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Share your experiences in Starbound.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by The Great Mighty Avian, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Well, I finally worked so hard to make my first distress beacon. Of course being ready for anything, but I had in my mind at the time that the distress beacon would be like rolling dice, hopefully if you are lucky you'll actually get help or some companion buddy.


    I later found out that there is no good thing from it. Since then, I hated penguins.
  2. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    Yzzey and macodelo like this.
  3. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    MacoDelo looks down at the penguin and stared for a good few seconds. He let off a big sign, squinted he eyes with his hand clasping the bridge of his nose. He then looks to his right, relaxed his posture, and tucked his hands in his pockets and said,

    "Well, I guess I can make an exception..."

    The penguin heard this and from tears of subjection became tears of joy.
    Yzzey and rhomboid like this.
  4. The Great Mighty Avian

    The Great Mighty Avian Poptop Tamer

    I thought it would be a good Idea to Perma Death. I died 3 minutes after getting on my planet.
    The | Suit and Dreynguid like this.
  5. ravenscroftranch

    ravenscroftranch Industrial Terraformer

    i got alot of coal got the copper gear and started going to random planets ...

    found a village that was made out of trees avians were yelling at me.. i dident know why (i was runnign about wit h my weapon out)

    so they finaly got sick of me and tryed to evict me... i had to kill the gaurds they had guns... wheres my gun !!!!!
    so after slaughtering the village the towns people ran into a nearby cave that had a acid pit near the opening... they died :(

    so i raided the village wondering why everyone got so upset....
    decided that the planet was a good place to set as home so i moved into the ghost village ...

    started building a village wit hbridges up in the big trees then decided to look underground found mushroom people... they were meaner then the avians so killed them raided their houses.... why do mushrooms have such nice things!!!!

    and then... game crash... try restart game crash... give up.. try more still have issues but game no longer crashs.. so decided not to build but to go through content ... advanced killed ufo with a bow and arrow...

    killed robot with bow and arrow.

    renamed bow andf arrow epic boss smiter and food producer....
    made a base built lots of things gathered build more things gathered built more things... ran out of things to build.... got bored stoped playing... played other things till more things to build...
  6. drakd

    drakd Void-Bound Voyager

    Log into Steam. Start up game. Get error code and game won't start. Do all the instructions for making the Nightly build work. Load up game. Error code. Close game. That's about it for about 3 months now. Just waiting for stable updates from now on and going to stay away from Nightly.
  7. Treldent02

    Treldent02 Orbital Explorer

    When i discovered the amazing grappling bug, flying around my ship, that was fun
  8. Severite

    Severite Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Testing to see if there was anyway to get my old character, or my main base to play in the nightlies (as expected, the file formats for either are not compatible, lol) I ended up corrupting, and having to delete the whole universe folder. So, I ended up looking for a new home, and found a nice enough forest planet. Chose out a plot, cleaned it up, and put down my preliminaries, when out of a clear sky giant meteors come flying out, putting nice size dents in my steel walkways, so, I pulled out my obsidian, and started lining a nice thick layer of it over my superstructure. Reaching the end of my walkyway, I realized if I thought it was destructive on my steel, it was utterly catastrophic on the countryside. I did what any self respecting Starbounder would do, and terraformed the entire planet in 150 blocks thick worth of obsidian, burried my structure and made it completely even across the top, 62 blocks the thick on the highest mountain. No nothing lives there but birds, and me. Oh, and apparently that somehow borked the weather, because meteors never fall anymore.
    Yzzey likes this.

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