Starbound for PS Vita

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Ewan, May 27, 2013.

  1. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    I know, I was talking about your real PC :DD
    Piston's not on sale yet I'm pretty sure. :)
  2. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    oh. Naa, im to lazy to move my PC.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  3. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

  4. Kail4012

    Kail4012 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't know the increase of sales for the Wii U after the Xbox One announcement would prove otherwise.

    Terraria would be fine for PS Vita since the world is more limited.

    As for it being released on PS Vita? Whilst I don't own one I see it being plausible but not for a few years on when starbound development ceases and the price of the PS Vita plummets like most old consoles do...
  5. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    Impossible, it was made clear to you, and everyone else on May 21st, the Xbox One will replace all consoles, including your childhood consoles, and all potential handheld "consoles" that you may have, remember playing Super Mario Bros. 2? you did that on the Xbox One.
    What about the first time you evolved a pokemon? You got to enjoy that in stunning HD, while Skyping with the "snap" feature, on Xbox One. :up:
    it's also made the Oculus Rift obsolete, and will soon replace human emotion as we know it, with Kinect 2 gestures.

    Immediately after the Xbox One announcement, Sony's stock went up 9%, so you know something went right.

    That new bit that popped up seems to be based in a lot of conjecture... :cautious:
  6. Kail4012

    Kail4012 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Oh darn. You got me! I'm an xbox fan-boi really. Can't ever put down that xbox one and it's ever so useful always on DRM, so I can play all the single-player games with my perfectly infinite internet connection." - In a parallel universe where the Xbox One, fanbois and DRM is a good thing.
  7. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    Are you... Are you trying to tell me that "fanboys" is spelled with an " i " ?:lolwut:
  8. Kail4012

    Kail4012 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's a take the **** spelling. If you see what I mean. It's like Fandum or Fandumb.
  9. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    You aren't American, are you? lol
  10. Kail4012

    Kail4012 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    No, of course not.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  11. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    Alright, cool.
    In the States, writing boy as boi isn't usually done to be rediculous, it's usually done... a bit more for these reasons. lol

    I can appreciate the potential for Piss Taking behind it, however. :DD
  12. Kail4012

    Kail4012 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I suppose it's like f** then. Since over here it actually means cigarette.
  13. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    Boi's not actually offensive, just out of place, unless you're trying to insinuate that xbox fanboys are femanine, although that would be offensive to feminists. :rofl:
  14. Kail4012

    Kail4012 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's usually just an intentional miss spelling.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  15. DatYandereGirl

    DatYandereGirl Big Damn Hero

    Starbound for XBLA and PSN.
  16. 1mwb

    1mwb Big Damn Hero

    I think it will be on ouya! ;)
  17. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    Ouya will not be swag enough to run it.
  18. 1mwb

    1mwb Big Damn Hero

    They wanted 800,000 dollars and they got over 9 million. Not swag you say? :barefeet:
  19. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    would i like to see this even know i don't have a psvita...yes..... do i think it will happen...god no

    REASONS: guys...dem blocks are about 1/4th of a inch(sorry europeans) and imagine trying to hit every block in it's exact location(placing vice versa) lol is it possible MABYE...because of the limited memory and such lol but it's the same with terraria i would love to see it on my mobile device but it just wouldn't work :p(ik mobile device is different)
  20. new_snek

    new_snek Space Hobo

    Terraria on PS3 is bad thing, it has the worst control. I don't think that Starbound and Terraria on PSV will be good too.

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