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Starbound Nightly Beta Findings or Interesting Things

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by phillip2001, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    the games not competly done yet so your stuck

    you cant progress anyways so i would sugest just spawning shipT3
    and while your at it roboticcraftingtable also
  2. Learner

    Learner Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well that's a bummer. :rip: Christmon Jack (you Novakid you). You had a cool sounding name.

    Thank you for clearing this up with me. I'm aware that I 'could' always spawn items, but either way, his story began, and ended there in that galaxy. :confused:

    Edit: Well... apparently, subsequently made characters... ended up spawning on that same planet, in that same galaxy... welp, I think that now's a good time to backup and delete the universe. :notworthy:
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
  3. spiritofcat

    spiritofcat Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, deleting the universe is the only way to get a new starting location right now.
    However, it doesn't mean you have to lose your characters too.
    If you only delete the universe folder and not the players folder then your ship and everything on it will be safely translocated to the starting system of the new universe.
  4. Learner

    Learner Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yea but well, it sort of feels like cheesing the game when I do that. I'm trying to ground these latest characters into reality as best as I can, which is why they're all hardcore. (The ship only revives you, not print out a fresh copy of you with your items. Otherwise, you'd be clothed during the respawning process. :lod:)
  5. Kentoz

    Kentoz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Looks like tonight's update is making the game crash before loading. Did the standard delete config/universe, but no dice.

    EDIT: the log is showing this line
    "Asset database is missing _index entry"
    Learner likes this.
  6. Learner

    Learner Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for the heads up. I think I'll disable automatic update just this once.
  7. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    ooooooooo >.o;......seeeee, with everyone being giddy seeing that "NEW STARBOUND UPDATE!!!!!" , it be real hard not for it to hit a whole bunch of people :(
  8. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    damn that sucks
    i cant even unpack it to see whats the proplem

    also it seems the pak is olny 33kb large

    that cant be right

    something propley messed up when it uploaded

    gonna tag @OmnipotentEntity just incase he isnt aware of the problem
    Kentoz, GenoMech and pop-yotheweird like this.
  9. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    Rainbow Dash: Summoner of Devs
  10. Wraith9124

    Wraith9124 Aquatic Astronaut

    Anybody else getting this error today? upload_2014-9-4_15-45-45.png
    Plus, I found out about the nightly updates yesterday.. and upon playing it, oh my. All I have to say iS "ERMAGERD STARBOUND YOU SEXY!"
    All joking aside, the developers have done an AMAZING job at making the game the best it can be (Even though it's only the first stage of Beta).
    AND.. one suggestion, move the face sprites for the Novakid a bit to the left.

    Attached Files:

  11. Azirphaeli

    Azirphaeli Void-Bound Voyager

    Well... you do get stuck with your Matter Manipulator upgraded to the last point it was, and unable to claim a new one to unlock the ships AI upgrading the MM anymore...
  12. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    yeah, I'm totes getting this.
  13. Learner

    Learner Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You know, knowing that at any point a nightly update could render the game unplayable for the day, makes the idea of having a "Does it work today" thread in the forums seem like a great idea for those people who leave the launcher on to prevent an update, and therefore, minimize the chances of us being left unable to play Starbound for the day. :3

    (It makes me all the more thankful that I did that myself when I heard it might not work today, which means I still have my Starbound! :))

    Isn't that just because the ship files are in the universe folder, and by deleting the entire folder, you're also deleting the ship as well?

    On an unrelated note, I still despise the muffled music bug. :cry: Out of every game I've ever played, Starbound perhaps might be the only one that would have simply gotten me to purchase it based on the soundtrack alone (the same soundtrack that I also later purchased). Just to compensate for this bug, I have to reduce my SFX, and crank up the master volume. It doesn't help much though that occasionally, it feels like the muffling stacks. :wut:
  14. Åmbether

    Åmbether Void-Bound Voyager

  15. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    I'm aware of the problem and it's what I've been working on all day, trying to isolate it.

    JFYI, it's an old bug which was just exposed, it's been possible to trigger since Jul 28, but we just hadn't triggered it yet. I know which commit is causing it, I just don't know *what* in the commit is.
  16. claudekennilol

    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

    So is there any way around it? Or do we just need to wait for a new build?
  17. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    Essentially, I have to figure out what's causing it (I just did), push the fix (still testing that), and then manually push the build (about to do so.)
  18. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i know we could count on you omni

    i award omni the " nightly cool guy dev" award

    yah i coulnt think of a good name =/
  19. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    "The Award of Nightly Excellence and Heroism to the Great Seagull Wilburs of Austinian Mayo"
  20. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    it seems the planets lvl is locked to a certen level based on biome

    garden biomes are always 0

    forest and deserts alwasy 1

    moons are level 2

    so on so forth

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