[STABLE] Update March 18th, 2014

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Salius

    Salius Void-Bound Voyager

    Man, I know what you mean. I'm so tired of seeing an interesting game featured on Steam, only to find that it's an 'Early Access' mess. As for Starbound, what happened to 'daily updates'? And when are we going to get some solid gameplay additions, or some kind of timetable? My game still periodically freezes for short amounts of time whenever I enter a dungeon or self-built up area.
    With at least $15 M bucks, it would seem that more work could get done, yet we hear that Chucklefish wants to start work on some new game (that doesn't even sound all that interesting, really) instead.
  2. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    a suggestion, if you make two posts in a row, delete the last and edit the content of that last post into the one you made before. double posts make the mod team grumpy.
  3. Huxi

    Huxi Void-Bound Voyager

    http://pastebin.com/ch6HLkG0 is a crash happening while reading an Apex book with the number 4 on it. I don't know if this is a new issue.
  4. Ninja

    Ninja Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm still waiting for weapons of mass destruction to be added. Really, all I want to do Is annihilate my enemies and conquer the stars. I just want to build my empire. This is why I can't wait for them to add city biomes, and much much better npc mechanics. So that I can gain power in a city, declare my self supreme ruler, over tax my people, and instate mandatory conscription. I want there to me mines and farms and mills and factories and everything else. The economy can expand and collect all the resources I need to fuel my war machine for me. And a well setup menu so I can actually keep tabs on my empire, and the war effort. And control all of these actions. on a rather small, to a rather massive galactic scale. Moving battalions of soldiers, and war ships across the ocean. Jets and bombers aswell. To invade and conquer the enemy city. All the way to Moving massive space ships full of hundreds of npc troops. To launch an invasion of another planet, another solar system even! Ohh grand isn't it? Yes, I think I've outlined my ultimate dreams for this game before. But I thought I would just go on ahead and do it again! Its better than just sitting around and biting my lips thinking about the possibilities of it all in my own head. Might aswell annoy you guys about it right? Ninja out -:ninja:

    voyageur likes this.
  5. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Ok, I found the error associated with that last week actually, had to patch it up to make my lore set complete
    It's another simple json error that anybody could fix in five minutes; the codexitem refers to the codex as "blahblahblahCodex" and the codex's actual name is just "blahblahblah" (not realy blahblahblah but you know what i mean)
    Not that I've noticed.
    I need to start compiling a thread about those. There's so many. The Cool Desk (is used as a storage item by dungeons but isnt actually a storage item; this bug alone renders Project Incarcerus lore unavailable), Apex Village Book 4 (causes this here crash), Rusty Filing Cabinet and Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet (there's code indicating they are meant to be storage items, including slot count, UI config, and sfx, but they're missing the objectType line that actually defines them as containers so you can't open them), the Barred Vent (missing the line that defines the inventory icon), the Wrecked Vent (same as Barred Vent, note that these two both actually have icons in the files), the Plant Chest (missing the line that defines the inventory icon but lacks an icon in the files anyway), the Iron Door (sword-style, not the iron-tiered one; objectType is "new" and that causes it to not display; change the objectType to "door" and it works perfectly), the Alarm (category is "wwire" instead of "wire" and apparently it doesn't save its state properly), a few dozen objects lacking the "category" line entirely (thus the category is set to "other")...
    Yeah, I definitely need to compile something about this. It would be so easy to fix most of these.
    D-16 likes this.
  6. fruitfeet

    fruitfeet Void-Bound Voyager

    sorry how do u update ur game
  7. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    The Agaran's are spreading.
  8. DNoid

    DNoid Aquatic Astronaut

    I still have the same crash from before the update when I click a character in the selection screen.

    Attached Files:

  9. Kevinik

    Kevinik Tentacle Wrangler

    So I haven't played in a while and my character it's gone... I thought they were not going to do character wipes anymore.
  10. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    how long is "a while"?
  11. Kevinik

    Kevinik Tentacle Wrangler

    Nevermind I figured it out. I had a backup of my old player save game
    (which was deleted) and combined it with a new ,shipworld save and got my ship locker and fuel deposit back. After I deposited all the rest of my items to a planet.
    serenity=rosa likes this.
  12. serenity=rosa

    serenity=rosa Master Chief

    :rainbow:You know what would be cool? If you could talk to the other florens or something. :kitten2::lickitung:
  13. lordstewx

    lordstewx Void-Bound Voyager

  14. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    Let loose the stable game for the glitch!! (i like making glitch statues...) FOREVER GLITCH!!!
    Jbeetle, koolieo1 and Ewok like this.
  15. seanmc6167

    seanmc6167 Void-Bound Voyager

    I have the exact same problem. It's been happening ever since Enraged Koala.
  16. koolieo1

    koolieo1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Outposts? What do you mean?
  17. Kyasupah

    Kyasupah Pangalactic Porcupine

  18. hailsatyr

    hailsatyr Void-Bound Voyager

    anyone else afraid that the final game will be out just like the beta version, somewhere in December?
  19. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    That wont happen.
  20. Lutero

    Lutero Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This gif is an optical illusion.

    If you flick your eyes' focus to the right is seems the leaves fall that direction. To the left, same effect.

    Mollygos Stahp! D:

    Can't wait for the next Stable build! :D

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