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Notice Regarding DLC

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. syndoflame

    syndoflame Title Not Found

    Well your gonna miss out dude, these guys and girl, have put so much time and effort into this game it's gonna become an instant classic. If at the end of the day a little amount of money has to be spent for some dlc (which is always optional my friend) then i certainly wont mind paying for it. Don't be so angry there's just no need, life's too short.
  2. Blue

    Blue Former Staff

    Not everything in life can be free. If it was, then the devs would also have free rent and food to eat.
  3. Well I'm glad that some of the things got clarified for people who were seriously having multiple heart attacks because of that interview article :)
    My opinion in short - Paid downloadable content can be justified only by its quality, nothing more, nothing less. I'm positive when it comes to DLC's as long as the quality is there but of course, the more freebies we get the better! (at least for us) :p
    Pigeon and 1stxknight like this.
  4. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Look at the upside, they won't have any on-disc DLC...

    ...cause the game is digital download!

    I know, I know, I'm hilarious.
    nyan_cyrax likes this.
  5. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Aren't on-disc DLC mostly Console problem?
  6. doguso

    doguso Big Damn Hero

    Starbound DLC = Modern Expansion. I see nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'd love to see Chucklefish do starbound DLC later on. It'd give them an increased revenue stream, an excuse to add major changes (like new races, new mechanics, etc) without just randomly appearing, plus new stories which would be awesome other than the one, current main story.

    I don't see why people are upset over this.
    CJx101 and 1stxknight like this.
  7. ammartino

    ammartino Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you for the clarification.

    I stopped subscribing to PC Gamer years ago for other serious problems with their reporting.
  8. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah that's the (bad) joke.
  9. 1stxknight

    1stxknight Pangalactic Porcupine

    It seems people are taking what you say far out of context a lot... and not reading what you say clearly... And I'll say one thing, I love the idea of DLC being an expansion pack that changes the game as whole, not some little addition that adds a single new feature I could care less about. Thank you so much for clarifying all of this.
    Teudys likes this.
  10. 1stxknight

    1stxknight Pangalactic Porcupine

    I agree with you, granted if they are gonna do DLC I hope it adds 10 or more game changing features because in my mind that qualifies something as an expansion.
    Teudys, CJx101 and syndoflame like this.
  11. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Hearing what they want to hear is a common trait among humans :p
    Lost in Nowhere, CJx101 and Blue like this.
  12. sonic5202

    sonic5202 Industrial Terraformer

    pay dlc for starbound? if yes please give me my 15$
  13. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    There are no plans for those at the moment. DEvs are merely discussing a remote possibility in the future.
    Jonesy likes this.
  14. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is that really your statement, without any additional caveats?

    "pay dlc for starbound right after release? if yes please give me my 15$" would be a more reasonable question

    At some point, "DLC" would be necessary to keep the game alive. Once a good chunk of your customer base has seen and done everything your game has to offer, you basically have to re-develop the whole game with new features and content. I for one would just be happy that the game was that entertaining for that long, and that they were continuing to allow it to grow.

    That being said, if a few weeks after launch there's a "Cheese Monster Race: $5!" - "Bigger Spaceships - $10" then yeah, that would be unfortunate and I could see you being uncomfortable with it.

    TLDR: I dont think saying "no DLC, EVER" is the right approach. No DLC immediately following release seems like a realistic thing to hope for.
    Serenity, Jonesy, CJx101 and 2 others like this.
  15. Dal

    Dal Phantasmal Quasar

    but, but how will i armor my horse? ;o
  16. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Mods come to mind
    Jonesy likes this.
  17. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's unlikely to happen anyway, since the devs will be working right up until release and then carry on afterwards, plus the game is download-based. The only reason DLCs for other games come out so quickly after release is because the game's usually been done for weeks or even months before release, then the work to actually get the game packaged, shipped etc has started, which the devs themselves have nothing to do with (thus have been working on DLC since then).
    mxpsych likes this.
  18. mooncats5

    mooncats5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just to add on own two cents - suck it up, people. You're acting as if Chucklefish owes you something. I'm REALLY starting to get fed up with people who can't wait for beta, and now people whining about having to pay for POTENTIAL DLC after release. Are you kidding me? Do you just want everything handed to you for free?

    I have absolutely no problem with paying for expansions if they interest me. If they don't, then I don't have to buy them! I mean come on... it's not as if this is an MMO where you have to buy the latest expansion to be on par with everyone else playing. I'm confident if there are any major gameplay mechanics added those will simply be patched in. There's going to be PLENTY of free mods out there adding hundreds upon thousands of items, races, biomes, armor, weapons, graphics, and so on. Chucklefish expansions (based on what I'm seen so far) would be added official content, which may or may not include story, quests, items, and whatever else they plan to do with it. This is really all up in the air right now, and people are jumping to all sorts of conclusions.

    And I've said it before multiple times - we, the ones who've pre-ordered, should have done so KNOWING FULL WELL the game would take some time. We are paying to support these guys so that they can eat, work, and live. The same goes for any other content or games they release. PLEASE stop overreacting about stupid things like this. It's one thing to express a concern...

    It's another to post things like this.
  19. syndoflame

    syndoflame Title Not Found

    :) indeed
    Gears likes this.
  20. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The same could be said about you getting 'fed up' at their opinions.

    They have as much right to 'feel' like Chucklefish owes them as you do to 'feel' like they don't and should just "suck it up".
    Galahaund, LeifGram and Miss Andry like this.

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