Scareyew Valley (A Halloween Mod)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ProphetSix, May 30, 2017.

  1. ProphetSix

    ProphetSix Starship Captain

    A work in progress, basically just trying to make my farm spooky :) Still figuring out how to work on the farm map and stuff. But here is where I'm at now.

    it's raining blood as I ride my ghost horse & I tour my farm, complete with haunted buildings, and I harvest zombie honey from my cemetery :nuruconfused:

    I haven't gotten to far, I'm not sure how far I want to take this, whether it's the farm, or the entire town :nuruevil:

    but what do u guys think? Anyone interested in helping me? :) I can do the sprites, and if anyone knows how to work custom graphics into the maps, I'd be super happy to get help... I'm clueless in that department lol!
      MasterYoba and Powerwing Amber like this.
    • Lilliput

      Lilliput Supernova

      How delightfully un-livable that spooky farm is. Well, as someone who's spent the past couple of months theming a spooky farm, I can suggest a few additions from these mods:
      I also suggest posting your tile sheets and the building graphics for a closer look, I can only make out a few details on the video.
      I made a few custom building variants for my own setup (Ali's witchy buildings are lovely but I needed to adjust the chimney for the fireplace smoke, and while I was at it I put a few bats under the eaves) and created a custom set of wallpapers/flooring tiles for the Victorian gothic look, as well as a cast-iron stove because the electric range just didn't match well...


      EDIT: Also, I'll humbly suggest a name change. Ever consider calling it /Star-boo Valley/?
        Last edited: May 30, 2017
        nekoCrimson likes this.
      • LuthienNightwolf

        LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

        Tagging @Sugar-Fable because you were wanting to do something like this. Maybe you guys can team up?
          Sugar-Fable likes this.
        • ProphetSix

          ProphetSix Starship Captain

          I can even do music for it: ) I'm thinking of making "stardew valley" quality scores for the great horror films like halloween, friday the 13th and other great stuff! :D
          • ProphetSix

            ProphetSix Starship Captain

            Here's an update! I think I've made quite alot of progress in just a few days haha :p

            Monster In Pool Of Blood - Water Obelisk Mod (need to make blood less bright...)
            Cauldron - Earth Obelisk
            Skulls in water / zombie hands too!
            Pumpkins and color mod farm/town
            More ghostly horse
            Fruit trees are all dead :D
            Blood rain
            Skull cave (don't remember who made this one, wasn't me, but had to have it :p)

            What do you guys think so far? :D
              Sugar-Fable likes this.
            • Lilliput

              Lilliput Supernova

              The farm cave is from Karmyllas edits. I believe she has formally requested that modders ask before including her work in other mods. It is probably a good idea to drop her a note and let her know.

              Other than that caveat, I really like what you're doing with this so far. My own tastes run towards the spooky rather than the gory, so I appreciate the pumpkins and cobwebs more than the rain of blood, but overall I'm enjoying seeing this work. (And I'm not giving up my witch's flying broom for a ghost horse, anyhow.)
              • Jack Of Shades

                Jack Of Shades Pangalactic Porcupine

                You're capturing my spooky side. I am obsessed with All Hallows Eve (Halloween) and anything relating to it, pagan or otherwise. :D I like where this is going, and I appreciate the witch on top of the roof. The rain is a nice touch, I'd just recommend making it more "fake" looking. Otherwise one wouldn't notice it. And by that I mean, make it a bit lighter in color as far as red. But that's entirely up to you. I am good with it now, personally.
                Just wish I could use this in the future. :rolleyes:
                • ProphetSix

                  ProphetSix Starship Captain

                  yay! once I get things closer to being done I will upload the mods for download :D Glad you dig it man! huge Halloween lover here too!
                    Jack Of Shades likes this.
                  • ProphetSix

                    ProphetSix Starship Captain

                    Here is an update (including town!!)

                    Join me as I take you through my haunted town (still working on the textures)

                    Watch me collect eyeballs, glowing zombie heads, pentagrams & skulls
                    check out the pumpkin gallows I've built, along with my warp obelisk witch cauldron, and swamp pool
                    check out the towns fountain of blood, and the prized black pumpkin :)
                    • ProphetSix

                      ProphetSix Starship Captain



                      I made my own sprites for the bed and coffin, crime scene etc, and others just altered colors, and added to them! hope you like! more to come! (and soon released lol)

                      let me know what you guys think?

                      the baby sleeps in a cage now lol
                      • Lilliput

                        Lilliput Supernova

                        May I suggest making the houseplants more carnivorous? Slithering vines and spiky flytrap mouths?
                          nekoCrimson and ProphetSix like this.
                        • ProphetSix

                          ProphetSix Starship Captain

                          smart girl/guy? haha I shall get on that!!!
                          • LuthienNightwolf

                            LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                            That bed is amazing.
                              nekoCrimson and ProphetSix like this.
                            • ProphetSix

                              ProphetSix Starship Captain

                              thank you, made some adjustments, ill post pics soon :D glad you dig it!
                              • ProphetSix

                                ProphetSix Starship Captain

                                  LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                                • Lilliput

                                  Lilliput Supernova

                                  Very spoopy.
                                  • Lilliput

                                    Lilliput Supernova

                                    Haven't seen any updates on this thread for a few weeks-- I'm planning a new save based around the idea of the farmer being a ghost-girl on a haunted farm and I'd be very curious to hear about progress or downloads for your work. Thankee.
                                    • ProphetSix

                                      ProphetSix Starship Captain

                                      hey so sorry! Been super busy! I am still working on it, been on hold for a minute, but I plan on getting back to it soon! I wanted to have more done with it before I let people download it, so it's more complete, but it looks pretty nice! I have most of spring done, but I still have summer, fall and winter to do :( not sure how ill do those, I think summer will be easy as it can be just a copy and paste, perhaps ill leave fall alone, and winter I was thinking doing a nightmare before xmas theme
                                      • ishizu29

                                        ishizu29 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      • ishizu29

                                        ishizu29 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        if you , like me, adore halloween, pagan and fall you´ll like this blog i think:

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