RELEASED [SMAPI] More Animals 3.0.2

Because a single pet is never enough!

  1. quirkyquark

    quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

    Got it, but this happens even if you have pet(s) upon each load of a savegame if it's a day the spouse is supposed to meet you outside. The profile correctly shows (one of) the pet(s).

    Edit: Just to be clear, it's a cosmetic nitpick and not a bug as such. No fixing needed and thank you for all your mods, as always :)
      Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      Like I said, it is *meant* to happen if you have no pets, but it *does* happen if for some reason the pet finding logic fails, and there are many reasons that might occur.
        quirkyquark likes this.
      • quirkyquark

        quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

        Thanks for the explanation, the pet-finding logic failing makes so much sense.
        • quirkyquark

          quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

          I don't know if MorePets depends on EntoFramework, but I updated to the latest EntoFramework/ALL and all my pets changed to the same sprite (3 dogs same, 3 cats same -- never adopted this "breed" of cat):

          • Kuriiyo

            Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

            So I get an error ever since adding MorePets to my mods - I downloaded and installed EntoFramework, and all my mods have been updated as best as I can manage, but it still happens and I don't get a box appearing at all... :( I also noticed a lot of "used Manifest.PerSaveConfigs, which is deprecated since SMAPI 1.0. This will break in a future version of SMAPI." stuff in my log file, so... Think you can help me figure this out? ><
            Inb4 I've done a dumb thing lmao.

              Attached Files:

            • Entoarox

              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

              Mod needs to be updated, added to todo list.
              Edit: Correcting, you need to update, you are using a old version.
              • Kuriiyo

                Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                ...I am? I downloaded and installed the latest version that was available. :( 1.2.1, correct?

                Edit: I reinstalled The framework and the mod, despite them being the same versions that I had already, and still doesn't work. x:
                  Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
                • quirkyquark

                  quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

                  Possible bug @Entoarox:

                  [03:57:14 INFO  SMAPI] Loaded mod: More Pets by Entoarox, see credits.txt for texture authors, v1.2.1 | Lets you adopt more pets, with skins of your choice!
                  [03:57:14 WARN  SMAPI] The More Pets mod failed on entry initialisation. It will still be loaded, but may not function correctly.
                  Failed loading type: Entoarox.Framework.DataLogger: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Entoarox.Framework.DataLogger' from assembly 'EntoaroxFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
                    at MorePets.MorePetsMod.Entry(Object[] objects)
                    at StardewModdingAPI.Program.LoadMods() in D:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\StardewModdingAPI\Program.cs:line 530
                  Could this be causing the all pets same skin issue I reported here? I verified that the savefile still contains different Manners attributes, which I understand is the skin for each morepet.

                  Edit: yeah, it's broken...the box by the bus-stop has disappeared.
                    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
                  • Kuriiyo

                    Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                    Could that possibly be the same issue causing it to not work for me? Though, saying that, I get the same error with the "Faster Paths" mod Ento did...
                    • quirkyquark

                      quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

                      Ento acknowledged in one of the other mods' threads that he needs to update the mod because of this DataLogger problem with the latest EntoFramework. Your log (at [15:12:50 WARN SMAPI]) shows the same error, so I imagine it will work after Ento updates it.
                        Kuriiyo likes this.
                      • Kuriiyo

                        Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

                        Okay, thanks a ton! I was worried it was something I'd messed up with, haha.
                        • Entoarox

                          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                        • quirkyquark

                          quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

                          Thanks for the quick fix! One request for whenever you package the next version - could you please include a PNG showing all 18 pet skins with numbers so that it's easier to figure out which one to replace when you've already adopted multiple pets? :)

                          Edit: I am dumb, there's an overview image in the first post!
                            Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
                          • Entoarox

                            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                            You do not need to replace, just add cat_10.xnb or dog_10.xnb and so forth, there is no hard-coded limit, the default set just comes bundled in for lazy people who want the mod to work `out of the box` so to speak :p
                            • quirkyquark

                              quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

                              Sorry, I know I read that before in the readme or in this thread somewhere...<frantically undoes deleted files and starts changing manners attributes> :)

                              Side question, not related to the mod as it possible to bound the pet NPCs to a specific area of the farm/farmhouse (would be useful on modified maps with a basement)? This would be handy for child NPCs too...
                              • Entoarox

                                Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                Unfortunately not as the mod currently is, I would have to override the pets with custom classes to modify their AI to make that possible, and it is unfortunately a very large task...
                                • quirkyquark

                                  quirkyquark Phantasmal Quasar

                                  No problem!

                                  Running into this error with 1.3.10 - tested with vanilla savefile & vanilla mod skins to be sure:

                                  [18:49:31 INFO  More Pets] Found [9] Cat and [9] Dog skins
                                  [18:49:31 ERROR SMAPI] A mod failed handling the GameEvents.UpdateTick event:
                                  System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
                                    at Entoarox.Framework.Extensions.GameLocationExtensions.SetTileProperty(GameLocation self, Int32 x, Int32 y, String layer, String key, String value) in d:\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\StardewMods\Framework\Extensions\GameLocationExtensions.cs:line 129
                                    at MorePets.MorePetsMod.GameEvents_UpdateTick(Object s, EventArgs e)
                                    at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.InternalExtensions.SafelyRaisePlainEvent(IMonitor monitor, String name, IEnumerable`1 handlers, Object sender, EventArgs args) in D:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\StardewModdingAPI\Framework\InternalExtensions.cs:line 32
                                  [18:49:31 TRACE Entoarox Framework] You have the latest available version of EntoaroxFramework installed.
                                  [18:49:31 ERROR SMAPI] A mod failed handling the GameEvents.UpdateTick event:
                                  System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
                                    at Entoarox.Framework.Extensions.GameLocationExtensions.SetTileProperty(GameLocation self, Int32 x, Int32 y, String layer, String key, String value) in d:\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\StardewMods\Framework\Extensions\GameLocationExtensions.cs:line 129
                                    at MorePets.MorePetsMod.GameEvents_UpdateTick(Object s, EventArgs e)
                                    at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.InternalExtensions.SafelyRaisePlainEvent(IMonitor monitor, String name, IEnumerable`1 handlers, Object sender, EventArgs args) in D:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\StardewModdingAPI\Framework\InternalExtensions.cs:line 32
                                  [18:49:31 TRACE Entoarox Framework] You have the latest available version of AdvancedLocationLoader installed.
                                  [18:49:31 ERROR Entoarox Framework] Could not check for updates to MorePets, if you are not connected to the internet you can ignore this error.
                                  [18:49:31 INFO  Entoarox Framework] Update checks have been completed.
                                  [18:49:31 ERROR SMAPI] A mod failed handling the GameEvents.UpdateTick event: .... repeats
                                  Edit: tested with no mods except framework & morepets to eliminate possibility of conflicts -- same problem. Full spammy log:
                                    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
                                  • Minakie

                                    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                    Last version is not working properly for me. Log on Discord.
                                      Zalkyria likes this.
                                    • Entoarox

                                      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                    • Zalkyria

                                      Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                      Latest bug for me is the animals will slide and lack some of their animations?

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