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Starbound freeze/crash at Chucklefish logo~

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DJOkamical, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. I'm sure you're not running windows XP.
  2. Knawojin

    Knawojin Astral Cartographer

    You running on XP matey?
  3. Milavelo

    Milavelo Big Damn Hero

    Man this is irritating.

    I got the server tool to run through lots of info, but then it hangs at generating the universe/galaxy/etc.

    Knawojin, seems like regular not-strange memory use to me.

    What I find the strangest, is that every version we try on XP always has 0% CPU use...
  4. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's on their stream, buddy. Chucklefishlive, from the mouth of Kyren.

    Sorry buddy, but unless if you're an Xp user, you're of no use to us.
  5. JohnnyKill

    JohnnyKill Astral Cartographer

    Sinds I dont have starbound I cannot check this myself but people that has windows xp pleas close steam Add this to a short cut of steam, -forceservice
    Kinda like that sorry for the different LNG but you get my point It worked with people wanted to play terraria beta.
  6. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    I opened two instances of it at the same time and it fixed itself. Kinda funky.
  7. Knawojin

    Knawojin Astral Cartographer

    I tried this and just got laughed at 3 times in a row by a fish and then freeze :x
  8. Jounk33

    Jounk33 Space Hobo

    No not for me.
  9. Knomic

    Knomic Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah guys, just wait a while when it shrinks. Probably just an issue with loading that will be fixed soon.
  10. I just got on the twitch stream and the devs said that the reason it's not loading on XP is because they never put a progress bar so we cant see it but on older machines it takes forever to load, and on older hard drives it will go VERY Slowly and they will not be working on improving or fixing it until they get to the PAC files.

    In other words we are all in for a long wait, guess its time to move on to something else for a while, what a shame.
    Knawojin likes this.
  11. Knawojin

    Knawojin Astral Cartographer

    Thanks for this. I'm XP, SP3 3GB RAM - I wouldn't say it was anything close to a good machine but played (what I thought would be a similar performance game) perfectly. Not going to mention its name but began with a T :gooby:
  12. JohnnyKill

    JohnnyKill Astral Cartographer

    I know some one that has a toaster as a pc, And he doesn't have a trouble with loading, He has a wait time of 5-2 minutes.
    And he runs windows xp.
  13. Mehds

    Mehds Space Hobo

    On Windows 7, I've had the game crash on the logo several times. Give it time, the game needs a lot of resources to run right now and is not optimized. If you start the task manager, keep track of how much memory is being used by the game. You should get to the start menu once it gets about 800,000 K. Starting the game itself needs about 1,000,000 K. I know this seems like a lot right now, but optimization is not a priority right now. It helps to close other memory hogging applications (Looking at you chrome / firefox) if you are on a lower end machine. Hope this helps

  14. My specs are

    XP SP3
    2GB ram
    9400GT video card
    Dual core Intel Processor.

    Not old at all, just a bit dated. I hope it's something more than just loading times.

    Can he actually play the game?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  15. JohnnyKill

    JohnnyKill Astral Cartographer

    Yes WITH alot of lag he is able to play,
  16. Angryhatter

    Angryhatter Intergalactic Tourist

    I had the same issue and I removed all local game files, restarted completely, reinstalled and then ran it and it worked fine. I just cant click or type anything until after the logo goes away or it will freeze like before.
  17. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    DotBeta, you're an awesome guy, and I'm not trying to sway you here, but Kyren misunderstood our case this time. She said that the reason why it was taking so long was because our antiviruses were basically scanning the entire Starbound game file. Having just ran a scan over my Starbound game, I can conclude that three minutes is definitly not a long time, at all. In truth, after two hours of waiting, I realize that it isn't a problem with waiting. Rather this is because the beta version is not meant to be played on XP, simply because, as most people have said, it is a somewhat dated OS.
    DotBeta likes this.
  18. JohnnyKill

    JohnnyKill Astral Cartographer

    It seems to corrupt your exe SOME times IF it didn't properly start.
  19. fw190a8

    fw190a8 Seal Broken

    Doesn't work, Windows 7, 64-bit.

    Click 'play' in Steam, starbound.exe starts, then quits immediately. Same happens when manually starting the game with starbound.exe or starbound_opengl.exe. There is no launcher. Same thing happens if I try to run the launcher manually. It just egg timers for a second or two then quits immediately. Starbound.exe is 632MB which seems excessive.
  20. JohnnyKill

    JohnnyKill Astral Cartographer

    Do you hear any sounds before it closes and does it give any error,
    Hold Start key and press R, It opens run type down %appdata%
    And look if it made a crash dump.

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