Starbound Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 17, 2014.

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  1. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    finally I know why its not been being updated very quickly and can tell all those people saying that starbound should be a 1-2 year project and its already taken more than that just to get into beta.

    Thanks for keeping us informed!

  2. Kozar927

    Kozar927 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Wait what! People complained about the smaller daily updates! I loved logging on everyday to try and find the few new sub biomes and set pieces. Now I dont log on at all. SO uhh yah dont listen to thoes losers? I hope all thoes tiny things make it into the game eventually. Alot of little stuff gives a game flavor, and I would hate for you to abandon the tiny little things that make SB so great because some ppl complained about actully getting new content. How dumb. Pro tip Tiy if someone is ever complaining that you ARE releasing content please dont turn around and make all the normal ppl suffer for 2 months in some mis guided attempt to be friend that psyco. Thanks

    I am now terrified thoes tiny little varity things will never make it into the game over this and that would just be heartbreaking.
  3. undeliverable

    undeliverable Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have gotten my moneys worth. Take a vacation. People will complain no matter what you do. Mostly the 'Community' is 5 or 6 perpetual whiners that no one likes anyway.
    Aurtose likes this.
  4. Jakev8v

    Jakev8v Void-Bound Voyager

    You guys are doing a great job, don't be disheartened by the ungrateful and impatient. Keep up the good work. And thank you for putting so much effort into this game, it has been and will be greatly appreciated.
  5. Dust

    Dust Giant Laser Beams

    this won't stop the little variety pieces getting into the game, just that those are lower down on the priority list. Chucklefish have previously stated that they will continue to produce content for a year after full release and maybe longer. so we will still get plenty of variety
    Serenity and Darklight like this.
  6. Wurmheart

    Wurmheart Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I will stop criticizing them the second i no longer have worries or personal stakes in the matter that relate to the promised content. And i'm sorry for having standards and living up to them.
    There is a lot of issues i do not speak off, most of which i find to insignificant to bring up and a few i deem to big to just speak out about. And i have had very little luck contacting CF in the past, so i'm still quite skeptical on the private method.

    I do understand you like the game as is, and so do several others. Good for you, good for them. Your opinion, your right to do so, your right to speak off it as such.
    But i will ask you to at least tolerate different standpoints and views, even if you personally disagree with them.

    As for that statement it is merely a suggestion, i have seen it used properly on different projects. (love the banished blog for it) and frankly if used well i think it could be a huge asset.
    Piccolo likes this.
  7. hirakhos

    hirakhos Phantasmal Quasar

    I prefer this message to any update, honestly.
    Thanks for the response, Tiy.
    Substantial is better than Small, especially considering the progressive nature of the game.
    It also prevents a scenario where the team is on insane time restraints to just get SOMETHING done.
    Substantial is better for everyone.
  8. N8kedbuffalo

    N8kedbuffalo Space Hobo

    Hey Devs,

    I just bought the game last weekend and I love the game! Please ignore the negativity and keep on coding!

    I look forward to becoming part of the community.
    Serenity and Darklight like this.
  9. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    Hey Chucklefish. Notably, if you need volunteer based interns, reach out and look into the technically institutions and colleges across the world. They will work for almost nothing and have an incredible digital knowledge base. Just a thought! :)
  10. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    That doesn't work. They want less things spread out over multiple timezones and to centralize development into the office as much as possible
    Serenity likes this.
  11. Windcaller

    Windcaller Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for the information. Keep up the good work, fellas. =)
  12. KeiranSolaris

    KeiranSolaris Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for the update Tiy.

    I work at a company that has sites on the east and west coasts of the US as well as in the UK and I completely understand the time loss to communication.

    Hope all your moves and office setup is going smoothly (as smoothly as that kind of stuff ever goes).
  13. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Developing a game alongside a supporting community is totally a double-edged sword. It's probably great to get feedback about what people respond to, but Jesus what a fucking headache.

    Glad to see Tiy pushing back against some of the whiny complaints here. I've seen too many comments by self-proclaimed developers throwing their weight around as if their projects have any bearing on CF's work. It doesn't. At all.
    Shaggyd0g and Serenity like this.
  14. Brockway

    Brockway Pangalactic Porcupine

    What ? NO BIG UPDATE EVERYDAY ? Choking news !

    i think anyone with a brain can understand that is not possible, just do your best like always :)

    Btw, haters always gonna hate, so keep pushing small and big updates and dont care about them :p
  15. Kaboinglefop

    Kaboinglefop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Although I was upset about the lack of updates, I ~definitely~ got my money's worth, so although I have high hopes for the game, I definitely got my money's worth. ( :D Game came out right at the end of finals for me!)
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
    Aurtose likes this.
  16. LostCraftGhost

    LostCraftGhost Master Chief

    I admit, I bought my early Access copy just to be, for once, part of the whole "game in the making" thing. I missed out on Minecraft. I missed out on Terraria. Now I'm here seeing a game being born and you're handling it great in my opinion. Keep it on and I'm sure time'll prove you right. :nod:
    Tamorr and Serenity like this.
  17. byteme

    byteme Void-Bound Voyager

    Dev's really need to stop listening so closely to gamers. I know this sounds rather strange, but seriously, people will whine about free candy man! You guys are doing an excellent job, and don't need to justify your decisions to anyone. People should have known what they were giving money to you for, and it does not give anyone a right to dictate your process. I mean, god, its not like any of us bought controlling interest in Chucklefish or anything! I for one gladly gave you guys money ages ago, and haven't even played the game yet. Its been really hard, but I'm waiting for a more stable release, and a fuller, awesome experience. I can't imagine why the heck people would WANT daily updates anyway? When I'm hungry I don't eat food a crumb at a time... and I certainly don't yell at the cook for not flicking me a crumb every five damn minutes.


    Cheers guys.
  18. Marcellow

    Marcellow Tentacle Wrangler

    Thanks for the update! People have been making me doubt my purchase. :/
  19. jambox5

    jambox5 Big Damn Hero

    I'm with this, the speed of updates doesn't bug me much. But I wouldn't mind hearing from the devs even if it's once a week (like in the pre-pre-release days) about what the team was working on. I know it takes a little time to write something like that up, but there is a community who is genuinely interested in the progress of the game as well as how the 'behind the scenes' of game development work
  20. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    People still will, it just seems to be a part of human nature.
    vanella, Dust and The | Suit like this.
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