September 14th & 15th Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    If only we had the, bear necessities Armagon, Those can not do without beta necessities of life o/~
    (Its a joke, nobody freak :p)
  2. Zeek931

    Zeek931 Space Spelunker

    Just a little bit longer *hint* *hint*.
  3. jeffhunter12

    jeffhunter12 Void-Bound Voyager

    A "bit" longer? then u better keep your word mister!
    Paddon and Rex Chestington like this.
  4. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    Actually it doesn't matter at all if people stray away from it now. All those people that are saying now that they lot interest or that they cancelled their preorder will be back as soon as the game releases, that is for sure. It is just their current impatience that drives them to say such things. So no reason to worry about anything there.
  5. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    "Please bear with us a bit longer!"
    I hate it when you people use words like bit. Just go ahead and come out of the closet. Go on and say its going to be 3 months before beta is out.
    The number of times you continually string the community along with vagueness is killing me.
    And you know what? If the beta came out before this deadline you set- I wouldn't be angry. I would download and enjoy the game. But enough with Soon™ already. Seriously now.
  6. Sinaqui

    Sinaqui Title Not Found

    Will wiring be on a separate layer from blocks and/or can wiring be embedded into blocks?
    tassina and WilliamWallace like this.
  7. Ninjabean123

    Ninjabean123 Master Chief

    This made my day happy.
  8. WilliamWallace

    WilliamWallace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Half-Life 3 confirmed.
    Blue Hair, Pingeh, onerb2 and 4 others like this.
  9. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Looking good. I'm liking the dungeon.
  10. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    Sounds awesome, hope your main storyline quests are just as detailed. :D
  11. GodBlock

    GodBlock Orbital Explorer

    I had been following these updates with hopes it would lead to a beta before, you know, GTA V.

    Doesn't look like it now though, see you all in 2014!!
  12. Glitch1500

    Glitch1500 Aquatic Astronaut

    I hope I see a cell with 'What if they get me!?' written on the wall :sneaky:
  13. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    I'm sure a lot of people will be very pleased to have Auto Turrets and Security Cameras confirmed.

    I'm personally much more excited to see the limits of what the dungeon generator can do.

    The NPC behavior is also a huge deal, and I bet a lot of players don't even realize how much this will effect them.

    Big thumbs up for yet another amazing update.
    tassina and onerb2 like this.
  14. Belgoliad

    Belgoliad Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah man. That dungeon is looking *TIIIIIGHT.*
    Gotta ask though, can I peel that text off the wall and put it somewhere else? Like if I want my outside toilet to say "They said they would come back," could that be done? Because it'd be a hilarious way to show the conquest of a (presumably) challenging dungeon: Displaying filched wall words in the lavatory.
    tassina and RaptorAnton like this.
  15. Difiv3

    Difiv3 Space Spelunker

    Omg looks so cool :'D
  16. Emilgardis

    Emilgardis Phantasmal Quasar

    Cool! I'm definitely a huge fan of the wiring system! Awesome for defending bases and all.
    One thing though, the glitch spies(cameras) are a little big, you'd think that they'd become smaller with all the time.
    Silican Beat and tassina like this.
  17. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    "Please bear with us a bit longer!"

    WiiU and Oculus Rift versions confirmed.
    tassina, Lord Hatty and onerb2 like this.
  18. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Aww yeah!
    I'm so gonna wire up cameras and turrets to protect my base from mobs and enjoy the carnage! ;)

    Also that prison dungeon is looking really cool.
    I like how Starbound has extreme silliness (Space Pirate Penguins?! Living poop?!) but also grim stuff like these creepy prisons.
    tassina, onerb2 and Duke like this.
  19. Tool_dc

    Tool_dc Aquatic Astronaut

    Those screens are pure awesomeness. Keep up the good work guys and take your time!
  20. Diagnosan

    Diagnosan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Alright. The wall writing really has my interest. We've seen a few different styles now in the snapshots. Can players do this, and if so how?
    tassina and onerb2 like this.

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