Modding Discussion [Request] Info at cursor

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Shadox2.0, Aug 9, 2016.

  1. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Hello , it's always boring to be forced to see the shortcut bar for see how many block we have ,so i've have an idea but not the skill , so if a modder will do that it can help many builder (and maybe more) , so what is it , something like that :


    As you can see on the picture i've add a number at the cursor , showing how many block i have , i've get this idea because i was running in the sky while placing platforme in straig line , and place maybe 5 stack and on these 5 i've fall maybe 2 time because i didnt keep an eye on the shortcut bar while the stack was finished , because i was focus on the cursor for keep a good line , with a mod like that it can help.

    of cours we can improve the idea with something like that :
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It'll mostly help when the cursor is far of shortcut bar or character , idk if we already something like that but i didnt find.

    Also i think it shoulb be bigger and maybe show left/right item if we hold 2 things
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016

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