. Also my clients are being reaped consistently, about like 6-7 of them at a time every minute or so. Similar thing that happens with starlight before.
  7. combatmedic02

    combatmedic02 Void-Bound Voyager

    Strange, i'm not getting that... o_O

  8. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    These are the current strings I am detecting as FATAL and rebooting the server on. Note: This only causes the reboot if you have the option set to TRUE in the .properties file.

    "Error: TcpServer will close",
    "Error: UniverseServer exception caught",
    "DBExeption : Error",
    "Error: Access violation detected at"
  9. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    The latter 3 can be induced by mods easily, which are exactly why I'm getting false positives. I'll stick to my own error detection for now, but I still don't know why multiple clients were being reaped at a certain interval though. I don't get any other log other than people getting reaped over and over in one go under Windows Server 2008 R2
  10. wolvern

    wolvern Orbital Explorer

  11. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    I'm under Windows Server 2008, so I gotta pass on that~
  12. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    The multiple world issue isn't fixed either.
  13. wolvern

    wolvern Orbital Explorer

    yeah, i've seen the multi world issue... ughhh... seems people need to write their own server exe's just to fix all the server bugs... using a custom exe now...
  14. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler


    7PM EST 12/30/2013

    • Commands
      • Admins
        • Commands no longer require Admin Password!
        • Messages are displayed regarding the success of the command
        • "Command not found" no longer sent to client when valid command is used
      • All players
        • /players
          • Prints out a list of currently connected users
        • /version
          • Prints out the version of the server
    • Server status JSON
      • Servers can now be queried for their status with an HTTP call
      • JSON includes
        • Player Count
        • List of players
        • Console version
        • Server IP
        • Server version
        • Server Status
        • Server Name
          • Set in ISSMConsole.properties file; SERVER_NAME={name of server}
          • Only currently used in status JSON
        • Server Message
          • Set in ISSMConsole.properties file; SERVER_MESSAGE={server message}
          • Only currently used in status JSON
  15. Valikus

    Valikus Poptop Tamer

    Great work! =)

    I'm still not able to get MOTD.
    /players says no such commands.
    /version says no such commands.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  16. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    I see these every now and then in 0.43 to 0.45 not 0.42, but it's not exactly at the time when it's disconnecting people:

    Warn: I/O error in to NetSocket write loop or device closed: NetworkException: tcp send error to 0 : (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

    006FED05 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/core/StarIODevice.hpp:9)
    0043C2C3 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/game/StarNetSocket.cpp:289)
    0043D2D0 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/game/StarNetSocket.cpp:235)
    008646DC (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/core/StarThread_windows.cpp:74)

    When the server is disconnecting people, the log is only showing something like these, it can be singularly or en massed:

    Info: Client 'Kuf'Ell' :love:7> ( disconnected
    Info: Reaping client 'Kuf'Ell' :love:7> ( connection
    Info: closing (1392)
    Info: Client 'Azie' <61> ( disconnected
    Info: Reaping client 'Azie' <61> ( connection
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::run.innerloop millis: 177
    Info: Client 'NathanH1717' <1> ( disconnected
    Info: closing (636)
    Info: closing (636)
    Info: Reaping client 'NathanH1717' <1> ( connection
  17. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    well, 0.43 is when I started packet injection. I can't reproduce your problem on my server though :(

    When people DC, is there a chat message being sent to them? System restarting / player joining?
  18. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    That doesn't make any sense. You allowed the auto-config to set your server port to 21024, right? If so, then all comms are going through ISSMConsole and messages should be getting published. I'll look into it further tomorrow.

    Its possible there is something I'm missing in the packet inspection.

    Can you also confirm that it says v0.45 on the web console?
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  19. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    Connection with server is no longer valid - or something of the sort it seems what they're saying. Even though I am connecting to the server with my client one country apart, it never seem to have disconnected me. Only everyone else.

    /players and /version works on my end. I think /player should be a valid command too.

    Edit: It also seems to leave some ghost connections as well. Some players report seeing their doubles.

    Edit2: I actually forgot to report this too. I don't think the status page :21025/status was working either. Unless I had to use port 20124 which I forgot to check lol.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  20. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    I have added a few more protections to my code to ensure that I don't inadvertently influence any connections between client and server. I loaded 8 clients on my local box and connected to my server. After about 10 minutes, one of the clients randomly disconnected. I will try to do some more testing, unfortunately as we all know, the Starbound Server code still has some work ahead of it, so I can't rule out the possible of an unstable server regardless of what my code does.


    Status just isn't really ready yet. The problem is that when Starbound clients connect, they don't send any data; but when a browser connects, it sends the GET.

    So I can try to read some the connection, which works great for browsers, but times out clients. I went with the second method which relays on the downstream service telling me that there is data to be read. As you have noticed, this is not always guaranteed. I'm going to try and find a more satisfactory method tomorrow.

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