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So why do the floran hate the Hylotl?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Neonir, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    How do Florans reproduce? If it is something like their respawn animation, then they "plant" their babies on the ground (please, don't ask me for anymore details).

    Now imagine what would happen when one of those really annoying peace missionaries started eating their babies...

    Besides that, I agree with Xacris and RaideDuku, Hylotl are very tasty! I love Hylotl and chips. :)
  2. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    Florans dislike the Hylotl for a number of reasons. For one, they profess to love peace, and the Florans have a trembling enthusiasm for stabbing. Ideological differences tend to not make easy friendships. Secondly, Hylotl are strictly vegetarian, which kinda puts them at odds with the Florans, who are walking plants. Third, Hylotl worlds tend to be quite attractive to a Floran. Hylotl worlds tend to be rich in water and life. Water, to a Floran, is the third most precious natural resource a world can have, right after sunlight and prey, and Hylotl worlds tend to be abundant in all three. Finally, Hylotl have an arrogant streak and are constantly sending missionaries to "enlighten" other races - the Hylotl player-character is just one such missionary. The only thing that would make the Florans happier is if the missionaries included their own tartar sauce.

    As much as I like the Hylotl, they kinda had it coming when they revealed themselves to a race of carnivorous plantfolk to whom the greatest virtue is to shiv someone, eat them, and take their stuff as a trophy.
  3. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    So much assuming going on.
    LastDay, sρooκs, IronSabre and 4 others like this.
  4. Heliostorm

    Heliostorm Phantasmal Quasar

    Floran codex hints that the Hyotl at some point had a very aggressive interaction with them in the past.

    There's also this Floran npc line to Hyotls:

    IronSabre, Toyah9, WoxandWarf and 5 others like this.
  5. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    We are the Hylotl, missionaries of peace. All races deserve our help*.

    *Except you, Floran. You can all go fuck yourselves.
  6. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    Us Florans dislike those who break our cultural normality. Which is easy unless your a Floran yourself.
    Not eating meat that we give you, causing pain to our lesser plant life. I guess us Floran dislike Hylotls more so due to their need to spread their races "glory" from what Iv'e read in an abandoned codex.
  7. Xacris

    Xacris Pangalactic Porcupine

    fixed. Stabbing is the greatest natural resource the florans have. If they could fuel their ships with it, I'm sure they would. Without stabbing, they wouldn't have any technology at all.
    Colaymorak, LastDay, Lemuria and 3 others like this.
  8. Jco

    Jco Space Penguin Leader

    Haven't seen anything canon outside of this thread, but I think we can make some guesses. Of course we already know the Hylotl dislike the Floran's savagery, and that the Hylotls are missionaries of peace. Perhaps the Hylotl tried to "share their peace" with the Florans.

    "The Hylotls will save the Florans from themselves." Maybe?

    It's probably a bit much to say that the Hylotls would be pushed to break their pacifism to establish peace between Florans, but there are other things they could do. Deprive them of meat and flesh in an attempt to have them eat vegetables instead, take their land to make room for Hylotls missionaries, punish Florans for savagery, etc. Nothing the Florans would appreciate, I think. There are tons of stories of cultures attempting to impose their ideals on other cultures.

    Again, nothing canon, but an interesting idea, I think.
  9. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    I took all my info from Codex's :wut:
    Floran and Hylotl.
  10. Jco

    Jco Space Penguin Leader

    I know, and I'm glad to see someone taking from canon sources!
    I'm sorry, I hope I didn't seem to question that. I was trying to say that I wasn't using sources, and that what I proposed was just a fanon theory.
    Farathil likes this.
  11. Neonir

    Neonir Big Damn Hero

    One thing I dooooo know, is that hylotl believe that florans are sort of...a...err... well the words they used were: "Filth!" the Hylotl cried. "Have you no shame, standing here with your leaves and flowers, defying the very laws of nature?"

    Perhaps this view may have had something to do with it.

    THIS on the other hand, has me veeeeery intrigued.

    Because I did notice that, and I am quitre eager to find out what both mean, so if they were connected...well, I'd be excited.
  12. Bumber

    Bumber Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think it probably has something to do with the Hylotl trying to contain Floran expansion to the stars (due to their savagery and imperfection,) which would obviously result in much stabbing by the angered party. The Hylotl-Floran war probably occurred as a result of that, and is still fresh in both sides' minds.
  13. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    *begins to speak, then stops.*

    Okay y'know what, point taken.

    Keep in mind that the Florans did kick the Hylotl off their homeworld. Their hate may have become more than a little irrational at this point. Also, if I remember my codex logs right, that particular codex was written from a Floran viewpoint and may be biased or otherwise not exactly representing factional events.
  14. TheEveryman

    TheEveryman Big Damn Hero

    Ever watched a Hylotl inspect things? Specifically racial flags? I'm surprised EVERYONE doesn't hate them. They're pricks. Now, I'm not calling people who play Hylotls pricks, just the Hylotl as a race.
    ellenmedieors12, Lecic and Xefs like this.
  15. GoldenstarArtist

    GoldenstarArtist Cosmic Narwhal

    Well going based on the Floran nature, and knowing they Drove the hylotl into the seas (and in some cases off their homeplanets)

    The floran are a warrior race, and being the hylotl are more peaceful (and a touch bit up tight) - it seems likely the Floran don't like they cus they consider them to be weak; or not worth a fight. (In the starter codex the floran we start with for example is out to look for a better hunt.)

    In a nut shell I think it's a classic case of bullying, They pick on the hylotl due to their peaceful nature... And probably because they find it funny to piss off the up-tight race. - Makes perfect scene to me.
    Nomurah likes this.
  16. GoldenstarArtist

    GoldenstarArtist Cosmic Narwhal

    Florans from what I gather grow from pods or "cocoons" (As many will reference family as cocoon-kin) , as for actual reproduction there are actually many real plants on earth who strictly have male vs female parts, and much could probably be said for the floran. (meaning both males and females can have flowers, however the males would be the only ones with pollen, while the other produces seeds)

    And the seed they drop on death could simply be a safety measure or clone-copy of themselves; Much like many flowers have "blubs" - The whole plant could be destroyed, but if the bulb isn't too badly damage the plant will grow back. (or in this case, regrow a cocoon)
  17. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    Well, that is certainly more accurate. :)

    But I think I read somewhere that they are unisex, so they problably don't need the spores.
  18. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    That is really interesting. I guess there is a good story to discover when the game is ready.
  19. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    When someone listed lines that the Hylotl said on Reddit, I found myself liking them a lot less.

    I'm still going to play as a Hylotl, though. I like to think that Litagano III isn't a pompous asshole. He's different.
  20. mapsy

    mapsy Space Spelunker

    We're all different, born in a race but not forced to follow what they believe. Same thing as IRL. I started Hylotl and it was great, but then went Glitch and still followed the same ideals. We're individuals of a race, not the race itself.

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