Story Recovered personal journal.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jonesy, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Part I

    [Property of USCM, USS [REDACTED]. Do not distribute.]

    [Overview: Recovered personal journal.
    Media: Data disc.
    Capacity: 97% used.
    Format: Written entries, transcripts of audio entries.
    Owner: Corporal Connor Norman (MIA).
    Location: Planet [REDACTED]. Barracks of FOB [REDACTED].]

    Entry #63 – 27th July
    Entered orbit of [REDACTED] yesterday. We’re still in a standoff with Avian forces while the commander negotiates with them. He’s a moron for thinking we’d get anything out of them. What was he expecting? We rock up at Mars with a bunch of birds willing to help us retake earth? Maybe we can get the Florans to help us as well, if we promise them the chance to eat the tentacles. Speculation. Perhaps the Glitch will throw in their lot as well. Let’s face it; it’s not their fight. They won’t help us.

    Even if we could enlist the aid of other species, what then? The general doesn’t seem to be making any attempt to unify our forces yet. If that’s the case, what we’re doing here is an even bigger waste of time. We could just be preparing for an offensive that never comes. Obviously it would be ideal to take back earth, but that doesn’t change facts. It’s out of our hands. And we can’t do anything about it right now.

    Still, it’s not a bad planet the Avians have here. A little dry for the most part, sure, but far from uninhabitable. Hell, if they don’t blow us out of the sky, the locals might even let us land and have some shore leave. Work on our tans, or go clubbing. But something tells me these Kleanex followers aren’t the best company.

    Entry #64 – 29th July
    Sounds like we and the Avians have stopped staring at each other down the barrels of our cannons. The commander is teleporting down to meet them in person. They’re willing to talk, but it’s probably just lip service. We have don’t really have anything to give them, unless they want our hardware. Certainly nothing that would get them to earth. Jackson reckons we’ll get some surplus resources or decommissioned weapons at most, and only if we convert or offer them a sacrifice. If that were the case, I would gladly volunteer him.

    They’re holding a briefing tomorrow to familiarize us with the Avians. One way or another, we’re going to need to know what makes these guys tick.

    Entry #65 – 30th July
    Alright, I was wrong. Turns out the Avians are willing to barter us some raw materials for the so-called war effort. And with no virgins sacrificed in the process, much to Jackson’s relief. No, we need to earn it through mercenary work. Mercenary work. Unbe-f***ing-lievable. I didn’t join the Marines to sell my allegiance out to talking birds. Should be thankful they’re not having us perform stage shows.

    And to their credit, they don’t seem to be throwing our lives away. They want us to try and police a slum for them. Apparently their forces were doing poorly at everything except terrorizing the inhabitants, which was leading to all sorts of headaches for both sides. They’re hoping a neutral third party can keep the peace, which is where we come in. Not ideal, but the commander says we’re going to show them how it’s done. There were a few cheers when he said that in his little speech, but a lot of us remained silent.

    At least we had the common sense to not make a fuss of it. Sarge went off at a couple of folks for something they suggested we do. Didn’t quite catch it, but it sounded a bit like piracy. Chain of command gets shaken up, and the first thing that goes is discipline. The loss of earth hit us all hard, but come on. Are we not still marines? Or have we become morally bankrupt mercs already?

    Entry #66 – 5th August
    Been busy these last few days. We’ve set up a FOB on the outskirts of the district. Looks like a crap place to live, so they weren’t calling it a slum for nothing. My squad is rostered to go out tomorrow, so I’ll be seeing for myself. The squads that went today had no trouble. A few funny looks and some inquisitive locals at most. Maybe the Avian plan is working.

    To be a little more precise, I should be referring to them as Stargazers. They’re the ones who worship this Kluex character, and also happen to be running the show on this planet. The majority of the civilians are the Flightless, who are also devout. The guys in the slum are the Grounded, who are basically atheists. They’re usually exiled, but some entrepreneurial Gazer must have suggested enslaving them instead. Explains why they’re living in this place, poor bastards.

    Whatever they’re called, the local authorities have been holding some extra-condescending training courses to bring us up to speed with what’s expected of us. Strangely dressed lot, in their birdy armor. Still, what they're asking sounds like pretty standard peacekeeping and law enforcement. We walk the streets, and they deal with anyone we arrest. I don’t like the way they said “deal with”. I don’t think they mean a slap on the wrist and a night in the drunk tank. More like a slit throat and an eternity in a shallow grave.

    Entry #67 – 6th August
    Well, that was certainly an experience. I thought the place looked bad from camp, but walking the streets is another matter entirely. The buildings look about ready to fall down around us. You gotta play goddamn hop-scotch to avoid stepping in trash, or worse. And the people…I’ve never met an alien, but they’re strange. Not in a freakshow kind of way. I mean…they’re so much like us, except they’re also not, you know?

