Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Thanks so much! :D
    ImmortalFrog, pigrocket and Burgy like this.
  2. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    Greetings everyone! I'm back, and if anyone is willing to draw my horseman, have a go!

    Once I have a decent amount of Pictures of my Character, I will choose out my favorites, and give the Artists of them some gifts on steam.

    Previous Artists' pictures:


    By Wither
    By K
    By TrickyMimic
    By Jacapig

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
    Pyrogoldfish and Farathil like this.
  3. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    I give You horse man by Christopher Berwick!! (Blitzlegion)

    Sorry I speed drew it..... Only had a break to get some pencil time in this morning. <3 <3
    InsanityPixelated and Mylos like this.
  4. TheGamingChocobro

    TheGamingChocobro Void-Bound Voyager

    since people have been getting art again, i will reopen my request for someone to draw my avali. How i would like it is to be on her homeworld, a Desert Planet with buildings similar to Tatooine, maybe some of the Hutt Transport things in the background and humans in desert like.. cloaks and all that.. similar to when the Straw Hat pirates visited Alabasta. Or maybe you could have her overlooking her Human Nomad Tribe in which she was raised as she stands on a sand dune. The following pictures are my references, for her colours and undergarments. She has a trenchcoat under her cloak Full Outfit.png Part Outfit.png Naked.png
  5. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    I have looked a little bit at the OC everyone has done on here. I am impressed! :DD
    I have a small request. I know I have been here before, and I was overwhelmed with responses, which I was grateful for.
    This one is really sentimental due to how long I have been attached to this character. (About 3 to 4 years.)

    A friend of mine made a concept art for one of my OC's for a Fantasy Fiction I write occasionally. He is a Dark Elf hunter.
    I would like him to be leaning back to back with of a drawing of myself.
    Note I usually wear a black hoodie with 3/4 shorts.
    I took this picture in dark lighting I have brighter red hair than this.

    Other than what has been already said I would like you guys to have fun with this, and it would mean alot to me if it was done.
    I would use this on my D.A, Steam and other forums as well. Thanks erryone. :>
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  6. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    All righty, I gave it a shot. I did NOT draw the background. It was drawn for NASA to illustrate the exoplanet directly observed around Fomalhaut b by the Hubble Space Telescope. More info here:


    PS for some reason it won't let me upload the lossless PNG, so you get whatever's left after photobucket digests it.
  7. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    You two... Wow. Thank you, Good Sirs!

    @Blitzlegion , Yours is beautiful, and it was a speed drawing too! Many Thanks!

    @Wharrrrrrgarbl , The most superior form of transportation I have ever seen. Still very well drawn. Thank you!
    Blitzlegion and Burgy like this.
  8. Mr. Greene

    Mr. Greene Orbital Explorer

    Uhh... I'd love to see a mexican Novakid with a Poncho, a Stache and everything what a Mexican Gunslinger needs ... :lickitung:
    PositivAndroid and Blitzlegion like this.
  9. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    Just lines, didn't feel like coloring.
  10. Spatial_Pioneer

    Spatial_Pioneer Void-Bound Voyager

    See, The trick to getting your artwork done is having something interesting enough to the artist that they want to draw it. You shouldn't complain if nobody wants to draw your character, you character just needs to be more charasmatic.
    Burgy likes this.
  11. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

  12. Mr. Greene

    Mr. Greene Orbital Explorer

    Hah! Great. I like dem shoes :catface2:
  13. Spatial_Pioneer

    Spatial_Pioneer Void-Bound Voyager


    Just color, didn't feel like shading.
    PositivAndroid, pigrocket and Burgy like this.
  14. TheGamingChocobro

    TheGamingChocobro Void-Bound Voyager

    Really? then my character cant be what I want? I have to make my character pretty much unlike everyone elses? So a blind Avali with no tail and no legs playing the bango with her teeth in the middle of Winter? No thank you.. I want my character AS SHE IS
  15. Spatial_Pioneer

    Spatial_Pioneer Void-Bound Voyager

    Then draw your character. If you can't, then it's up to the artist. Its really not as if they sit there judging your character; they aren't even there as' vending machines' just waiting to have a character crammed into them. Sure, art gets made that way, but if you want quality work (ahem, for free) then your character needs to INSPIRE them. I'm sure you love your character very much, just as the next one; the artist needs to feel the same way if they're expected to bring them to life.
    Pyrogoldfish, Farathil and Burgy like this.
  16. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    Unfortunately, what makes your character special is all in your head. That doesn't mean it isn't important or neat, but it does mean that the stuff that makes you care so much is largely inaccessible to the people you're asking for art. There's a reason that guy who keeps asking for Master Chief in impervium armor is still waiting, too - if we wanted to draw Master Chief, we wouldn't need some guy on the internet to ask us to do it. If I wanted to draw an Avali in a poncho, I could have done it months ago when that dude was like "check out my mod". I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but if you want somebody to care the way you do, you need to give them a reason to care.

    That said, there's a chunk of people out there who care because they want practice, or because someone offered them money, or because they take pity on someone, but if your pitch is "draw this because it's neat!", you gotta be more convincing.
    PositivAndroid, Burgy and Blitzlegion like this.
  17. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    I also enjoy hearing art requests that include a please. :rainbow:
  18. TheGamingChocobro

    TheGamingChocobro Void-Bound Voyager

    Look, I will just take my character elsewhere. Forget everything. Steam Artists are better than here anyway, had offers for people to do it free.. might take up one of them
  19. Wharrrrrrgarbl

    Wharrrrrrgarbl Starship Captain

    Be sure to insult them if they aren't enthusiastic enough. Good luck.
  20. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    Ooooh I love the sass in this one. I like you. <3

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