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Outdated Star Wars in Starbound 0.5.4b

Various Tech Items, Armors, Races, and more from the Star Wars Universe!

  1. zothaq

    zothaq Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's not working for me.
    Not sure why
  2. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

    Did you just extract the zip and copy the folder "StarWarsArmorMod" to your Mods folder?
  3. zothaq

    zothaq Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  4. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

    Hmmm. Any other mods running?

    You're the second report of this issue. I'd like to sort out where my conflict is.
  5. zothaq

    zothaq Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have 5 race mods and the easy character creation mod installed
  6. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

  7. Diesel83

    Diesel83 Aquatic Astronaut

    Okay I'm no way noobish when applying mods to games but where is the Starbound folder if you get it off Steam?
    arrjaytea likes this.
  8. 11oclock

    11oclock Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome job with the mod, I love the Star wars universe and the suits you have designed for the game are just perfect.
    Also , One of my dreams is to see the Republic commando armor, it could be a great add-on for this mod.

    Excellent job with the mod, Id like to rate it but somehow can´t write a rating text , this is the only thing it allows me to do, maybe an error, so, ill rate it later, if im able to.

    (Excuse me for my bad english ) Rate :5/5
    arrjaytea likes this.
  9. Diesel83

    Diesel83 Aquatic Astronaut

    Nevermind I found it. I would also like to say awesome job on the skins.
    arrjaytea likes this.
  10. Utco

    Utco Void-Bound Voyager

    не какие крафты скожи плиз
  11. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

  12. Tommapika

    Tommapika Big Damn Hero

    When i use this mod and try to start Starbound server, it crashes. Any idea why?
  13. SplunkerSquirtle

    SplunkerSquirtle Orbital Explorer

    It looks awesome but i think there should be an ewok and wookie outfit (or species) :D :D
  14. MagicHunter160

    MagicHunter160 Aquatic Astronaut

    you should add costumes from the knights of the old republic 1 and 2 games
  15. GLord

    GLord Big Damn Hero

    Vader could use a bit of tweaking, kinda hard to make out details on him.

    And maybe you could just restrict the recipes to the Metalwork Station or yarn spinner? So they aren't cluttering up the basic, wooden, and robotic crafting lists?

    Loving the armors though.
  16. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

    Hmm, no idea - haven't tried it on MP yet. I'll have a look.

    Well, when it comes to Ewoks and Wookies there are a couple of issues - mostly height. I'm looking at what it's going to take to mod races in, but that's likely a ways out. I've had a few Wookie and Yoda requests as well. Stay tuned. :)

    Revan is on his way among others.

    Cheers for the feedback on Vader. He's been a tough nut to crack. Pulling off a the mask in a 12x12 has not been easy. Look for an updated sprite today or tomorrow as I continue to work on him.

    I also appreciate the feedback on the recipes. I'd initially thought making it all easy to find would be best - but you raise an issue I'd not thought of previously. Thanks for that.

    And again - thanks to everyone for their thoughts and feedback. For those of you who haven't been able to get it working - I'll keep trying to sort out why, but please remember to provide as much information about your install as possible (other mods, game version, process for installing, etc.).
  17. BaWx DeVeLoPeR

    BaWx DeVeLoPeR Intergalactic Tourist

    When i got to my metalwork station, i don't see any star wars characters...? and i have 100,000+ pixels.
  18. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

  19. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

    Hoping the update I just posted resolves this issue for you. :)
  20. GLord

    GLord Big Damn Hero

    No problem, that Vader helmet is epic tier now.

    Can't wait to see what comes next.

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