    But they’re also broken. You can just see it in their eyes. I don’t know if it’s because of us, but there is definitely something there. They don’t trust us. We just appeared out of nowhere and are suddenly sending troops into the street. Still, if the stories are true, they must prefer us to the Gazers.

    In any case, today wasn’t all bad. Someone has a food stall set up on our patrol route, so we bought some lunch off her. ‘Corn peckers’, I think she called it. Thought it was birdseed for a sec, but it’s made of corn and…something. Whatever’s in the stuff, it was unlike anything I’ve ever tasted. Best of all, it didn’t kill me. Always a bonus.

    Entry #68 – 9th August
    My squad stopped our first crime today. We turned a corner and saw a kid about to pick someone’s pocket. He saw us out of the corner of his eye, and turned around. Sarge just shook his head, and the kid ran. We didn’t go after him.

    Entry #69 – 14th August
    A bit of excitement today. Someone got assaulted near one of our squads, and they launched a manhunt to find the perp. After a bit of cat-and-mouse, they caught the guy responsible. He was handed over to the proper authorities…and summarily executed. The commander was blowing his top when he heard, until the Gazers complimented him on our “diligence in the pursuit of justice”. Christ.

    Just when I was starting to get the hang of this, too. Turns out we’re just footsoldiers for the f***ing Nazis. If this keeps up, I’m talking to sarge. I can’t be the only one unhappy with this.

    Still, I tried a couple of other local dishes. One didn’t agree with me, but everything else was OK. The merchant, Fruitpecker, asked us why we’re here. She wasn’t trying to insinuate anything, but I wasn’t sure what to say. To keep the peace? Or because the Gazers hired us out? I eventually just said we were there to keep the peace better than the Gazers were doing. She was a little unsure what to make of the arrangement, but is glad we’re not as bad as the Gazer troops.

    Entry #70 – 18th August
    Explosion on the other side of town last night. Out of our jurisdiction, so we weren’t involved. Locals told us it was an Ascendant bombing a Celestial Tower. Basically amounts to a sacrificial volunteer destroying the tower he was destined to jump off. Talk about a crisis of faith.

    I think the locals are getting used to the sight of us now. Commander keeps driving home the importance of being polite and respectful when dealing with them. Far cry from how the Gazers treat them, which must be worth something. Hell, Fruitpecker always has a chat with me when I see her. Cheery girl like her deserves better than a place like this.

    I was beginning to wonder if she’s free, but it turns out she is indeed a slave. Her master is some food magnate (or ‘food magnet’, as sarge joked) who provides the goods to her and takes the majority of the profits. She tells me I’m lucky to be free, and ever-so-subtly looks skywards.

    Entry #71 – 19th August
    Gazers issued a bulletin to be on the lookout for the Ascendant traitor. Since he’s gone Grounded, they think the slums are where he’ll hide. I won’t be looking too hard.

    There was also a notice inviting us to one of their religious services. I don’t know if anybody is going. A few of the other troops wanted to tear the notice down. But the commander said it would be nice if a few of us went as a show of goodwill. Didn’t change my mind.

    Fruitpecker told us about a local bar she frequents, and invited the squad there. Jackson buttered the sarge up a bit, and it sounds like he’ll let a few of us go there sometime. We’re well overdue for a bit of leave anyway.

    Part II

    [Property of USCM, USS [REDACTED]. Do not distribute.]

    [Overview: Recovered personal journal.
    Media: Data disc.
    Capacity: 89% used.
    Format: Written entries, transcripts of audio entries. Collection of films.
    Owner: Corporal Connor Norman (MIA).
    Location: Planet [REDACTED]. Apartment in slums.]

    Entry #72 – 21st August
    Last night Forgot the last time I had that. The bar is a complete dive, and the drinks synthetic, but we made do. Things were a little rocky at first, and a few patrons walked out when we walked in. But once we downed a few beers, they warmed up to us a little.

    While the others were busy having drinking contests with the locals, I spent most of the night talking to Fruitpecker. She explained what it meant to be Grounded, and the division that exists in Avian culture thanks to a belief (or lack thereof) in Kluex. Unlike others, she doesn’t seem all that militant about it. Not sure if those who follow Kluex are the same. The Gazers seem to be the extra-terrestrial equivalent of the Inquisition. Also, Nazis.

    Still, Fruitpecker seems to be curious about human culture, so I was more than happy to tell her about it. She was actually quite sad to hear about the loss of earth. Sounds like she won’t be setting foot on her people’s homeworld (Avos, I think it’s called) any time soon either, thanks to her beliefs. "We're birds of a feather," I said. Made her giggle.

