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Spelling and Grammar

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shrooblord, May 10, 2013.

  1. Treadlight

    Treadlight Existential Complex

    I half agree with you, but "Colossus" also sounds a tad generic to me. 'Colossal Stone Golem' might be a good fusion of the names if they ever want to use one.
    • Treadlight

      Treadlight Existential Complex

      The wikipedia article on ellipses has some syntax information.

      I'll quote the part I find important to our situation.
      EDIT: Whoops, double post. I hope it's okay, since the last one was a few days ago.
      • needsomemiracle

        needsomemiracle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        The penultimate difficulty is called "IM COMING FOR YOU". I suspect there's an apostrophe missing there.
        • Shrooblord

          Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

          Ah - good one. That's one I've always noticed but not remembered.

          It's probably not that big of a deal. :)
          • MageKing17

            MageKing17 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Except Shrooblord was asking why the game's ellipses have two dots and not three, so... what does that have to do with spacing?
            • Myth

              Myth Space Penguin Leader

              Damn this community is helpful ^^

              Kudos to you Shrooblord
                Shrooblord likes this.
              • Shrooblord

                Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                I asked about the general grammatical rules of using what are apparently called ellipses (yay my Greek education tells me what that means). Ellipses are always three dots (so two is wrong, no matter how many times you see it) and apparently also follow normal punctuation rules in regards to for example spacing.

                This thread sometimes makes me feel like a detail-dependant IRS agent... xD
                  Treadlight likes this.
                • Sykes

                  Sykes Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                  Double posts are okay so long as it's constructive and at least 24 hours after your last one, so no worries.

                  Also, great catches Shrooblord. I remember spotting a few irregularities myself but I either totally forgot, or totally blew it off, haha. I guess I just skimmed over it.
                  • claudekennilol

                    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

                    If the whole sentence is "The Alien Head wards sickness," then it should not be changed to "The Alien Head ward off sickness." If anything, it's more right the first time. Though, I'd prefer to see it say "The Alien Head wards against sickness." (wards needs to keep the -s on the end)
                    • Shrooblord

                      Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                      No, I wasn't saying that the sentence should become "The Alien Head ward off sickness." If you look carefully at my post, you'll see I was using 'wards sickness' and 'ward off sickness' in the sentence, like in speech. It was not a quote, but more a way of quickly saying that there should be an 'off' in there. Maybe I should've been more clear, but I thought it was obvious.
                      The actual quote is
                      and I said
                      the alien head 'wards sickness'
                      which was not a direct quotation, but I was referring to the way it was put down in the game.

                      In any case,
                      should become
                      (but if you've played version, you'll see that the text right now does in fact read:)

                      Also, I just noticed this, but
                      The way it's described is actually fine, the first part of the sentence being a relative clause to 'this behemoth', but your suggestions work fine too.
                      • Shrooblord

                        Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                        I've got a new one: the description for Jar of Souls reads
                        which should be
                        • Seria-Myouna

                          Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

                          • Shrooblord

                            Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                            Hey I didn't even notice the 'an' mistake. Too focussed on the in-the-screen thing I guess. :p
                            • Neefy

                              Neefy Master Chief

                              This is the best thread ever
                              • Burby

                                Burby Phantasmal Quasar

                              • Shrooblord

                                Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                                I was wondering why they started to flop around on the floor after I killed all enemies...

                                (just for good measure: it should be heat-seeking)
                                  RXD and Burby like this.
                                • needsomemiracle

                                  needsomemiracle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  ~ Release edition! ~

                                  Prison shackles description:
                                  "We are shipping about.. 500, because we have nothing better to do with them then smelt them for steel, [...]."
                                  (should be three dots and "than" respectively).

                                  Time Keeper's Secret description: the same paragraph is pasted twice.

                                  Bandit's character select screen:
                                  "Smoke bomb
                                  Turn invisible. After 3 seconds or after using another ability, surpriseand stun enemies for 140% damage."
                                  (no space between "surprise" and "and")
                                  • needsomemiracle

                                    needsomemiracle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Instane Minefield description:
                                    "I know that hercules is simply held because of pride; we've blown any resources we could've mined into the stratosphere by now".
                                    • Shrooblord

                                      Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Monster Log for Child:
                                      should be

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