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So... I can't get brains wall block off...

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by 2114, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. 2114

    2114 Space Hobo

    I was going through wall blocks, spawning some and placing them onto my ship wall to see how it would look. After I slapped on some brains block as a wall, I tried to right click the walling off with the pickaxe, like how you would usually take off background blocks. Cept these didn't come off. Am I screwed?
  2. Currie

    Currie Poptop Tamer

    If your pick is fully upgraded, it takes about 2.5 minutes to break brain blocks. Just keep holding that button.
  3. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    This is why you don't mess with things in a place you don't want to mess up. Use a throw away character on a throwaway world.
  4. Dodging Rain

    Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

    Outline the pattern of how you want your brain blocks first beforehand. That way when you do put the brain blocks, you are much less likely to make a mistake as the other block provide a drawing buffer.
  5. Littleman9Mew2

    Littleman9Mew2 Zero Gravity Genie

    I wish this game had a "you know that crap can't be broken right?" The "Brains" block was in olderversion and mining them is fine. So I think they just have a stupid large mining time.
  6. Dodging Rain

    Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

    There is a distinct sign of when something cannot be broken, when you use the MM on a group of tiles and end up with blue squares outlining the blocks are trying to mine. You can see this in effect when you try to mine anything from a mission (with the exception of the tower in the Baron's mission.)
  7. Littleman9Mew2

    Littleman9Mew2 Zero Gravity Genie

    I think you misunderstood the OP a bit.
    That just means that the area cannot be mined as the area is "protected" (a flag in the map that states the area be diggable), but with blocks that can be normally mined are effected by this as well as unobtainables.

    With the OP, he has unbreakable/unobtainable blocks, and these kind of blocks do the dig animation with cracks an all, but the block never pops off. A good example is the rock at the bottom of moons, they don't show the blue square, but cannot be mined (afaik). Or with him, the "brains" block that makes up the Ruin at the end of the game.

    SUPPOSEDLY, it was obtainable at one point, but they removed and purposed the block for the ruin.
  8. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    The brain block is breakable, it just has 2048 health, while the MM fully upgraded does about 5 damage per tick, which adds up to be about 2.5 minutes in order to break.
  9. Dodging Rain

    Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

    Mind over matter.
    Tsukistar likes this.
  10. Proginoskes

    Proginoskes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    /spawnitem fishaxe

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