    Anyway, we’re going on patrol soon. Still no sign of that rogue Ascendant, Mooncrown. Pretty badass name.

    Entry #73 – 23rd August
    Gazers have caught wind of some smugglers in the slum, and want us to deal with it. Should be a nice change of pace from walking around looking for pickpockets. There'll be more details in a briefing in the next couple days.

    Saw something interesting out on patrol today. Some Flightless civilians, dressed like they're on their way to a gay pride parade. Fruitpecker tells me they're priests out to convert the Grounded. Those that are have a chance of leaving the slums. I'm surprised not many take up the offer. Do they really believe enough to stay here?

    Entry #74 – 25th August
    Currently lying in medical. Took a bad hit to the gut in the raid. Nothing serious. One of the medics patched me up with the help of a Flightless doctor who was in the area. Not sure why.

    My hospitalization aside, the raid was a success. No civilian casualties, and we took the smugglers by surprise. A couple were killed, but the rest are in custody. Not that they will have a long life expectancy with the Gazers.

    A lot of rumors going around about who they were. Jackson reckons they were harmlessly smuggling food to the Grounded. A few, Sarge included, think they’re a part of something bigger. It wouldn’t be unheard of, but there’s nothing to prove it yet.

    Entry #75 – 30th August
    I'm back on my feet, but on sick leave until I'm 100%. Doc says my armor bore the brunt of the shot, and that I'm healing well. I’m still sore and sorry for myself.

    I spent yesterday watching some old movies Jackson gave me. Had a few visitors as well, which was nice. Even Fruitpecker came by with some grapes when she heard I got hurt. Sweet of her.

    Might try and track down that Flightless doctor to thank him for helping me. Seems odd that he'd be here, when most of his kind hold nothing but disdain for the Grounded. Maybe he's sympathetic to them.

    Entry #76 – 31st August
    Took a bit of asking around, and a lot more walking than I should be doing, but I tracked down the doctor. His name is Seedwing and, yes, he is sympathetic to the Grounded. Well, he pities them, at least. I didn’t talk to him about his motivation very much. All things considered, I don't think he appreciated my presence. Seemed almost eager to be rid of me. Admittedly, he settled down when I explained that I was just there to thank him. But hell, I can take a hint.

    Regardless, he has a decent little clinic set up on the opposite side of the slum. There was a patient there behind a screen, but I didn't disturb them. I was in that boat not all that long ago.

    Entry #77 – 2nd September
    Doc said I've healed enough to get back to work, so I was back out on patrol again today. We had to take it slower than usual due to my injuries, but the others didn’t mind. We actually came across a few Gazer troops around for once, presumably looking for Mooncrown. Not that they gave us the time of day.

    After our patrol, we went by the bar again. One of the sappers managed to fix the sound system and hook it up to his codex. Bet they don't teach that in basic. The music selection wasn't the best, but a few people decided to strut their funky stuff. Fruitpecker absolutely insisted I dance with her, and...I couldn't resist. We stuck to some of the slower songs, thanks to my recent Purple Heart eligibility. But we enjoyed it. We really did.

    As we were parting ways, she invited me around for dinner tomorrow night. She wants me to experience a "nice, homecooked Avian meal." I was a little surprised by the offer, but accepted. If it’s as good as the food from her stall, I’m all for it.

    Entry #78 – 3rd September
    Just got back from Fruitpecker's apartment. It's late, but I'm not in the mood to sleep. Dinner was very nice; curried beakseed and eggshoot salad. I'm not usually a fan of spicy food, but I liked it. Seems that Fruitpecker has a talent, or at least a passion, for food. According to her, she volunteered to work for her current master just so she could work with food.

    I just had to ask her if she's content with her lot in life. In response, she just looked at me like I'm stupid. Good naturedly, of course. But she says there are better places for the Grounded, away from the Stargazers. Plenty of independent Grounded colonies, scattered about. I suppose it's natural she would want to be somewhere better for her, especially when it's amongst her people.

    Apparently she wants to dine with me again sometime soon. I'm surprised just how much well we get along. Us being aliens to each other, and all.

    Entry #79 – 5th September
    Another explosion last night. This time, it was at a military outpost. Also a lot closer to the slums than the last, but we don’t know the full details. It was definitely a bombing.

    Today, the Gazers have started supplementing our forces with their own, to suppress any perceived insurgent activity. All it meant for us was having to be followed by a couple of tossers. Any interaction with the locals turned into a good cop / bad cop routine, despite our best efforts. I was going to complain to the sarge, but he’s already planning on going straight to the top and complaining to the commander.

    When we went by Fruitpecker’s stall, she seemed weary of our handlers. But when they were out of earshot, she asked if I wanted to come around for dinner again tonight. There was something about the way she asked, but I still accepted. Might need to re-read the USCM fraternization guidelines, though.

