Digital Shadow's Ninjotic Art + Requests

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by ReverseShadow, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Kloudy

    Kloudy Phantasmal Quasar

    Nice art man! It's really good. And do you mind if I request something? I would like a portrait picture similar to the one you did for The Mute One. What my character looks like is in my current avatar.

    By any means, don't rush because you're doing this for free and you're doing something great for the community so well done :)
    ReverseShadow likes this.
  2. Absolutely! I don't mind all the requests, they just give me stuff do in my free-time. I love art, and I love Starbound, so its a win-win situation for everyone :ninja:
    Kloudy likes this.
  3. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    I am going to make a request....mebe.
  4. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    I sure do hope that Reverse doesn't get flooded for requests.
  5. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    [​IMG] Can you make art like you did with Mute's using this? If you can I will be forever grateful.
  6. The Mute One

    The Mute One Phantasmal Quasar

    Why the sudden request flood from the Space Pirates? :rofl:

    But anyway, great job on Kirby's picture Reverse! That's adorable. I just want to hug it. <3
    ReverseShadow likes this.
  7. Thanks! And Torang, ill get on it as soon as I can!
    Torang12 likes this.
  8. Vladimir 3.22

    Vladimir 3.22 Zero Gravity Genie

    hello there if you are not to busy and this cookie:cookie: is not going to eat its self. could you just make a pie yes just a pie like the one in my avatar.
  9. hahaa ok!
    Vladimir 3.22 likes this.
  10. Vladimir 3.22

    Vladimir 3.22 Zero Gravity Genie

    may all the cookies come to you.:cookie:
  11. Here's the pic for Ravenous! This one was a bit difficult (I swear there is only one picture of the darned rats on the whole internet!)
    Vermin Pic.png

  12. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    There was my avatar and this one[​IMG].
    To the more important subject: That is an awesome avatar! Thanks!
    Vladimir 3.22 and ReverseShadow like this.
  13. Vladimir 3.22

    Vladimir 3.22 Zero Gravity Genie

    the ratsss they eat stuff and my five arm that day god it hurt.
  14. Nodnarbtocs

    Nodnarbtocs Orbital Explorer

    From what I understood from your post I'm supposed to make my request here? XP
    Vladimir 3.22 likes this.
  15. Vladimir 3.22

    Vladimir 3.22 Zero Gravity Genie

    yep and there plenty of off topic things too have fun .
  16. If you'd like :)
  17. Nodnarbtocs

    Nodnarbtocs Orbital Explorer

    XP derp ok then; let me think it through for an hour or two X3 also love your badge work, I hope they get used in game.
  18. This one is already in use: Stardew badge 5.png
  19. Nodnarbtocs

    Nodnarbtocs Orbital Explorer

    nice <3 also figured out what I'm looking for. :love:
  20. :iswydt:

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