Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    Whoa. I don't think I can do that. I just meant a simple bar advertising it like this one:

    Well I hope you find someone that can do that. :)
  2. Recolance

    Recolance Astral Cartographer

    OH! I didn't know exactly what you were talking about. I'm not in need of one of those although thanks for the offer!
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  3. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    Could I get some art done of this character here? Thanks!
  4. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    What hat is that?
  5. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

  6. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    Or the copper goggles, if that's what you meant.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  7. Recolance

    Recolance Astral Cartographer

    Well, I'm going to mention my request and would be more than happy to pay for the time as I don't think it will be a simple project.
    I'm looking a Starbound themed banned / logo that would display my upcoming server "GasmUniverse".
    The banner / logo would have to replicate the same style as the banner for my Minecraft server in the image link below.
    I'm looking to replace the shield with a character head sprite looking sly within the game and replace the purple portal and fireworks with bombs and lasers.
    If you can possibly place a planet in there somehow or a ship that would be great. These specifics aren't 100% except for the replication of the logo in the link above. Be creative and as I said I would be more than happy to pay for your time, dedication, and creativity!

  8. CatBerry

    CatBerry Subatomic Cosmonaut

    wow you are quite good ô.o
    honestly i would not give away my art to strangers for free like that ^^ thats quite admirable of you.
    i like your coloring style alot :3
  9. MeepBeep

    MeepBeep Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    usually my works around $10-50 depending on the piece! i'm sick so i don't want to give my paying customers less than 100%
    these only take me like maaaybe 30 mins and their a lot of fun to do! i just have to remember not to take too many haha
    i can't offer requests on my art sites anymore;; i get like 300 requests and i just can't pick! but these are nice and easy and everyone has little refs and its stuff i don't normally get to draw [humanoid things and weird kinds of clothes!] so its nice to be able to give back for free without people harrassing me for it..

    and i can only hope people will in turn be kind enough to do the same of my request!

    no matter the skill its the gift that counts :love:
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  10. CatBerry

    CatBerry Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know that feeling very well :)
    It can be quite annoying ^^; But since i usualy say 'im not nice' i am bold enough to just throw a 'pay me then you get art' (or something) in theire faces xD but my style is not interesting enough for commissioning usualy anyways :wut:
    get well soon :coffee:
  11. Demetric

    Demetric Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Floran thanksss youuu!
    The possse fits the persssonality like a glove, although the facial expresssssion isss a bit... unnatural :badpokerface:
    Would it be a problem if I asked to change its look to something looking similar to this? Or at leassst, a face where from you can read the submisssssive intention of a tricky Floran.
    Sssorry for troubling, but your picture is sssso closssse to become my OC's main picture it would be a ssshame if I didn't use it as one, essspecially knowing you've put effort to draw it, and for free! :DD
  12. MeepBeep

    MeepBeep Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yeah i can totally do that haha. no ones given me mentions of how they wanted the expression or the like to be
    i'll whip it up in a few hours when i wake up!
    Demetric and ImmortalFrog like this.
  13. madzkiaf

    madzkiaf Intergalactic Tourist

    Thanks mate!!! liked it a lot, just went to check the thread and i didn't expect to see this!!, very cooll :))
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  14. Trootin

    Trootin Space Hobo

    Hello generous artists!

    I have a request that involves a Glitch oddball robot-scrap-thing. I found two great pictures online that look very much like what I had in mind! 032.jpg

    I used the latter in photoshop and was able to slam enough effects to come out with this:

    While it's kinda cool, it's not original! Originality gives personality, and that's what I am very much after.

    Important details:
    - Bigger right eye lens, left one could just be a tiny lens or something completely different
    - Old and rusty feel. Like an abandoned puppy version of Terminator exoskeleton but not quite as scary... scary is not bad though. Scary would be pretty good.
  15. TheComfyKnight

    TheComfyKnight Tentacle Wrangler

    Anyone here Still up for a starbound character sprite? cause I'm looking for anyone willing to make an Erwin Smith from SnK (my profile picture)
  16. MeepBeep

    MeepBeep Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You are totally welcome! i hope i did such a cool character a bit of justice! i'm still trying to get the hang of all these strange bodyshapes and facial features!
  17. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    Come on, please?
    (I feel so unloved)
  18. Amfumi

    Amfumi Pangalactic Porcupine

    just to be sure... Thats a glitch? And a male?
  19. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    Yes and yes!
  20. Amfumi

    Amfumi Pangalactic Porcupine

    i'm not a digital artist so i give you a traditional one, barely 40 mins one :)
    hope you like it :3
    Stu pidface glitch.png

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