    Part III

    [Property of USCM, USS [REDACTED]. Do not distribute.]

    [Overview: Recovered personal journal.
    Media: Data disc.
    Capacity: 27% used.
    Format: Written entries, transcripts of audio entries.
    Owner: Corporal Connor Norman (MIA).
    Location: Planet [REDACTED]. Command centre of FOB [REDACTED].]

    [NOTE – Encryption detected.
    Decryption Status: 100%]

    Entry #80 – 6th September
    Fruitpecker and I had the same meal again. On her meagre wages, there’s not a lot of room for variety. Afterwards, we decided to sit down and watch a movie on my codex. Picked out an old black-and-white one called Casablanca. We both really enjoyed it, especially since it was Fruitpecker’s first true taste of human culture.

    When the movie ended, Fruitpecker asked me if we should “fly away” together. She says she doesn’t want to stay on [REDACTED] all her life, and can tell I’d rather not be here. But, oh, where to begin? She would become a fugitive. I would become a deserter.

    I still have my duty to the USCM, be it on this planet or the next. Earth may be gone, but we still serve humanity. Unless the unit disbands I’m not going anywhere. I made that clear to Fruitpecker, and she understands and respects that. Still not the answer she wanted.

    Entry #81 – 11th September
    Getting real tired of these Gazers. Patrolling with them has become more or less pointless now. Once upon a time we could walk the streets calmly, talk to the locals politely and maybe catch a criminal or two. Now, people are too scared to look at us when the Gazer troops are near. It's deterring crime, sure, but at what cost? They wanted us to replace their troops to lower tensions. If we weren't there to balance them out, it would be as bad as ever. Worse, if the talk of there being an organized resistance is to be believed.

    I don't know anymore. The way the Gazers often regard us makes it clear that they think we belong in the slum ourselves. We're just tools to them. Suddenly, this partnership doesn't seem like it can end well.

    Entry #82 – 15th September
    Caught a small-time thief today. Actually, the first criminal we’ve caught in a while now. Just some starving, young guy who robbed a couple of stalls. Gave us a chase, but one of the more athletic of our Gazers pals caught up with him. And beat him. As if that wasn't bad enough, the soldier's CO informed us all that the lad was to be executed on the spot. Sarge was having none of it.

    There was a bit of an argument between them, in front of everyone. The Gazer CO said that they were simply doing things their way as their way, while sarge told them their way was morally unjustifiable. The Gazers eventually stormed off to tell their superiors about our “softness”. We patched the kid up, and sent him on his way. No way were we handing him over to the Gazers after that.

    Commander’s caught wind of what happened. He’s going to have a talk to the squad sometime soon, once he’s been in contact with his Gazer counterparts. In the meantime, I’m going to the bar with Fruitpecker again tonight. Just the two of us this time. Tempted to invite the rest of the squad, but I just need to wind back with a friend. I'm starting to question if we're doing any good here. It's good to know I'm making a difference to someone, at least.

    Entry #83 – 16th September
    Last night, Fruitpecker gave me what I can only describe as a peck on the cheek. It seemed more playful than romantic, so I don’t want to look into it too far. She’s been a good friend since I arrived here. But still…

    Commander debriefed us on our little incident the other day. Although sarge got a reprimand for arguing with the Gazers, we’re off the hook. As far as he’s concerned, we weren’t really in the wrong. But it’s not him I’m worried about.

    Entry #84 – 20th September
    Had an honest-to-God food riot on our hands yesterday. We’re still struggling to figure out what happened exactly, but a bunch of angry people were in the streets, trying to loot some stalls. I was horrified to think Fruitpecker was caught up in it, but it was nowhere near her.

    Luckily, we got there before the Gazers did. Call me cynical, but it could have been a bloodbath. No, we managed to break it up without any fatalities. We had to apprehend a few of the ringleaders, and are going to interrogate them. I could have sworn that at least a couple of them were yelling Mooncrown’s name.

    Just got called to see the commander. Wonder what he wants.

    Entry #85 – 20th September
    One of the prisoners is talking. Well, he’s not confessing any juicy secrets, at least. But he wants one of us to meet a contact of his, to give them the opportunity to explain themselves, so that we might understand their position. I don't like that there's a "they" now.

    I wasn’t sure how this involved me until the commander told me who this contact was; my old friend, Doctor Seedwing. Thought there was something up with him. Whatever the case, commander wants to send someone he knows. As opposed to someone he likes, based on my last visit. But orders are orders.

