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Sandbox game?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by shottygun8, Mar 2, 2012.

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  1. shottygun8

    shottygun8 Space Spelunker

    Is this game like Terraria in that you build your shelters and caverns or is it more mission based...?
  2. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    It's a story within a sandbox. You'll be able to look after NPC's and do missions for them, but also progress on the underlying story. Apart from that you can also free roam planets and go mining or build shelters.
    shottygun8 likes this.
  3. Space Sphere

    Space Sphere Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Its an rpg/sandbox/adventure?
  4. Gemini

    Gemini Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I hope it does have the sandbox element of Terraria in it. Though I'm starting to feel Terraria is being brought up too much:confused: Anywho, I'm kinda looking forward to building things like a giant satellite dish that I could hopefully place the atmosphere changing thing inside of. Though it might only just be on topic, has anyone seen anything official saying we'll be mining with things like drills and/or pickaxes? I haven't yet and I'm growing suspicious that perhaps they want us to think that but it's actually much different.
  5. Jermex

    Jermex The Stampede Forum Moderator

    It seems like everything is sandbox these days. People just need to have freedom in their videogames.
    Of course, Having an actual storyline to direct your path, is a delightful thing.
    It gives you a sense of purpose, a sense that you are making a difference.

    Being able to experience that sandbox storyline with other people, will actually break new ground in gaming.
    The way Npcs are aquired and settled onto the homeworld. procedurally generated planets with countless treasures and quests and creatures.
    All working together (Or against) your fellow man/whatever you are.
    Creating and destroying as you see fit.

    what other game allows this?

    Essentially they aim to make us all gods and set us free in a universe to conquer, exploit, or study.
    And procedural generation means, they plan to do it with the seed of darwin, and let nature take its course,
    Quite amazing if you ask me.
  6. shottygun8

    shottygun8 Space Spelunker

    Well thanks for the info on this, I am excited to see a new concept although terraria was a huge amount of fun for me and my buds, so I am hoping to see this as a brother to Terraria! please keep me updated on this topic.
  7. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    Well Put! This is why I'm SOOOO excited for this game!
    Ecchiholic and Jermex like this.
  8. shottygun8

    shottygun8 Space Spelunker

    Me too!!!!!!! Hopefully it lives up to our standards :D
  9. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    Don't get TOOOOOOO excited. That only leads to disappointment. It's like the Hype overruns reality and everyone rages.
  10. jojowithmojo

    jojowithmojo Big Damn Hero

    i beleive this to b every game in one
    ok well more likesandbox with a story with rpg twist it seems
  11. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    EVERY GAME???? It's a FPS and RTS and MMO and TPS and RACER and SURVIVAL and HORROR and CASUAL and ACTION and ADVENTURE and COOKING and SIMULATION and... erm... idk what else.
  12. jojowithmojo

    jojowithmojo Big Damn Hero

    o o o and it teachs u how to dig O.O lol
  13. Gemini

    Gemini Subatomic Cosmonaut

    One of the great thing about videos recently(and to an extent, even not so recently) is that they can be made with such freedom. Linear games that have a predetermined route through them while following a story aren't really bad, but non-linear games which generally have a story, but also allow the player to go where he/she wants to go generally stand out the most IMO.
  14. Seahorse

    Seahorse Zeromus

    Also with some building similar to an RTS, you will acquire schematics to assemble buildings vehicles ets... It's actually many genres in one, it's going to be awesome!
  15. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    Don't forget that it was also already released in January and was developed by a T-rex, a former KGB spy, a very tall guy, and a king in a wheelchair who all are creating the game in the future.
  16. Space Sphere

    Space Sphere Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Indeed. I'm on the case.
  17. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    Prime example for that would be spore.
  18. Dal

    Dal Phantasmal Quasar

    indeed spore looked so awesome but was simple and boring :(
  19. Rollder

    Rollder Void-Bound Voyager

    it is a sci-fi, sandbox with a story...
    hopefully people don't hype this up to be bigger than expected and then people get sad...
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