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Server Help Server accounts

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Dentior, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Dentior

    Dentior Void-Bound Voyager

    I updated starbound and now the server I'm hosting is asking me for an account and password? I can't login because no such accounts exist... Can anyone point me in the right direction of adding accounts and/or what's going on? :catface2:

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  2. Mastah

    Mastah Seal Broken

    Same problem. I've backed up the config file, moved it and restarted the server, hoping for a new config line, but actually nothing new.
  3. kashiro

    kashiro Space Hobo

    Seems like a new feature they added. The only related thing I could find seems to be a file called "accesscontrol.config", which can be found in the Universe folder in your Starbound folder.

    It looks like this file can be used to add accounts and ban accounts..
  4. Dentior

    Dentior Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll peek there, see if I can fix something up. I'll report back what I come up with...
  5. lordglythglyth

    lordglythglyth Pangalactic Porcupine

    let me know when u guyys figure out this vague feature0.0
  6. Nashable

    Nashable Lucky Number 13

    Leave the server account blank and you should be okay to use normal server PW
  7. SkyeAuroline

    SkyeAuroline Yeah, You!

    I've tried this out already, no dice. Testing it myself now with a newly-edited accesscontrol.config.

    EDIT: No dice. Editing AccessControl made the server crash. Huh.
  8. Wolfofthenyght

    Wolfofthenyght Big Damn Hero

    I just tried doing this:
    "accounts" : {ScarletClaw
    "bannedAccountNames" : [ ],
    "bannedAddresses" : [ ],
    "bannedPlayerNames" : [ ]

    But no such luck, still got wrong password.
  9. Dentior

    Dentior Void-Bound Voyager

    No luck, still get the wrong password notification
  10. EnviMea

    EnviMea Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Regardless of if I enter in something or leave it blank, it appears to crash my game. Same goes for my boyfriend and several of my server players.
  11. Dentior

    Dentior Void-Bound Voyager

    Most of what I try seems to give me access violations, or just does nothing. Not much I can think of at this point. :wut:
    It shouldn't be long before this reached the devs ears, since most of us seem to be having such an issue. I'll wait it out. :laugh:
  12. lordglythglyth

    lordglythglyth Pangalactic Porcupine

    i donohow to password protect my server or even be a super admin on it please help?

    i have severe greifer promblems

    "audioChannels" : 2,
    "authHostname" : "auth.playstarbound.com",
    "audioChannelSeparation" : [ -25, 25 ],
    "clearUniverseFiles" : false,
    "musicVol" : 100,
    "checkAssetsDigest" : false,
    "rootKey" : "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",
    "serverPasswords" : [ "", "duckies", "swordfish" ],
    "maximizedResolution" : [ 1000, 600 ],
    "maxFrameskip" : 5,
    "pixelRatioIdx" : 3,
    "allowAdminCommands" : true,
    "allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone" : true,
    "clearPlayerFiles" : false,
    "defaultWorldCoordinate" : "alpha:-84936662:-62554636:-13754701:6:12",
    "fullscreen" : false,
    "renderPriority" : true,
    "sfxVol" : 100,
    "gamePort" : 21025,
    "controlPort" : 21026,
    "fullscreenResolution" : [ 1920, 1080 ],
    "authPort" : 21027,
    "claimFile" : "indev.claim",
    "passwordHash" : "",
    "windowTitle" : "Starbound - Beta",
    "vsync" : true,
    "renderSleep" : true,
    "waitForUpdate" : true,
    "sampleRate" : 44100,
    "renderPreSleepRemainder" : 4,
    "username" : "hayth",
    "title.connectionString" : "",
    "crafting.filterHaveMaterials" : false,
    "speechBubbles" : true,
    "zoomLevel" : 3,
    "upnpPortForwarding" : true,
    "maximized" : true,
    "windowedResolution" : [ 1000, 600 ],
    "attemptAuthentication" : false,
    "useDefaultWorldCoordinate" : false
  13. Wolfofthenyght

    Wolfofthenyght Big Damn Hero

    If you need to change your server password open defaultconfiguration.config The section you are looking for is:

    "serverPasswords" : [

    Type your desired password between "". I have not been able to connect to my server though when it's passworded, even before the patch.
  14. Sezotove

    Sezotove Space Spelunker

    Use your ip, and dont leve the Server Account or w/e blank you have to put a space in it.. So press the spacebar and then type the password and you should be good.
  15. Dentior

    Dentior Void-Bound Voyager

    Try and use your "starbound.config" file located in "C:\Everything\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound" That's what I had to edit to place a password in.
  16. Dentior

    Dentior Void-Bound Voyager

    Holy crap this worked... :lod:
  17. thegreekman

    thegreekman Space Hobo

    I just ran the server as admin and it worked
  18. Wolfofthenyght

    Wolfofthenyght Big Damn Hero

    Holy crap! Worked :D Thank youuuu! <3
  19. Sezotove

    Sezotove Space Spelunker

    Lol you're welcome. I would think you can edit the default_config file in the assets folder AND/OR the Starbound Config file in the starbound file and remove the space or change the name all together and it would fix this problem.
  20. GSGregory

    GSGregory Ketchup Robot

    So besides a bunch of people finding out they need to edit the starbound.config instead...
    Anyone actually figure out what the server account is for/

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