    Entry #86 – 21st September
    I met Mooncrown. I actually met him. And he didn’t end up killing me. Touch and go for a moment there…

    It started when I went to meet with Seedwing. He was very nervous as soon as I walked in. Really gets on my nerves; do I threaten him? I’m a professional, not some thug. But when I explained why I was there, he had bit of a realization. Didn’t say a single word to me, but lead me to the back rooms of the clinic, and behind a false wall. I do, and find myself facing down a bedbound Avian with a gun. He was bandaged a bit, with a couple of recent scars, but I immediately recognized him from the wanted posters.

    It could have been an honor to meet him under other circumstances. Under the actual circumstances, the first order of business was to convince him to not pop a cap in my ass. Easier said than done, considering he thinks I’m working for “them”. But I made it clear that I ain’t proud to be doing the dirty work of the Gazers. That I’ve been having second thoughts. Only when I dropped the name of his operative did he lower his gun. Still held on to it. Just in case.

    You know, for a charismatic rebel leader, he wasn’t all that chatty. I assumed he would want to explain himself when I mentioned his pal, but he outright refused to talk to a “common grunt”. Oh, I’m sorry, Mr Guevara. Why don’t I shamble back to camp and fetch someone who actually matters? Well…OK, I wasn’t that snarky to the guy with the gun, but I did offer to have an officer speak to him. He begrudgingly accepted, and gave me a message to deliver, complete with a threat against my life should it fall into the wrong hands.

    Sadly for him, I got the message to its recipient safely. Commander was surprised, but says he’ll look into it himself. He’ll debrief me in a few days; until then, it’s tip-top secret. Loose lips sink ships, and so forth. Even need to encrypt this disk, lest the Gazers get snoopy. They will kill us if they find out we've found Public Enemy Number One and decided to hear him out instead of moving against him.

    Entry #87 – 22nd September
    Commander went to the clinic, but won't say what happened. He's going to deliberate with the other officers. I'll be debriefed in due time, or be called upon if I'm needed. Not sure what the plan is, but it doesn't sound like we're arresting Mooncrown.

    I stopped by Fruitpecker's stall today while on patrol. Business has been better, she tells me, what with her boss giving her crap by trying to raise prices and lower her cut of the profits. The food riot must have made him jumpy. I (jokingly) offered to rough the guy up, but no such luck.

    Entry #88 – 26th September
    We got called to a riot near the edge of the slum. this By the time we got there the streets were running red. The Gazers got there first. I couldn't look at the aftermath for long. Sarge couldn't look away. Jackson was almost in tears.

    Now we're getting reports of several Gazer soldiers turning up dead after being sent to patrol the slums. I guess they were there because we're so "soft". They got what they deserved, the bastards.

    But of course, now the Gazers are probably going to do something stupid. Commander has warned us that martial law is a very real possibility if things continue to deteriorate. Doesn't sound good. We're stuck between our duty to keep the peace and our moral obligation to keep the people we're policing safe. We can't keep helping the Gazers.

    I might visit Fruitpecker tonight, if she doesn't mind me popping around uninvited. If anyone on this godforsaken planet who can cheer me up, it's her.

    Part IV

    [Property of USCM, USS [REDACTED]. Do not distribute.]

    [Overview: Recovered personal journal.
    Media: Codex.
    Capacity: 11% used.
    Format: Written entries, transcripts of audio entries.
    Owner: Corporal Connor Norman (MIA).
    Location: Planet [REDACTED]. Unnamed plaza.]

    [NOTE – Encryption detected.
    Decryption Status: 100%]

    Entry #89 – 27th September
    Sun just came up, and I find myself sitting in Fruitpecker’s bed. She’s here next to me, still asleep. There was nothing… intimate last night. But she knew I needed to take my mind off of things, and was more than happy to chat with me. I couldn’t bring myself to mention what happened yesterday, so I settled for getting to know her better. Good to know that she’s fine, even if this world is going to hell.

    Now she’s sitting up, and reading over my shoulder. Yes, I know you’re reading this, Fruity. Yes, that’s going to be my new nickname for you. What do you mean it’s stupid? Hey, quit trying to tickle me it won’t wo

    Entry #90 – 29th September
    Today, commander held a meeting of the ranking officers, plus me. I felt like the thing that was not like the others, but having seen Mooncrown with my own eyes, I needed to be there. I was even given some input, not that anything was really accomplished. We more or less came to a consensus; “We saw him, he saw us, let’s never speak of this again.”

    Oh, and there’s the fact he claims to be building a network of rebels in preparation for an uprising. Nice of him to let us know now, instead of letting it creep up on us. What we’ll do when things go south… I don’t know. It’s not going to be pretty.

    Entry #91 – 4th November
    Things are distressingly quiet. We still get the odd report of a murdered Gazer or a rebel getting “apprehended” (see also; shot), but it’s not civil war just yet. Nothing has really spilled over into the streets. In fact, we’re barely being asked to do anything now. Patrols have been cut back to about half of what we used to have. A couple of Gazers still hang around, but they’re more or less just observers.

