Starbound changelogs and release notes

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Mister Green, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Eldorah

    Eldorah Yeah, You!

    I'm not hating or anything but is there a way to protect your home from falling meteorites or are our homes just going to be wrecked at random times from now on?
  2. Shadow86

    Shadow86 Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is probably not the right thread to discuss random stuff about the game.
  3. Orthus

    Orthus Void-Bound Voyager

    character and ship data are stored as separate files.
  4. xenomat

    xenomat Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok, i see. But still, if you update and then load your charakter in the new version of the game, the ship is empty. And i see no way to recover the content of the "old" ship, because there is only one *.shipworld file, which has been overwritten without warning. :(
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  5. Rylyn

    Rylyn Orbital Explorer

    You are warned from the very launcher not to mention forums that wipes and stuff are expected. As wel all know it is a beta (even Alpha) just don't collect things and think they will be forever.

    I've already lost 2 characters and 2 awesome what? I'll make another and another, different from the others because it is still fun. Game is at more or less 20%, and i found it awesome at it's current state. Can't wait for that 100% lol ^___^
    Giles and OuterSpaceHoliday like this.
  6. OuterSpaceHoliday

    OuterSpaceHoliday Aquatic Astronaut

    Keep the good work coming. :)
  7. Cobalt Lightning

    Cobalt Lightning Existential Complex

    Ever used a Grappling Hook to slingshot yourself around planets? It's productive.
  8. ponza740

    ponza740 Space Hobo

    thx you
  9. alexleduc

    alexleduc Master Chief

    Not sure if anyone mentioned this but if you want to keep your world you can just disable automatic updates to the game in Steam. You can play it for as long as you like in it's current state and only update it when the changes are worth losing your progress over.
    TheUnartist likes this.
  10. GoldenAgeOf

    GoldenAgeOf Void-Bound Voyager

    Anyone have the inside scoop on when to expect the next patch?
    OuterSpaceHoliday likes this.
  11. OuterSpaceHoliday

    OuterSpaceHoliday Aquatic Astronaut

    I want another patch with a wipe so I can feel safe from wipes for a bit. o_O
  12. SAKRAY

    SAKRAY Yeah, You!

    No update so far.... THE GAME IS ABANDONED </3
  13. Insydius

    Insydius Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah I'm waiting for the next character wipe before I jump back in.
  14. JackOfAllGames

    JackOfAllGames Space Spelunker

    Same here. I understand that the wipe is imminent so I've been holding back.
  15. sifuwarrior

    sifuwarrior Space Spelunker

    Same here, I just don't feel safe
  16. Fiek

    Fiek Seal Broken

    Bah! Be adventurous. You sound like people doomed to the straw death. Go seek out life, find out what is going bump in the night.
  17. Sir Orange

    Sir Orange Ketchup Robot

    That would work for SP only, not MP
  18. alexleduc

    alexleduc Master Chief

    I would if all the people playing with you agreed not to upgrade and all stay on the same version.
  19. Kreny

    Kreny Astral Cartographer

    Just a note, once we enter second / third stage, please move them above stage 1 so latest builds will be always on the top. Thanks for this page!
    Mister Green likes this.
  20. TommyFrerking

    TommyFrerking Master Chief

    For me it is not about the character wipe, it's about added content. I've made it to Tier 5 and, while I know there are a few techs I haven't obtained, there is little left to do but wait for them to fix all the performance issues/bugs so they can roll out more of the full game. I wouldn't want to start the game in the middle once they add new bosses and all the quests.

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