Regarding Release & Beta, What You Should Know.

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Arcadiax, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Void-Bound Voyager

    If only the popular posters who "contribute" a lot are getting into the beta, aren't you guys kind of worried that most of the feedback you get will be sycophantic in nature? I don't know, I just don't think that being a popular super fan is reliable credentials for being a part of a development phase.

    And I'm not trying to say that I should be a tester. I can guarantee you that if I were chosen as a beta tester, I would just play the game.
  2. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have heard rumors of a June release im no t sure if these are reliable but quite afew people are saying June i dont no wheather this is fact or opinioun but all i do no is that release is close and i hope we get news or if we are really lucky a date soon i hope so some of the community is begining to become anxious im just glad im part of the community and i hope tiy and the team get out some vids and jhopefully cross aree fingers a release date even if its not soon hopefully we get something soon until then i thinbk discussing it here is a good idea. I think someone should try and contact tiy about it on facebook just to see what he thinks wilkl be the most likely date of release anyway until then my friends keep the news comin i know ill be watching this thread as well as the websit very closely .:)
  3. Sir ceil

    Sir ceil Existential Complex

    well those rumors are probably false because tiy himself said it probaly wouldn't release until at the minimum late summer. but i wish those weren't false if you know what i mean but it's actually good their taking their time because i don't want some shoddy pregame rather than the final ultimate beast one. and honestly i would also like to be a tester but think about it would you really make a good tester? we all know deep down in our heart of hearts whether we are or aren't which i know i am not (i probably would give in to the temptation of leaking it)
  4. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    I agree. I would like a big awesome game with lots of content when it releases, although I wouldn't mind either way.
    Yeah it's good to know yourself if you would be good for a beta-test or not. Sadly though, Some people might say they are good for beta just because they want to play the game. Good thing the devs don't pick people for just saying that, lol :rofl:.
  5. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think and have calculated that at the rate the game is progressing there could be an release around 28 may if not i would say some point in june i myself think it is good how strong this community has bevcome and im glad i can help saggest and be part of itr i am sure there are people that wqould disagree about my statement about relese but remenber this is my personal calculatoion taking into account the current info about the game and how it is progressing the sudden burst of screen shots and talk about machanics suggest release is near but for anyone who will hold me to my word this is my own personal opinioun of when i think th release will be.Considering the evidence i would say i am pretty close considering the sudden outburst of bnews and screen shots i hope that someone will eventually be able to ask this to tiy so that us fans in the community can have a date to look forward to since this game is in high regard of so many people and i hop this tghread keeps moving and starts to narrow things down as i have tried to .:)
    Sir ceil and Alexblex like this.
  6. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    No offense, but how exactly would you calculate something like this?

    Also there is a new video to add to the OP!
  7. We're looking forward to late summer, at the earliest most likely.
  8. LadyAijou

    LadyAijou Phantasmal Quasar

    You need to stop circulating false information around the community. You are not a developer, nor do you have any access to their progress. The game will be coming out late summer, AT THE EARLIEST. I highly suggest you stop trying to set yourself up as someone who has inside knowledge.
    Tiger likes this.
  9. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    I agree with LadyAijou
  10. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    Hi there, please don't spread speculation and misinformation as if it's fact.
  11. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think you have the wrong end of the stick here i cleareley state that this is a rough opinioun of calculation on release which i did takingf into account progreess in the rate the game is developing all im trying to do is registrer my humble opinioun so please try to consider and re read my statement before you jump into sucah a post as to almost seem to attack me .
  12. RustyJ

    RustyJ Big Damn Hero

    Mabey since they have a new dev on the team it will go a bit quicker that's my opinion though.
  13. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    They wouldn't be on your case about it if you didn't jump to conclusions, claim to have a scientific process behind your estimate, or if you had done research on the topic before posting your hypothesis. There is plenty of information out for these things if you go looking for it, so being adamant about June when we all know that's way too early can easily come off as spreading rumors yourself.

    Also, I know it seems like a lot of news came out recently, but this comes after a long silence; the news we get comes randomly, depending on what has been worked on recently.

    Considering that two staff members took their time to correct you, maybe you should reevaluate your opinion a little?

    (This isn't an attack on you by the way, I'm just trying to say you could have been a bit better about presenting your idea. I've been up all night so I'm not sure what kind of aura this post is putting out, and I'm kind of worried I came off as a tad blunt)
  14. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Youy are entitled your own opinioun but please no this is a theory that is based on opinioun and fact even if there was a silence they have alreadymade gameplay videos if you do more rearch you will find similar info regarding release on sites but i respect the statement but everyone including any staff reading should no i dont mean and never intended to try to spread false rumor but for all we know it could be out tommorrow so please i ask for u to not jump to such conclusions immeadiatley.:)
  15. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you read in depth into my post I clearley state this is opinioun so i ask for u to read my starements fully next time thankyou.:)
  16. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube


    Multiple people involved with MAKING the game have said that it will not be out until around late summer. One said it further up this page, as a response to you. It's not coming out tomorrow, or this month, or next month, and likely not the month after that. The official timetable is Late Summer, barring any delays that might occur. That means somewhere between August and October, not a fortnight from now.

    Don't forget, the only things shown in the videos were demonstrations of mechanics they had finished. So technically, all we know is functional is Lighting, tree generation, and moving around. Things we have not seen include: Monsters/NPCs, Terrain generation, weapons and combat, inventory/item management, or crafting, which are only a few examples of things that will take some time to create.

    Making games is not easy. The people who can make a good game are gods among men. Even then, it takes time. Opinions are fine, but try and have realistic ones.
    Cowskee likes this.
  17. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    The community has been told multiple times by developers that the game will be released sometime after/at the end of summer. The expected release time is September +, and possibly a hopeful august.

    You're entitled to your opinion, but when you get proved wrong with evidence and by a developer, don't argue your point further. Thanks.
    Starheaven07 likes this.
  18. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am trying to sto this guy from spamming me anymore i said opinioun and maybe i am wrong but this argument has been carried too far onto other threads and so on i dont mean tommorrow in a literal sence and id wish you guys would acept that i have taken into consideration your comments but please spamming and such animations are unecessary and rude and id much appretiate it if such posts were with held or deleted since there cause is to try and make me out as the bad guy in all this i try to help out the community but as i have said please stop this i mearley registered an opinioun with some evidence this was proven wrong very well but there is no need to be bullied by people to tey to make submition i would suggest any further post are though through and not just trying to attack pooints or opiniouns other people in the community may have please stop hating and try to support peoplwlike me who give up time to this commu ity with no bad intention for instance oin side quests i have a saggestion feedback and support on that help thankyou.
  19. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Use periods and I'll think about it.
    Kix, Cowskee, Dynafols and 1 other person like this.
  20. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    I tried that in another thread. It didn't help....

    On topic: Just be patient and see, the game will come out eventually!

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