    We’re still allowed out of the base when we’re off duty, which is most of the time now. A couple of days now I’ve sat with Fruity out at her stall. It can’t be fun being out there day in and day out, trying to sell food to people walking by lest you yourself go hungry. Having a friend there must make things slightly more bearable. Even if it doesn’t for her… it does for me.

    Entry #92 – 10th November
    We woke up this morning to hear that there were several Grounded rallies being held around the slums. Not sure if they’re peaceful or not, but we’ve readied to deploy. But the order hasn’t come from the Gazers. It’s been nearly two hours, and commander is sending some scouts out to see what’s happening.

    Alright, just got word that martial law in effect. Base is under lockdown until further notice. God, if Fruity is getting caught in the middle of this…

    Entry #93 – 12th November

    Martial law is continuing, but things seem quiet. At least, from what little information we’re getting now. I gotta wonder if Mooncrown has played his cards too early, or if this is only the beginning. Neither prospect is particularly appealing. I want to think he’s doing the right thing, and that he’ll succeed in doing something for his people. But that prospect is looking increasingly slim.

    And there’s still no word from Fruitpecker. I’m worried about her.

    Entry #94 – 15th November

    Couldn’t stand it any longer, and snuck out of base last night. I just had to check on Fruity, curfew be damned. Jackson was on guard duty and turned a blind eye, but there were still a few Gazer patrols I had to slip past as well. It was touch and go more than once, but I made it to her apartment in one piece. She’s alive and well. And… let’s just say, we were pleased to see each other.

    The clashes started this morning. As I later learned, they were bigger than the demonstrations last week. I don’t know what the rest of the unit was doing, but the Gazers weren’t going to take it lying down. I don’t know. My focus was on getting back to base. After some debate, Fruity agreed to come with me. To be safe.

    Getting there was the most terrifying experience in my life. The fighting was nowhere near us, but the streets were filled with Grounded heading in that direction. They were armed with whatever they could use as weapons, and chanting about Mooncrown and freedom and denouncing Kluex. Some looked about ready to attack me, being a filthy servant of the Gazers. But they had other problems, if the sound of explosions and weapons fire was anything to go by.

    Sarge nearly had me shot when I returned. All but labelled me a deserter. What for? Looking out for a friend? But lucky for me we need all hands on deck. Commander is yet to finalize a plan of action, what with the situation still uncertain, but we need to be ready. And they’re allowing Fruity to stay, and have put her on in the mess hall for the time being. She’s loving it there, but people are still giving me crap over brining her here.

    Entry #95 – 16th November
    Didn’t get any sleep last night, but this morning we got straight down to business. From what reports we’re getting in, the fighting isn’t going to die down, and lots of people are going to die. The commander has called down some shuttles from orbit, and we’re going to start evacuating civilian non-combatants from the slums. Our Gazer observers protested, and have since been reassigned to a cell. We all took some delight from seeing them be dragged off, but the mood is still that of dull shock at what’s happening not half a city away.

    To organize the evacuation, we’re deploying squads to secure the area and direct civilians towards the shuttles. My squad is one of them. Fruity… my wonderful Fruity… came to see me not long ago. She’s leaving the planet on one of the first shuttles. I promised I’d come for her. Promised to fly away with her. She promised to be there waiting for me.

    Sarge just came in. We leave in five.

    Entry #96 – 19th November

    Last few days have been a blur. Moving door to door, street to street, directing people to shuttles. We bumped into a few Gazers trying to flank the Grounded, but we drove them off. I haven’t seen the state of things uptown, but I think Mooncrown may well be winning this thing, or at least putting up a hell of a fight. We’re the least of the Gazers’ worries either way. A few men down isn’t much compared to an uprising.

    Slums seem deserted now. It’s always been an oversized sewer, but it was alive. The people were alive. People who are now either dead, or alive somewhere else. Everyone who hasn’t been evacuated must be fighting. Good luck to them, I say.

    Last orders we received were to hold position in this plaza. We’ve got some more Gazers heading this way, and we’re to confront them here to stop them getting any closer to base. After that… we won’t be hanging around much longer. We’ve evacuated a lot of people, and it’s time to get them to safety. Even if Mooncrown wins, there are more Stargazers out there. This place could end up a warzone all over again, and we need to get as many people away from it as possible.

    Damn. They’re here. If I don’t survive, tell Fruitpecker I love her.

    [Property of USCM, Ceti Alpha 5835 Refugee Camp. Do not distribute.]

