September 30th - Make it work!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Halon

    Halon Phantasmal Quasar

    I was never that fond of rocky whiskey, especially the crunchy variety
  2. chubchubrecon

    chubchubrecon Void-Bound Voyager

    Alcohol won't freeze nearly as easily as water. Whiskey's freezing temperature would be around -82 F. So expect to have to go somewhere very cold to chill that bottle.
  3. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i tryed the nightly and i coulnt drink Tentacle Juice


    maybe they havnt added it in yet =/
  4. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    It is always good when biomes feel more unique.
    I just wish the ore system was also unique to the planet, instead of just the surface.

    If they just finished the update now. It would be in the next update not the current one. So chances are it will be out at 6am Greenwich.
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  5. IcyLucario

    IcyLucario Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Anyone else want to drink poison water for no reason now?
  6. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Not...really, no.

    But go ahead, knock yourself out...
    Kawa likes this.
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I see what you did there, you sneaky little...
  8. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Here they are now, the latest diffs. Don't be confused by the output -- stuff moved.
    [NEW] items\armors\decorative\hats\reed\head.png
    [NEW] items\armors\decorative\hats\reed\icons.png
    [NEW] items\armors\decorative\hats\reed\mask.png
    [NEW] items\armors\decorative\hats\reed\reed.head
    [NEW] items\generic\crafting\wildvines.item
    [NEW] items\generic\crafting\wildvines.png
    [NEW] items\guns\biome\reed\blowgun.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\biome\reed\blowgun.png
    [NEW] items\guns\biome\spring\pollenpump.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\biome\spring\pollenpump.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\biome\spring\pollenpump.png
    [NEW] items\guns\biome\spring\pollenpumpicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bow.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bow.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bowfull.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bowfull.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bowicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bubblegun.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bubblegun.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\bubblegunicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\buster.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\buster.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\buster.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\cupidsbow.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\cupidsbow.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\cupidsbowfull.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\cupidsbowfull.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\cupidsbowicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\generic-bulletrocket.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\generic-energy-icon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\heartstringbow.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\heartstringbow.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\heartstringbow.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\heartstringbowicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\icechucker.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\icechucker.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\icechuckericon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\ironbow.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\ironbow.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\ironbowfull.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\ironbowfull.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\ironbowicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\ptester.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\rocket1.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\steelbow.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\steelbow.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\steelbowfull.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\steelbowfull.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\steelbowicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\test.lua
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\titaniumbow.frames
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\titaniumbow.gun
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\titaniumbow.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\titaniumbowicon.png
    [NEW] items\guns\unsorted\waterballoongun.gun
    [NEW] items\materials\petalblock.matitem
    [NEW] items\materials\petalblock.png
    [NEW] items\materials\reeds.matitem
    [NEW] items\materials\reeds.png
    [NEW] leveling\pollenpump.functions
    [NEW] projectiles\explosions\electricexplosion\electricexplosion.config
    [NEW] projectiles\explosions\electricexplosion\electricexplosion.frames
    [NEW] projectiles\explosions\electricexplosion\electricexplosion.png
    [NEW] projectiles\explosions\electricexplosion\electricexplosion.projectile
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\pollenpumpgas\icon.png
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\pollenpumpgas\pollenpumpgas.frames
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\pollenpumpgas\pollenpumpgas.png
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\pollenpumpgas\pollenpumpgas.projectile
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\reed\icon.png
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\reed\reed.frames
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\reed\reed.png
    [NEW] projectiles\guns\unsorted\reed\reed.projectile
    [NEW] recipes\weapons\other\molotov.recipe
    [NEW] sfx\gun\blowgun1.wav
    [NEW] sfx\gun\blowgun2.wav
    [NEW] sfx\gun\blowgun3.wav
    [NEW] tiles\materials\petalblock.material
    [NEW] tiles\materials\petalblock.png
    [NEW] tiles\materials\reeds.material
    [NEW] tiles\materials\reeds.png
    < }
    > },
    > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [
    > "molotov"
    > ]
    < "damagePoly" : [ [-36, 0], [-24, -24], [0, -36], [24, -24], [36, 0] ],
    > "damagePoly" : [ [-22, -15], [-16, -30], [0, -38], [16, -30], [22, -15], [16, 0], [0, 8], [-16, 0] ],
    < "damagePoly" : [ [-18, 0], [-12, -12], [0, -18], [12, -12], [18, 0], [12, 12], [0, 18], [-12, 12] ],
    > "damagePoly" : [ [-4, 24],[4, 24], [4, 0], [-4, 0] ],
    > "statusEffects" : [
    > {
    > "kind" : "tarslow",
    > "duration" : 3,
    > "primitives" : [
    > { "name" : "jumpboost", "percentage" : -20, "mode" : "min" },
    > { "name" : "runboost", "percentage" : -25, "mode" : "min" }
    > ]
    > }
    > ],
    > "damagePoly" : [ [-6, 6],[6, 6], [6, -6], [-6, -6] ],
    < "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "weapons", "all" ]
    > "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "tools", "all" ]
  9. Atheon

    Atheon Orbital Explorer

    Pure awesomeness!
  10. Phantaeon

    Phantaeon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Finally I can craft my Phoenix Emblems. Ever since I used my first one I was in love. They're pretty rare but so awesome. I'd think the crafting recipe requires Magmarock. I hope Chucklefish don't troll us and make some throwable weapons need other throwable weapons to craft them. I can just imagine the rage.
  11. SupertankerZambda

    SupertankerZambda Void-Bound Voyager

    I imagine that some sort of "herbal tea" or something that gives a healing and energy regeneration rate that you can make early on will come out of this at some point.
    Will Florans be able to collect and drink bottles of blood from monsters as their equivalent?
  12. Twitch89

    Twitch89 Void-Bound Voyager

    Space is cold ;)
  13. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Is it?
    Jafetgx, Jonesy and BloodyFingers like this.
  14. purpleskin

    purpleskin Space Spelunker

    So is nightly busted for everyone or is it just me?
  15. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    ...Can we drink poison?
    Or... lava?
    Sounds fun.
  16. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time



    Kawa and Jonesy like this.
  17. Gothboy77

    Gothboy77 Industrial Terraformer

    Jafetgx likes this.
  18. MrStrangerPL

    MrStrangerPL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now I really miss this ,,putting food on things'' feature (Bowls with salad on tables etc). Why? Imagine homemade Lava Lamp, made with some bottled lava. :D
  19. Connorses

    Connorses Big Damn Hero

    I think you could realistically bottle something without being at a table, unless it's hard to fasten the lid or something... Whatever. :p
  20. MithranArkanere

    MithranArkanere Space Kumquat

    It'll be possible to make different races consume things differently?

    For example, a novakid could simply throw an entire bottle of drink inside of themselves, bottle itself and all, to let it be consumed by the fire, instead chugging it.

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