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Spoilers! New "Ancient Plaque" decoded. Ark wiki page created. Substitution key made.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Varixai, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. TobyM88

    TobyM88 Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice idea, the Novakid really do have something to do with this, that much is obvious.. perhaps the description of the novakid being they were born from a star exploding being when "It" was created, or awoken? idk just an idea :lickitung:
  2. Scorpion567

    Scorpion567 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    that is a very logical ideai guess we wont know till the next update
  3. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Well then, this is just revolutionary. I cannot wait to see how these events unfold.
  4. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    I hate waiting at this point :(

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