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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vahnkiljoy, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Did you check your health bar while picking it up? Also, doesn't its description on pick-up say some stats? I know those are part of the reference, but still…
    • Crimbo Hardstyle

      Crimbo Hardstyle Big Damn Hero

      I pick it up every time I'm able to access the area and I've never been able to discern any changes from picking it up. It is a mystery.
      • Shrooblord

        Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

        The description is rather elusive too:

        Str up 2>5m or better offer @@@@@@

        Or something like that.
        • Venom

          Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

          The reason the description is saying that is because about 5 years ago in the game MapleStory (Where this is referring to).
          You would train at this place called pig's beach all day and find white t-shirts that gave +2 str or some other stat +2

          People would take these and go to the freemarket spamming S> White t-shirt +2 str. Offer me! @@@@@@@@@@

          They would use the ''@'' to make the chat balloons rise above other players so they could see it.
          I don't think it has a real use in risk of rain yet however.
            Rawrquaza likes this.
          • hopoo

            hopoo Risk of Rain Developer Developer

            It actually increases armor by 3, just like the shirt does in MS :X
            • Shrooblord

              Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

              I guess what was confusing me was that I expected the effects of the Boarlet to be caused by the shirt, leading to believe it should grant some evasion chance somehow.
              That's pretty useful!
              • hextorHD

                hextorHD Big Damn Hero

                • Masterrulax

                  Masterrulax Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  Hopoo that Maplestory cameo like was an awesome add, this game is going to be awesome... cant stop playing it
                  • Goo Poni

                    Goo Poni Sandwich Man

                    I would love to see more secrets like that. Slyly add them in and tell no-one in the patch notes and see how long till the community stumbles across them. References galore, perhaps a Dev land with pixelated pictures of everyone staring creepily at the player. :rofl:
                      Draken09 likes this.
                    • joey4track

                      joey4track Ketchup Robot

                      Who says there aren't any more in there already? :mwahaha:
                        Rawrquaza, Noc and Draken09 like this.
                      • hopoo

                        hopoo Risk of Rain Developer Developer

                        I actually added this random skewed/weird golem in the middle of nowhere that says creepy text then opens your disk drive. I forgot about it a while after and then it freaked me really bad out when I saw it again, so I took it out.
                        • Burby

                          Burby Phantasmal Quasar

                          Oh my god, I would love to see what that originally looked like. A secret like that is amazing, could be one of those random occurrences like the Meat Ninja teaser in Super Meat Boy.
                          • Vahnkiljoy

                            Vahnkiljoy Ketchup Robot

                            MUST.HAVE. NAO!!
                              joey4track and Active Link like this.

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