    [Overview: Provided personal journal.
    Media: Written diary.
    Capacity: n/a.
    Format: Written entries.
    Owner: Fruitpecker.
    Location: Planet Ceti Alpha 2. Refugee camp garrison.]

    [NOTE – The following was provided as part of the investigation into Corporal Norman’s actions on [REDACTED].]

    Dear Diary,

    It’s been a month since we left [REDACTED]. A week since we landed here. And there’s still no sign of Connor. They’re sending people to look for him and a couple of others who went missing, and for once I want to pray to someone, anyone, that he’s safe.

    I try to keep myself busy by helping provide food for the rest of the Grounded refugees. This planet is quite good for plant life, so we’ve been working with the humans to set up some farms. Until they start delivering, foraging will have to suit our needs. Luckily there are some edible plants around, or we’d be in trouble. But there’s only so much I can do with Pussplum. I’d kill for some Avesmingo.

    Someday, I must remember to thank the humans somehow. They’ve done so much to ensure our safety and freedom. When the Stargazers sought to harm us, the humans held firm against them and whisked us away to safety. Perhaps we should throw a banquet in their honour. I’m sure with the farms operational, there would be enough food for everyone. I just hope Connor can be there…

    Dear Diary,

    I’m told the soldiers have reached [REDACTED], and are going to meet up with the Grounded still fighting the Stargazers. There wasn’t much detail about what’s happening there. Perhaps Mooncrown has won, and [REDACTED] is now ours. That would be nice, but I’ll never set foot there again. No, it’s Connor I’m worried about.

    What if he’s dead? His friends said he’d stayed behind to hold off some Stargazer soldiers, to stop them from reaching the shuttles. I want to think he could have fought them off, or at least slipped away… but they could have killed him. And I’m afraid that I’ll never see him again. There was so much I wanted to share with him, and now I may never get the chance.

    Dear Diary,

    The waiting is unbearable. I can’t sleep, I’m not hungry, and I can barely focus on my work. No update from the soldiers yet, but I went to see the Sergeant today. The man seems uncomfortable around me. Possibly because Connor was under his command, or because he doesn’t approve of Connor and I being together. I know some of the humans are like that. Some avians certainly are.

    But he puts up with me, at least. He speaks highly of Connor, in spite of him ‘fraternizing’ and ‘going ay-wole’. He says Connor is a good soldier, and that he might just have what it takes to make it out alive. I’ve never seen him fight, so I’ll have to take the Sergeant’s word on it.

    Dear diary,

    Connor is alive! They found him! I was so worried, and was beginning to expect the worst… but he’s alive!

    But from what they’re saying, he’s hurt. Badly. They’re trying to bring him back. If he doesn’t make it… I don’t know what I’ll do…

    Dear diary,

    It’s been a long time coming, but the soldiers finally returned with Connor today, and I went up to the human’s ship to see him in the infirmary. Seeing him all bandaged, and hooked up to those machines… it was painful. He hasn’t even woken up yet. The doctor says he should pull through, but his career as a soldier is over. He’ll never be fit for duty again. That won’t be easy for him, but at least he’ll live. I’ll be there for him, and his friends will be too.

    With the farm up and running and its first crop growing well, I know I should be down there helping. But I need to be by Connor’s side. Ravenwing seemed able to tell, and said he’d take over for me for a few days. The farm should be fine with him, given his experience. The humans are letting me stay in the ship’s quarters, though I’ll be spending most of my time by Connor’s side.

    Dear diary,

    For a few precious moments today, Connor was awake. He didn’t say anything, and probably wasn’t able to, but he knew who I was. He smiled at me, just before he passed out again. That must be a good sign.

    Dear diary,

    It’s been a while since my last entry, but I’ve finally got some time to sit down and write another. For a week now, Connor’s been able to spend the day awake. Quite groggy at first, but he’s improving by the day. The doctors have even started him on some simple physical therapy, and say he’s doing well. “One step at a time,” he says. Glad his sense of humour wasn’t injured.

    Of course, we’ve had the chance to properly talk a bit now. He says that while he was there in the slums, seemingly dying from his injuries, he was thinking of me. Even when some of the Grounded resistance saved him and he was handed over to the human soldiers, he was praying to see me again. Normally, I’d think nothing of that. But he’s here, isn’t he?

    As for the news about his career… he appears to be taking it well. Instead of focusing on the negatives, he’s considering what his options will be for working at the refugee camp. A ‘desk job’, as he calls it, is out of the question. But if his injuries are too bad, there are some jobs he simply can’t do. We just don’t know yet.

    But there is one thing we have agreed on; we’re going to settle down together. That means the universe to me, and I know he’s excited as well. And while we may never have our own children, I’ve suggested adoption. A lot of families have been torn apart thanks to Kluex’s followers, so we should do our part to help. Connor agrees that it would be nice, but we should leave it for a while until we’re used to living together. I have to wonder if the thought of raising an avian child instead of a human one is unnatural for him. Between the two of us, I know we can do it.

