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Ridiculous Items! Post yours today!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by AlistorStrange, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. AlistorStrange

    AlistorStrange Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh hey! Look. Ammunition!
    Doublejho and dhxmg like this.
  2. RauschGames

    RauschGames Tentacle Wrangler

    I must find this delicious porcine explosive device.
  3. Jco

    Jco Space Penguin Leader


    ffs, I need to get to the X sector.
  4. BitHorizon

    BitHorizon Ketchup Robot

    That font you have there... How did you do that? Replaced the Hobo font file with a different one? If so, what font is that?
  5. Shasow

    Shasow Space Spelunker

    Using the mod SmoothUI.
  6. The Ed

    The Ed Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the fire rate.

  7. Snako Takagorro

    Snako Takagorro Void-Bound Voyager

    So far I've found several ridiculous weapons, and most of them were pistols.

    -Pistol shooting bouncing energy balls
    -Pistol, shooting very slow bullets that suddenly accelerate after few seconds

    And the most weird of them - pistol, which shoot bullets that after hitting a wall start crawling up or down on them. o_O I mean what the... That's creepy :chrono:
  8. The Ed

    The Ed Void-Bound Voyager

    Those are piercing bullets, they go through enemies but act weird when they hit walls.
  9. Zavod101

    Zavod101 Phantasmal Quasar


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