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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vahnkiljoy, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Shrooblord

    Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

    It very much so is, Dennis! I believe there's more to that secret too, but you'll need some specific items to find out...
    • Dennis

      Dennis Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I'm still alive in that same run, if I find more movement-enhancing items I'll try to go up there.
      • Vahnkiljoy

        Vahnkiljoy Ketchup Robot

        Possibly, nice find, though gotta have a working jetpack or enough broken ones to get up there.
        • Crimbo Hardstyle

          Crimbo Hardstyle Big Damn Hero

          I haven't tried it in the most recent version, but in a previous version I went there with a ton of broken jetpacks and there was an invisible wall blocking me from jumping up onto the platforms, so as far as I could tell there wasn't anything more to it.
          • natelovesyou

            natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

            It kinda is, a secret side area with a chest, yes. :) Or, well, mine had a chest at least.
            • DNLK

              DNLK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Not quite: this is a bit obvious thing.
              • Dennis

                Dennis Subatomic Cosmonaut

                I was talking mostly about the fact there's a path going up, and I DID have to take damage to get there in the first place.

                I got to Magma Barracks twice with 6 rusty jetpacks, the layout was different and that particular place was not there anymore, if anyone happens to get there with jetpacks, can you try to go up again?
                • natelovesyou

                  natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

                  I had 9 broken jetpacks. Proof in the video in this topic. It still wasn't enough at all to get up, and I also had the item that says "No hands" for its description (green flames, time limited flight). It just keeps going up and I never saw a ledge.
                  • Dennis

                    Dennis Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    Oh, I see. Thanks for the answer!
                    • Burby

                      Burby Phantasmal Quasar

                      Ah yes, that place was there since the first version of the stage. I've also tried going up there with multiple Photon Jetpacks, it turns out you end up at an invisible ceiling then.
                      • Shrooblord

                        Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                        That's too bad. I believe it calls for a secret area!
                          Draken09 likes this.
                        • Draken09

                          Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

                          True, but the secret (I think "Hidden" is more appropriate in this case) chest is still nice.
                          • arcticwolf15

                            arcticwolf15 Phantasmal Quasar

                            In all honesty, I really hope this turns into something like the City of Gold in Spelunky. (Essentially find items/do challenges earlier, unlock secret level later)
                              Venom, Burby, AbeX300 and 2 others like this.
                            • BlastRed

                              BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

                              Were you using a xbox360 controller? if so
                              HOW DO YOU CONNECT IT TO A PC? D;
                              • Rawrquaza

                                Rawrquaza Existential Complex

                                You need a special wireless adapter for a wireless controller, or you need a special controller. You can't connect regular controllers, unfortunately. :/
                                • Shrooblord

                                  Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Also, if you plan on using a USB headset or microphone with your wireless receiver, be ready to buy an external USB hub, because the two aren't friends!
                                  • BlastRed

                                    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

                                    Figured out on how to get a ps3 controller working for this game.
                                    (with a usb) this also works for xbox.
                                    Posting a thread about it about now
                                    • meow247

                                      meow247 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      nope.. i've been up there and there is a invisible wall border thingy
                                      • Shrooblord

                                        Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                                        So I've been farming Boar Beach a couple of times but can't figure out whether or not the White Shirt item you get from that one Boarlet does anything. My preliminary guess is no, since I've seen no noticable effects. From what I can tell by the Boarlet, it's supposed to give you massive evade chance, making about 70% of attacks DODGE. I'm not sure if the item should transfer as much evade chance as that to the player (I would assume not) but so far I haven't dodged a single attack with up to 3 Shirts in my possession. Ideas?
                                        • Fatalerror66

                                          Fatalerror66 Space Hobo

                                          awesome great find man

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