    Dear diary,

    Today, Connor’s friends came to see him, which he really cherished. Even the Sergeant was pleased to see us, saying that it had been an honour to serve alongside Connor, and asking me to take good care of him. They say that the higher-up officers are going to investigate just what Connor did on [REDACTED]. Maybe I’ll be asked to answer some questions, but that should be fine. Connor has done nothing wrong.

    But that can wait. Connor must have pulled some strings with the caterers, and had a nice dinner for two delivered tonight. Now, he’s lying there in his bed, nagging me about what I’m writing. I’m telling him the truth; that I’m glad to be finally free, that I’m ready to start a new life, and that I love him. I don’t know what’s going to happen now. Maybe we’ll stay here, and help build a proper settlement. Maybe we’ll move on and find Grounded colony to join. But no matter what, Connor and I will be together. It’ll take more than Kluex to change that.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  2. Left

    Left Phantasmal Quasar

    Cracked up a bit at that line, Neat story was fun to read, Can really picture the slums of the Avian planet Well done :DD
    Jonesy likes this.
  3. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    Well this was neat, the writing is great, you can see what personality the "writer" has which is nice considering they told us nothing about them.
    Overall a great story! :up:

    Also "Kleanex followers" :rofl:
    Left and Jonesy like this.
  4. At least you know they've got your back if you sneeze.
    Jonesy and Feathery Dust like this.
  5. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    So apparently I did a character application for an RP thread, and apparently my character's backstory seems quite similar to this...
    So this seems to have gotten stuck in my brain :p
    Jonesy likes this.
  6. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Updated with part two.
    artbot345 and Left like this.
  7. Milonour

    Milonour Void-Bound Voyager

    I can already see this is going to be a good one, can't wait for the next part!
    Jonesy likes this.
  8. Left

    Left Phantasmal Quasar

    Very fun to read again! When I was reading the part about the narrator describing how he got shot it really made his personality clear how he shrugged it off, And how another character in that situation might describe it really differently, Very cool.
    Jonesy likes this.
  9. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My my, I would never expect you to create a story involving a human and an extraterrestrial Sheila...

    Great mix here with themes of our current crisis with the Middle East, and somewhat the Nazis but really, anything fictional involving with religion just makes me think about the whole Sunni and Shiite controversies in the Middle East--a whole lot of issues going in there.
    Jonesy likes this.
  10. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Yeah, I would never do such a thing.

    *cough* *cough*

    To be honest, I didn't give that any thought while writing this.
    macodelo likes this.
  11. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is the same to me too. Looking into it, we subconsciously take into us what is already relevant in our brains, or rather, what is stored. Our minds hold vast info but our awareness only taps a small portion of that at a time. However, it wouldn't be far fetched that your story may have concocted some relevance to the war in some way, otherwise it's just coincidental story telling.

    Like when that one time that one xenophiliac dude at the bar flirted with the feather babe (>_o).
  12. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I'd vote coincidental. The idea is actually based on a very good if somewhat obscure trilogy of novels called the Lucasfilm Alien Chronicles. At one stage there is a lot of fighting between two groups, and it made me wonder what would happen if a third party got caught up in the middle.

    And yeah, I think I am detecting a trend in my writing. Maybe a human and an Apex next...
    macodelo likes this.
  13. macodelo

    macodelo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, being that it is Mars I couldn't help but think desert related things.

    Human and Apex? Hmmm... Makes me think of Planet of the Apes first movie with the wacky bedroom behavior... If I can only find the video... But anyways, Mark Walhberg crashes in and they both jump onto the chandelier! Good times...
    Jonesy likes this.
  14. LC98

    LC98 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Always love your stuff Jonesy. Can't wait for more!
    Jonesy likes this.
  15. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks Phantasmal Quasar

    Good stuff, but yer a wicked marsupial for leaving us with a cliffhanger like that!
    Marxon, Jonesy and Left like this.
  16. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Part three is up. Sorry it took a little longer. I've been busy with university, and what time I've had for writing went towards Human & Lupusad.

    Probably worth mentioning that this has been on a bit of a hiatus, and will be for a little while longer. But I haven't given up on it. I've been busy with exam revision for the past week or so, and have been focusing my free time on playing Mass Effect 3 and writing Human & Lupusad. Once exams are finished at the end of the coming week, I'll look into writing the next part.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  17. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova


    Good work!
    Jonesy likes this.
  18. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Final part is up.
    artbot345 likes this.
  19. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    damn your ambiguity
  20. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    You mean the cliffhanger ending?

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