Starbound Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 17, 2014.

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  1. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    Well they'd look extraordinarily silly doing so
    Marcellow and Serenity like this.
  2. xSadoro

    xSadoro Void-Bound Voyager

    I see , well this answers a lot of questions I had. And Yes, I hope by the end of the month you'll be done relocating in the uk ! Good luck with all that...
  3. Marcellow

    Marcellow Tentacle Wrangler

    Please get everything in order so that the updates can resume.
    Piccolo likes this.
  4. Matts

    Matts Poptop Tamer

    It has been frustrating waiting for updates, but only because I have so much fun with the game when there are new things to explore.
    Maybe one possible solution is to push out the larger updates on the slower time scale, but also just have someone post each day about what's going on. If someone communicates daily (or every other day) then people whining about waiting won't be so likely to whine. I think the whining comes from fear that they won't get the game they are so excited to play. Constant communication just about simple things, as one would do with a small, rather dim-witted child, will alleviate that fear greatly.

    Thanks for a great game, and I cannot WAIT until it becomes what it is meant to be!
  5. DaJoe85

    DaJoe85 2.7182818284590...

    All I can say is wow, what an immature post.
    Do you even know what is involved in creating a video game, games take years to build, I am not saying there not alittle slow, but you sir do not know what you are talking about.

    They are not magical programmers that wave a wand and everything is fixed, it takes time to make a great game,

    I think they do need better communication, but it can take weeks to fix bugs and behind the sceen stuff, if they are really complex, so they can be doing alot and it appear like nothing changed, but they should communicate that.

    I wont even try to explain why CF moving to a new office is great for the game, because you obviously will never get it.

    I dont think beta games are for you because they all have the same problems (they take patience).

    Im not saying they are perfect, but come on chill out
    Kokiris, Kristopher, Paco495 and 4 others like this.
  6. 1nfinitezer0

    1nfinitezer0 Cosmic Narwhal

    It's cool that they even took time to publicly address the concerns that have arisen over the past little while. Navigating people's feelings in the public sphere is usually the task of honed PR ninjas, so any attempt to connect with the community in this regard shows compassion and desire for mutual understanding and respect. I'm sure there was wavering whether or not to even post something of this nature, lest it bring even more flack from individuals who haven't been following as closely.

    I wasn't part of the pre-order, I only discovered it a month or so ago whilst looking for an OSX game I could play with friends. So, I'm not attached to the implied contract that pre-sales entail. But, a quick look and I don't see CF as having made promises at that point of sale. Game development takes forever, they have to make the decisions that are best for their future. Which includes releasing a great game, but also all the other company stuff.

    It's a little bit odd seeing how much entitlement is battling against almost fervent support that the beta status means there can be no wrong. If you're invested in the future of the game, that's great, but think about how the way you relate that comes across. Is it just throwing out negativity or demands? If we had all applied to be beta-testers, there would be a more thorough expectation of our feedback being constructive. If you wanna bitch, fine, but is there a way that you can make a useful point out of a complex issue that we only see the end-product reflection?

    Anyways, the game is fun, it's gotten better since I've joined. The comments about the balance being on point ahead of a finished product is so true; amazing stuff that even without a full progression and monsters that are easily outsmarted that things can still be fun with repetition.
  7. Skizelli

    Skizelli Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't bend over backwards for the community, Tiy. Stay true to your vision, take constructive criticism as it comes, and ignore those with nothing important to add to any conversation. The game will be better for it in the end.
    vanella, Paco495 and Serenity like this.
  8. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    It does work...because these interns are all set up with work visas by the institutions and they travel to that workplace. My friend is moving out of the country for his internship... :)
  9. Aurtose

    Aurtose Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes, great idea. (I reply as a computing college student on the Isle Of Wight, England ;))
  10. Pixie Perfect

    Pixie Perfect Space Spelunker

    Take all the time you need. I wish people could understand moving a company takes a lot of coordination for them to stay up and running. Believe me, I understand. :)

    But could you throw a quick "Spawn point setter" update so I can play the game? This really is a game breaker for me! lol...
  11. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    Throw another "thanks for the update" into your pile Tiy from an honest fan of the GF group.

    I've moved a bit myself, to other countries and continents, and know just how damned long and hard it can be to get everything together as an individual, much less an entire team of folks with separate lives/homes/etc. IMO, anyone who complains about the time it's taking your team to relocate clearly never has experienced this experience. The fact that we are STILL getting intermittent updates, streams, newsletters, anything during this time is fantastic.

    You DO listen to the community, good and bad, and I for one am eager and happily anticipating the future goodness of Starbound. Luckily for me (and many of my fellow community members who understand, don't feel so bloody entitled, and are patient and understanding) there is a whole life outside of these forums that I can experience while the dust settles and progress is made.

    Salut :up:
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
  12. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    My eyes :zombie:
    JTDude and Piccolo like this.
  13. You really gotta love how update complaints contradict themselves... you just can't please everyone.

