Starbound: A Midsummer's Nightmare 4 (warning some gore)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Chipa, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. Chipa

    Chipa Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Log date: February 12..15:34 hours. 5 hours since the last stop and currently on an eccentric star system

    The walls of the caverns shimmered against the light of the torch Lenard was carrying. Lilith looked up and saw he was wearing the same scowl as before they left. The silence was some what calming and numbing and from the smell of clay and wet dirt Lenard knew they were getting close. “Ok floran we're almost there but i'm not gonna let you take more than what you need,” he said. Lilith nodded not wanting to have to listen to him anymore. “I still don't trust you,” he said gently. Lilith again didn't say anything as they kept walking, from a distance she saw the light bounce off a big deposit of copper. Lenard stopped and stepped in front of Lilith and glared down at her. “...what now?” she asked looking up at him. “You hear everything I said floran?” he asked. “Do you wanna get above ground or don't you ,apex?” Lilith asked holding up the manipulator. Lenard narrowed his gaze at her before reluctantly stepping aside. Lilith calmly approached the wall and began to dig peaces of ore out wit her hands. Lenard watched her before grumbling to himself,”..the whole crew's gone fuckin' crazy... letting this bitch just take what ever...” Lilith ignored him and looked at what she took so far. She's only ever had to fix her manipulator once and had to use the manual for it. It looked like to be safe she could just take one more big piece. She reached her fingers through the wet sand and dirt before feeling and hearing the suction of air as she slowly began pulling the chunk out. She stopped when she head something else, this sound was all to familiar. She set the piece aside and leaned in closer to the wall and heard some scratching and snorting. “Hey..” she called to the apex who was still grumbling to himself. “At this rate he's gonna get us all killed..”he growled.

    “Hey Lenard..!” she called a little louder before hearing the scratching stop. Lenard glanced over,”..Ok I know that's more that what you need!” “You got a weapon on you?” she asked trying to stay still. “..why?” he asked. A second after he asked a large claw popped from the wall and tried to swipe at anything close to it. Lenard jumped back while Lilith simply just leaned out of it's way,”...oh false alarm.” “Are you fucking kidding me!” Lenard said pulling his knife. Lilith caught the creature's arm and pulled it slamming the monster into the wall of rock and wet soil causing it whimper and retreat. “See, now let's get going,” Lilith said with a smile before hearing snarling,”..uh...” “..What..?!” Lenard yelled. “Ok so..that sounds like a pack..we better go before they did through the wall..~” Lilith said before running passed him. Lenard looked at her then at the wall that was now starting to crumble. Lilith looked back at him,”c'mon!” She ran back and took his arm and pulled him getting him to run. Soon the wall crumbled and a small army of Yokats came after them with their arms raised. “Ahhh what the fuck why are there so many?!” Lenard yelled as they ran. Lilith looked around and saw a small niche in the wall where they could hide,“Quick, in there!” They both dove into the niche and hid as the pack of monsters ran past them. They both sighed in relief and Lenard poked his head to see them all disappear. “They're gone,” he said. “Oh thank goodness, now let's get back to the others,” Lilith sighed. “Yeah right after you put back the ore you don't need!” Lenard told her. “Are you fricken' kidding me?!” Lilith yelled. “Shh keep your voice down-!” Lenard tried to whisper. “No! Now listen you big brawny asshole! I had to listen to your insults, I watched you pick fights with your own crew over not agreeing with you and now you're gonna try and tell me what materials I need for MY manipulator?!” Lilith yelled.

