Space Map Concepts (With pictures)

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Alvin Flummox, May 12, 2012.


Would you like a solar system or individual planet based design for the star map?

  1. I would prefer a whole solar system displayed on the map

    32 vote(s)
  2. I would prefer to just have each planet stay separate

    4 vote(s)
  1. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    I did think about that, but it didn't really make sense to me when you'd clearly be able to at least see something about the planet from space. Having a big question mark wouldn't feel as 'realistic' to me if you get what I mean. You'd still get the excitement when entering a planet for the first time though! You'd have no idea what the procedurally generated system would actually have produced other than knowing the basic planet type :)

    I also didn't like the idea of completely limiting what planets you can enter without gear, as if you really want to go to a lava planet right without any protection then so be it. You probably just won't be staying alive for very long to enjoy it. There could be warnings as you land to tell you about unfavourable conditions, but I didn't want you to be physically limited if you really did want to try to have a look around.
  2. xboy777

    xboy777 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah I guess it still can be pretty exciting. And I would rather have everything be more realistic than not because it helps with the immersion factor. I said my head would be spinning because there would be so many different colors of planets to choose from and I'm going to be curious about every single one but would only be able to explore one at a time. I guess that's a good thing, though, lol.
    Sorry, your very right about that. Holding players back is never a good thing to do. Instead, give them options and warnings :)
    Alvin Flummox likes this.
  3. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Haha well there's definitely going to be a lot of choice about where to explore! But I think you're just gonna have to choose one to go to first ;) I'm going to be lke that for my homeworld, it'll be too hard to choose! Don't be sorry lol, you're allowed to have your own opinion, I just feel that completely limiting the players would be against the freedom feeling that they're aiming for. As long as there was something to tell you it was a bad idea I think players would get the message!
    xboy777 likes this.
  4. xboy777

    xboy777 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh I know I was thinking about that for my Homeworld, too. It will be fun seeing all of my procedurally generated options lol. Yeah I understand. It's a better design style than just forcing players into submission. I try to take in the best design concepts and styles because I plan on being a game designer/programmer someday and I love learning about design and the way things work in video games.
  5. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

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