    Regardless, thanks for the heads up, Tiy!
    Serenity likes this.
  14. fearnothingvenom

    fearnothingvenom Void-Bound Voyager

    I really do have to say I like how Chucklefish keeps up with their fans and let them know what is going on. I find it funny I went on the irc last night to ask to see if anyone knew why the updates slowed down, i got an answer but now I there was an official post as to why they slowed down. Much respect, keep on keepin on and good luck to all of you in the Starbound team. Thank you!
  15. Tchud1

    Tchud1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The communication is flowing. It is good to know that the devs care enough to get people over there and make this game the best, because I know I will spend hundreds of hours playing it. Knowing that new mods were hired and background issues are being worked out, I have no reason to complain at all.
    vanella and fearnothingvenom like this.
  16. Prime262

    Prime262 Void-Bound Voyager

    the beta support/ alpha support/ whatever you call it has one big fear, the ultimate downside is that what if the person you just gave your money to on a uninsured promise to provide a product later doesn't just take your cash and disappear. the tragic case of cube world highlights those fears well. luckily the starbound dream is less about the cash and more about the game its self. in the end there will always be someone unsatisfied with how the updates are coming out. the moral, is as the devs just do what you think is best and don't worry about how the vocal minority will complain regardless. keep up the good work guys
  17. Fragile

    Fragile Orbital Explorer

    The most (and incredibly over-used) argument against all the "whiners" is that no one understands that developing a game takes time. Seriously? We all know that. The thing is, this game didnt exaclty start development yesterday, okay? Also, over a million copies of this game have been sold. These people have bought a promise, an unfinished product. They have made Chucklefish a TON of money. We, as customers, in this strange market of selling ideas, most certainly have a right to voice our opinions. We are the reason why Starbound (in its current form, there might have been other options, bla bla bla) is being made.
    So how do people voice their opinions?

    Pretty much everyone who "whines" and "complains" present their views in a respectable manner, use proper grammar and refrain from name calling and other bullshit. Then the diehard Chucklefish fans swarm them like diehard pewdiepiefans would.

    The general message most of these superfans are giving out is "Being allowed to spend money on a product in advance is a GOD DAMN PRIVILEGE, and you should be eternally grateful for it. You have concerns? You care about the product? You want it to be the best game there ever was? WELL, FUCK YOU. Whining asshole, slit your throat."

    I'm exaggerating a bit here, but come on... Its impossible for me to take any of the defenders seriously. "Just give them time, they're actually the best indie developer in the world. If you expect things out of them, you're an entitled asshole and you suck at life!" Two things: No matter how good or bad they are, do you honestly believe that they're immune to the world? Massive studios with great track records have closed, especially in recent years. Secondly, time does NOT, and I repeat, NOOOOT magically fix everything.
    Chucklefish will probably not close down, and Starbound will probably become a great game. Having concerns and thinking about the future is still okay though. Things don't always go the way you planned...

    I bought the game because it looked like it could be everything I ever wanted, the perfect evolution from terraria, minecraft, space exploration, crafting, survival etc. I'm incredibly dissapointed so far. Now now, before you throw death threats at me, I made a mistake getting in to the beta. I thought it would be cool to be a part of this process, to see the game grow and evolve. My hype was massive, and I told all my friends about it too. It is cool, it is exciting, I can see the progress (well, most of the time), I can read about how things got changed or improved or removed through fans voicing their opinions and helping the team out. Personally though, I should've just waited. In the end, its the game I want. I still believe that the final product will be good, but it will take a long time. A very long time. Many big companies release public betas or provide early access to their games, but most of them are basically already finished games at that point. The terms are getting ambiguous, and a lot of people (me included) have come to expect a lot out of early access, when they really shouldn't. Our industry is young, and things change so fast..
    Getting the customer involved like this in the development process is great though. I don't think every game would benefit from this, but there is certainly room for both types.

    What I'm trying to say here, is that blind fanboys are stupid. Voicing your concerns (in a respectable manner) is great. This alpha/beta-process is very different from what we are used to in the gaming industry, and both sides have a lot to learn. And it certainly isnt for everyone.
    One last thing. This is the offical Starbound site, yet so much of the news regarding the game never reach it. I don't use twitter, I barely ever touch facebook. Blogs? Reddit? Please, summarize (or at least provide some easy links) to that stuff and put it here. On the front page, where it belongs. A lot of people would be happier because of that.
  18. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    LOL, using the happy pink theme and it looks dandy there. apologies, swapped back to my RoR...
    Serenity likes this.
  19. fearnothingvenom

    fearnothingvenom Void-Bound Voyager

    I have 60 hours roughly clocked into this game, I have only had it for like 4 months. Terraria was quickly passed up in time played and I have had terraria for years. Well this game does not disappoint. I was getting a bit worried that no updates were coming out, but like I said since the dev team or whoever it is that updates these posts had let us know what was going on.

    I get where you are coming from. I may not agree with you but I respect that you came about saying these things while being respectful. Why can't other people do the same thing. Being on forums would be more enjoyable if people didn't get butthurt over what others believe. I mean I love the beta, but see you do not. Why would people threaten you for your differing opinion? I mean come on. I guess I don't have that much faith in people but shouldn't we all be able to talk to each other respectfully?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
    vanella, DaJoe85 and Wurmheart like this.
  20. William Lee Twitch

    William Lee Twitch Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can be patient with the crap that I get from most everyday jerks but there comes the rare instances when I just tell them to cram it. But the mods at CF handled these rude folks much calmer than I would have. Hell, they are dealing with more crap in a day than I do in a week. They could qualify for sainthood.

    ChuckleFish, keep up the good work and do what you need to do do make a great beta game into a greater finished game. The ones that complain about you being unreasonable or unprofessional do not even know the definition of these big words let alone what goes into making a game. Armchair dev experts they are.
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