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Starbound preview at Insomnia Gaming Festival

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by popbot, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Captain Internet

    Captain Internet Orbital Explorer

    It may not be when we want, but there will still be a beta.. I've been following the game since it has been announced, so believe you me, I am just as ancy as the next guy. I just consider the beta a perk of putting my chips into their ante. Go buy a bottle of El Jimador or something and continue making a kickass game.

    Until then, I'll just continue getting my ass kicked at Black Sun.
    Menasor likes this.
  2. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Tiy, just one question...

    ...there will be Fishing ? :D
    Menasor, Avialle and Samiz like this.
  3. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    Just calm down and wait, guys..
    Menasor and Samiz like this.
  4. Rhayn

    Rhayn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Suck up :p kidding of course. I would hope it is taken as a compliment that people are so desperate to get hold of this game. Also as much as I like the idea of the roadmap being updated I really do like to see the daily updates. So hope those keep coming.
  5. In last AMA Tiy said it's something they wanted to add After Launch, I tried hard to make it Fishing to be the last Stretch Goal (got +180 likes), but the pets won. Still we will have fishing, even if not at launch ^^
    Kingpendragon and Psygnosis like this.
  6. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Nice !
  7. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's not so much a happy or unhappy, it's more disappointing. Starbound will eventually get here and i will be playing it. That much makes me happy. It's all the stuff leading up to it just leads to a heavy sigh. The purpose isn't for here, and it'd only start a flame war. The biggest point is you aren't sure what warrant's the feeling so we are not on the same page. I'll just end it at that.

    You are very open for the most part and each time i've made a personal message to anyone of the crew (all two times) it's been answered, so yes you are very reachable. I've been clear on the daily updates being awesome, and i'd readily call them above standard. I'm glad you guys decided to do that. I guess if i had to give my own personal opinion on what should be any different on the topic of information would be answering threads on the forums a bit more. But you guys choose to do that on the IRC or twitter or whatever else so that's just a personal preference.

    I'm not going to touch the giving the game now comment, as a quick gander at past posts will tell where i stand there.

    To keep with the overtly positive, apologetic, and thankful attitude of the community i'd like to end off saying i am looking forward to Starbound a great deal despite the different views i share on how things are. And i do truly mean that. I've said it a while ago that Starbound is the one game i've been looking forward to more than any others since i've heard of it and it still holds true. Very true. This damn game is going to consume the majority of my free time once beta begins and for a VERY long time after. And i am looking forward to it.
  8. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    If you're not willing to voice why you're disappointed then you're not like to see the issue addressed.
    Menasor, Oyster, WoxandWarf and 3 others like this.
  9. greenskye

    greenskye Pangalactic Porcupine

    Personally I'm much more excited by the daily updates than the roadmap update. They could update the roadmap once an hour and it just wouldn't be as exciting to me. Server code went from 78.5% complete to 83.4%? Woo... I rather have pictures and explanations of the features they're working on. It also gives me at least somewhat of a frame of reference. I can see when they start projects and when they finish them. I get a sort of vicarious thrill out of that. Maybe I'm just odd.

    A trailer would be nice to see. It's been kind of difficult to piece together a complete narrative of what the Starbound game really is. I've found it difficult to explain to non-Terraria people. A trailer would go a long way towards helping me "spread the gospel".

    And seriously, the current update to Dwarf Fortress has been in progress for over a year. You can't play that game for any length of time without developing a little patience. ;)
    Darkmere likes this.
  10. I agree that it's probably not necessary to do things in order to get publicity.
    I do think that people will play this game regardless, because it's a hot genre right now.

    But I don't really care if it gets shown off at public festivals, I can't think that it would harm anything.
    Also, this is just my opinion, but I think that youtube personalities will do a good job helping to show off the game.
    Think about the demographic that Starbound appeals to. Gamers, teenagers, etc. Both Minecraft and terraria gained TONS of publicity thanks to youtubers.
    I'm not going to rip you apart, I just want to know...
    ...Why are you angry? :confused:
  11. WackyWocky

    WackyWocky Pangalactic Porcupine

    Frankly, having a Beta released before that presentation works if that presentation is to showcase the full game. Storymode etc.
    doc Chicken and Bacon like this.
  12. bludud101

    bludud101 Phantasmal Quasar

    The trailer I can wait for, but hopefully you'll update the roadmap pronto, like you guys said you would. ;)
    Ferigad, Lusid and Bacon like this.
  13. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was more trying to avoid any type of flaming. I've said my piece about what things have been done that i feel could/should have been done differently in threads of their relevance and thought that it would be very off topic to try to list any here.

    The biggest one right now is the seemingly ignored roadmap. It's not so much that it hasn't been updated regularly, but more how you guys said it would as well as made a kind of big deal about how awesome a way to keep us posted it will be then was ignored. It just feels like a big "why bother".

    As for the topic of beta, i just feel it would be better done in the style most games now a days go about it as opposed to waiting till absolutely everything is done. Something is better than nothing sort of situation. But i'd like to be clear, I know already why you decide the way you do regarding this, and also know it's not a discussion topic. I don't necessarily like it, but i do accept it.

    The only other problem i had (though a big one) was the silence after all past estimates, but that was already addressed by you previously. I'm not bringing it back up to say "answer it again" just it's on the pile is all, adding to the whole experience. I only say it now to clarify why i have the feelings i do.
    Karamunin and IllusiveEnergy like this.
  14. SolidSnake

    SolidSnake Existential Complex

    okay but seriously i think the REAL question is when will the hylotl lore be announce
    Menasor, Fishie, Jääkäri and 3 others like this.
  15. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Hmmhmmhmhm... looks like I won't be playing it before school...
  16. Indeed Hytotl is very hidden it must be revealed already, they have soundtracks, spaceship desgin, etc... But its lore, hmm
    It would be a nice update ^^
  17. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    So, I guess their earlier estimations of a 2012 Summer release (Not even beta release) was much farther off than I previously thought.
  18. Seathless

    Seathless Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It seems like, reading this thread. It's hard to voice your opinion without being lambasted as an 'enititled' kid who needs to grow up, so I see why so many people in this very thread are apologizing profusely. And trying very hard not to get this very treatment. Why is it so bad.

    On topic however, it's great to see Chucklefish getting this exposure, I'm sure it will lead to the other titles they publish getting some coverage too.
    Ishiga-san, Karamunin and Lusid like this.
  19. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Honestly I'd be happy if they just threw a client at us where you could just run around and free-build. Kinda like how they had Minecraft Classic, you could just run around and build, not craft, not kill enemies, exc.
    Lusid likes this.
  20. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Just remember though, the more the more youtubers are given exclusively earlier access, those specific youtubers grow bigger and bigger (which can be good) and newcomers have less opportunity and chance to grow themselves.

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