Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It looks really good but i suggest moving the painting in the first pic oh and you have a extra block on the left in the first one but it looks good!
    SyntaxError73 likes this.
  2. SyntaxError73

    SyntaxError73 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for pointing that out! It will be easy to fix.
  3. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    no problem.:nuruhappy:
  4. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I just made the control room into an apartment [​IMG]
  5. matrix1368

    matrix1368 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like the idea to add a new floor above the cockpit. Nice!
  6. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    well I felt that all that empty space didn't need to be left empty, also I made a stage/concert area thing [​IMG]
    The Squid, TheFloranChef and MitKit like this.
  7. dareddevil7

    dareddevil7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    And now I've made a shopping thing, the room with the force cell being like some kind of relaxation tube.
    Seajun_, The Squid, Parrotte and 2 others like this.
  8. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well another build by me hope you like it. of course its more of a town then a house but there is no show of your town/colony so whatever.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
    Ickura and TheFloranChef like this.
  9. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    oh i'm sure they will [doing a quest to get a human colonist but the house looks bad witch is the joke]
  10. Parrotte

    Parrotte Supernova

    Well, they're all houses which you built, so in a way they're still your houses. :D
    Also, I really like the last house, the blue one. I don't really paint much, but I guess it can help bring more detail to your house.
    Also, bottom floor, bottom back wall shingles, one off the right door. You missed a spot. ;)
  11. Campaigner

    Campaigner Giant Laser Beams

    It may not be as stylish as what other folks have made, but I enjoy my commie blocks enough that I spruce them up a little. This is from the nightly, and also spoils a little from what I'm working on for my main mod.


    The brown statues and tenants are part of my mod. The rest is normal and Nightly stuff. The Sprinkler reaches a long distance, so crops are easy to water. I also picked a pretty confined area, hence the bad number of crops. I also don't use a bed. Sleep is for the weak.
  12. Westu

    Westu Aquatic Astronaut

    20160606172040_1.jpg 20160606172051_1.jpg

    A little hubworld for all of my characters

    Masta Killa and TheFloranChef like this.
  13. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm glad you like it and yeah painting does help sometimes. thank you for telling me i will fix it right away:nuruhappy:
  14. Sharp(JQ)

    Sharp(JQ) Ketchup Robot

    My house - this is a ship. :)
  15. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    am i the only one who doesn't see it?
  16. Parrotte

    Parrotte Supernova

    I think there was no picture attached. Otherwise, nope, can't see it.
  17. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah that's what I fought.
  18. PyreStarite

    PyreStarite Space Kumquat

    Creeper fought the picture and scared it away, that is why we can't see it.
  19. Sharp(JQ)

    Sharp(JQ) Ketchup Robot

    They are all the same. It is not Windforge.
  20. creeper22

    creeper22 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    what does that mean?

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