[SMAPI]Question/Note about Multiplayer

Discussion in 'Mods' started by RiokuTheSlayer, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. RiokuTheSlayer

    RiokuTheSlayer Phantasmal Quasar

    Alright, so I was trying to start work on a multiplayer mod for Stardew Valley recently. Mostly right now I'm just looking at connecting to a server.

    So my first attempt is to use the Photon Networking (By ExitGames) realtime SDK for .NET.

    For some strange reason, the demos in the .NET sdk work fine, without any problems. But when I try to do anything in Stardew Valley through modding, it gets stuck on ConnectingToNameServer.

    Even copying all the files and just calling the main void when the game starts, it doesn't work.

    This can mean a few things though, first is that Stardew Valley somehow blocks connections so that the photon servers can't get through. The other option is that either my firewall is blocking it (I don't think it is, I checked) or I'm just being dumb.

    I have the source here if anyone wants to assist.

    I've done programming for a while and I can't tell why it wouldn't be working. The App-ID is correct, it's an app I made, actually. Works on the demos.

    I actually doubt SMAPI even has the ability to have working multiplayer in the state it's at, but hey, no harm in trying.
      foghorn likes this.

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