    “I know what's best for my crew, floran!” Lenard growled back. “It's not your crew, you're not the captain and from the way you treat everyone you should be locked up!” Lilith said back,”How can you say you care enough to protect someone when all you do is hurt them?” “”I don't need to explain anything to you!” Lenard replied. “And I don't need to take this from you I'm going back!” Lilith said before turning and leaving. Lenard watched her walk away and get even more angry,“ H-hey don't walk away from me! Hey get back here!” Lilith kept walking,”Go choke on a banana!” Lenard got so mad his face turned a little bit red before he punched the wall near him. The craven began to shake and cave in. “ not again!” Lilith panicked as she ran before she felt the ground give in under her. She fell into the abyss beneath her expecting the next thing she'd feel to be a stalactite though her back or her skull smacking against cobble stone. Instead Lilith dropped onto a big mass of plant matter. She shook a little before sitting up and looking around and then up at the hole she fell through, it was pretty far up. “Lenard!...Lenard!!?” she called for the apex. No answer...she thought the worst had happened but then thought he might just not be able to hear her. She didn't have any torches, hell she didn't even have any wood. She moved around n the dark as best she could. Being a floran she had some what an ability to see in the dark but only for a little while. After feeling around she felt a lump in the leaves and dug through before finding a capsule. She opened it hoping for the best and got 5 pixels and 3 torches. She exclaimed in joy before placing them on the wall so she could see better. She looked around again and saw there was some cobble stone in the wall. 'If only I could find a pick ax or something. She took one of the torches from the wall and walked around hoping to find something.

    She stopped seeing another lump and dug through the leaves and found some cobble stone that came from where she fell along with more pieces of copper. She stopped digging when she hit something hard and wooden. She scratched away the leaves and saw she was sitting on a large wooden platform similar to the ones she's seen underground before. She thought for a moment again,'..maybe..if I can try it.' She gripped a piece of cobble stone and started swinging and slamming into the plank under her. It only cracked the wood slightly but enough to where she could break off some pieces. She looked back up at the hole in the ceiling,”...Lenard!?” Still no answer, it made her worry a bit,” better not be dead you asshole!!” After gathering what she could Lilith made a small make-shift oven and made a few copper bars. Lilith took out her matter manipulator which surprisingly made it through the fall with only a few dents and pulled it apart again. She pulled off part of the handle and used it to carve thin strips from the bars. They were far from good quality wires but they would have to do until she could at least get back to the others. After attaching them to the inside of the device she reached the handle and turned it on,”...please work..” there was an audible spark before a beam shot from the manipulator and collected some bricks of rocks and dirt. “Yes!..Lenard i'm coming back up!” she called. She then used the blocks to make a stair case before climbing up towards the hole. He heart began racing as she got closing and smelled blood. She poked her head out seeing most of the cave was blocked. She turned and saw Lenard's arm poking from a pile of very large rocks. “...Lenard..?” Lilith called softly. She was met with a soft groan,”..uughh~” She ran over and aimed the manipulator at the pile before taking some wait off of him.

    She only able to see his upper body and the bloody scars and bruises he was not covered in. “'s you..? I thought the fall killed you..,” he said softly. “I thought you were dead too, you weren't responding to my calls,” Lilith said kneeling down to him. “I heard ya..but..i thought I was hearing your ghost,” Lenard said,”..I'm dying I just know it..” “It'd just your legs I can get the rubble off,” Lilith said. “Why bother..i'm such an idiot,” Lenard chuckled. Lilith stood and took away more rocks. Luckily they only fell on his legs which were still very mangled and bloody. “why are you helping me j-just go!” he couched looking up at her. “Shut up you big dumb ape!,” she said picking his up and slinging him over her back. She walked over to the wall of rocks blocking them and took some of those away with the manipulator.. It sparked a bit more before stopping having only taken most of the rubble away. “Ok hold on we're gonna need to squeeze through here,” Lilith told him as she approached the gap she made and turned to her side before going through. Lenard began to nod off a little bit. “Stay awake apex!” she said shaking him a little. He jolted awake a little,“huh!? it hurts..can you walk any smoother?” “No! Now shut up!” Lilith said. “W-what's your problem..? what you think if I die they'll blame you?” he said with a smirk. “No, the more you talk and move around the more energy you wast. You're already bleeding out.” “Still don't know why you helped know i'd leave you..” he groaned. “I know but unlike you i'm not some asshole with a god complex,” she said. “..I don't know why I do that..maybe I just don't want them to think i'm weak or anything,” he said,”when I first joined-.ughhh!~” Lenard groaned feeling his legs crack a little. “Save it for when we get back, we're almost there,” Lilith said.

    She picked up the pace a little when she heard foot steps and what sounded like something being hammered. “Guy?!” she called. The foot steps and banging stopped for a moment before more foot steps were heard coming towards hem. “Guys Lenard's hurt!” she called. She couldn't help but smile being able to finally get out of these caverns. Her smile faded once they got to the next opening.
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