Modding Discussion Request - Coordinate List

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by ernestopresto, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. ernestopresto

    ernestopresto Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm proposing something like a list that you can store a handful of useful coordinates on. Maybe five or six, but more than 10 seems a bit much.

    It would involve a gui that allows you to select one of your stored coords and a button on the ship's console that allows you to store such a coordinate. I don't think it would be too different than the 'set home' button, only could be a 'store planet' or 'frequently visited' button.

    I've got some exp in pixel art - I wouldn't mind adding my skill to the art for the mod, I'm not a programmer, though. I'd give it a shot if anyone had a tutorial that would point me in the right direction...
  2. kieve

    kieve Intergalactic Tourist

    I've been unable to find any example of building a UI like that with the current modding API. It appears to be impossible at this time.
  3. prototypeBASILISK

    prototypeBASILISK Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm with kieve on this one. As far as I've found, most of the GUI's logic is hard-coded, most of the .lua files only define actor behaviour, players, NPC's and enemies.
    So I don't think we can manage something like that just yet. Give it time though.
  4. ernestopresto

    ernestopresto Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sounds cool, I'll just stick to notepad++ for my coordinate tracking! haha!

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