Modding Help Starbound mod art

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Xlotl, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

    I began creating pixel art just before starbound came out and recently made some sprites for a friends mod. I really enjoy the ideas of modding however have very few programming skills of my own, so this is an offer (you cant refuse :p) to do art for mods. If you would like me to make some sprites for your mod please say so below. My only request in return for these is that I may add them to my design portfolio ( every little helps). I am in no way professional so my time in order to complete requests may vary and I may choose to do or not do requests that get posted here.

    Examples of previous pixel art:

    Instrument crafting station
    single station.png

    Bunch Of Scrubs resources
    BoS logo.jpg

    banner YT size.png

    end slate big.png

    twitter banner actual size.png

    Holy cow
    holy cow.png

    as well as my avatar and a bunch of other awesomenaut sprites im trying to make a race for atm.

    EDIT: I assume this is the right category for this...
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
    bluecollarart likes this.
  2. Fizzy Amp

    Fizzy Amp Void-Bound Voyager

    What program of pixel art are you using?
  3. ExplosiveDiarrhea

    ExplosiveDiarrhea Poptop Tamer

    I'm about to give up on the modding also, and just throw what I've made so far on this forum.
  4. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

    I use graphics gale free edition:
    I dont use many of the special features but it does what I need it to do and thats what matters.
    Fizzy Amp likes this.
  5. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    Here, have some of my art, obviously much better
    BoS tumblr banner.png BoS twitter banner.png BoS YT banner.png SoIO logo.png
    monobear pumpkin.png
    Have I derailed your art thread?! :p
  6. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

    Like it wasnt already derailed enough...
  7. Westeller

    Westeller Space Penguin Leader

    I was thinking earlier it'd be funny to make a springboard. Y'know, looks like a normal section of floor but when you step on it it springs up and sends you flying? Would only work on npcs and mobs, though, since I don't think we have any way to call scripts on the player or identify nearby techs. If you feel like making the sprites for it, I can do the rest. If you don't, though, no problem. I've lotsa other stuff to do.
  8. tifel100

    tifel100 Void-Bound Voyager

  9. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

    Will try :D

    For now I will make humanoid models but what kind of ratio do you want? humans with ears and tails? full body hair humans with the muzzle etc, a bipedal wolf?
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  10. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    My aim was to derail Xlotl's thread :p (and not in a spiteful way)

    For a second there I thought you wanted me to do you the art for you... As you said mine is not pixel art and is nothing special.
  11. tifel100

    tifel100 Void-Bound Voyager

    basically, similar to the human, but furry, some ears and some kind of tail.
  12. tifel100

    tifel100 Void-Bound Voyager

    I didn't mean to say yours was nothing special, it's just you were trying to show off, but you were comparing high-def to pixel art.
  13. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    I was not trying to "show off" I was trying to derail my friends thread because he said that things were going off topic, so I wanted to 'help' :D
  14. tifel100

    tifel100 Void-Bound Voyager

    Well I need to go look up what derail means. :rofl:
  15. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    Just means to send it on a tangent, away from the original intention of the thing in question.
  16. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

    Got a sitting, crounching, idling, walking and running sprite down. Currently only 1 hair option and a tail. and only a male atm.
  17. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

    Here is a short video showing what I have made so far. Sorry about the quality but my computer is not great. I need to do somethign with teh head it there is too much flat brown. If you want anything changing just say!
  18. tifel100

    tifel100 Void-Bound Voyager

    Yea the face needs some work :p Anyway to make him look a bit furrier?
  19. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

    Since then i have added a muzzle as well as jumping and i am currently working on emotes. The outline is furrier but im not sure how i would do pixel fur without it looking like a chess board.
  20. Xlotl

    Xlotl Void-Bound Voyager

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