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Some pretty worlds I found this morning whilst testing Rain

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiyuri, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Stompopolos

    Stompopolos Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

    The flowers in the first one look like Gems.
  2. A herpy derpy spiderp

    A herpy derpy spiderp Big Damn Hero

    *sees first pic* Amg I want Rupee flowers! So many Red Rupees! So many 20s!
    8Elliott likes this.
  3. Aramadon

    Aramadon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That looks so amazing :D You guys are doing an awesome job :3
  4. Dokter Fluffy

    Dokter Fluffy Orbital Explorer

    I absolutely love the visual diversity you have here. It will really keep things fresh and it looks awesome. Keep up the amazing work you guys. Looking forward to this more and more every day.
  5. Oh my god, the cursor looks so awesome guyyss the cursorrrr

    Also yes, I want those robo-trees that generate cotton candy leaves or something

    I wish the river[?] variation in the background was a bit more angled, though.
    Eh, nothing too serious about it- just my nitpicking.

    Oh, also, did you guys see the cursor? It looks so awesome.
    drcheesington and blind sniper like this.
  6. Vizendel

    Vizendel Pangalactic Porcupine

    Suika, you gotta remember that it's not even released yet. ;)
  7. Criticizing before stuff is done usually prevents a 'Blarg, too late bro' situation xD
  8. Vizendel

    Vizendel Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well you have a point.

    But.. Maybe, just maybe, that was next in Tiyuri's list, and it was all for nothing.

    (Who am I kidding? You only improved the game.)
  9. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    xD Everyone's pointing the cursor out when it's been on the first batch of screenshots they showed
    The pick was on the Igloo secret photo Tiy posted as well, nothing new there either ;)

  10. Richard Ma

    Richard Ma Void-Bound Voyager

    -points gun- Take my money, NOW!
  11. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love the rupee plants but am I the only one who thinks the background looks too plain?
    There's a lot of empty space and it looks kinda flat. If it just had little patches grass...
  12. Vizendel

    Vizendel Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like the moon/sun in the background.
  13. Iznano4nik

    Iznano4nik Big Damn Hero

    need new video:p
  14. A herpy derpy spiderp

    A herpy derpy spiderp Big Damn Hero

    Wait a second, those rupee plants arent red, they are orange!

    They are 100s! If I pick them all I'll be rich!... In HYRULE!
    But this is starbound, not Zelda. Unless... AMG Hyrule themed planet plawkz?
  15. Kane Hazzard

    Kane Hazzard Orbital Explorer

    I'm more excited for this game than any other major release this year. From what I've seen so far, this game looks incredible. Well done Tiy.
  16. Zman12380

    Zman12380 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. Kirby64

    Kirby64 Space Kumquat

    Please give me a extra life. I died. I want to play Starbound when it comes out.
  18. Duex

    Duex Cosmic Narwhal

    Dang, seriously cant wait for this game to come out, or at least some more game-play footage :D
  19. LadyAijou

    LadyAijou Phantasmal Quasar

    Just absolute WOW. As though we didn't want Starbound enough already!
  20. Aidoboy

    Aidoboy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Of everything, I think I like the cursor the best.
    I'm crazy, aren't I?

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