Modding Help Recall Device

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Thernhoghas, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Thernhoghas

    Thernhoghas Void-Bound Voyager

    You know those moments when you just aren't in the mood to dig your way back up when you got all you wanted from your mining trip?

    But you don't want to be able to teleport back from anywhere for free, because it would feel too cheap?

    So I thought "You know what would be cool? A craftable single-use one-way ticket back to your ship!"

    A solution that, unlike the Handheld Teleporter ( forces you to decide if it's actually worth using it.

    What kind of effect would the item need? What other properties of the items do I have to consider?
    Would that even be possible to do with a simple item mod?

    I'm still trying to figure out how to get the recipe to show up outside of admin mode, so anything more than a simple item mod won't really be doable for me.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  2. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    From what it seems, you'd need some kind of consumable item, something akin to a bandage or perhaps something like a throwable item (which has ammo).

    The good news, is that it's technically a single-item mod; you'd only need one item to make it work. Bad news, is that you'd probably need to use a couple of config files and scripts to make it work, regardless if it's either a reusable or consumable.

    If scripting is a little out of your scope, then you should possibly seek some help, or perhaps even start learning the basics of lua.

    Honestly, this topic caught my attention, and I've been experimenting a bit myself! I'll let you know if I figure anything out.
  3. Thernhoghas

    Thernhoghas Void-Bound Voyager

    Dammit. Pretty much what I feared.

    I already had messed around with a copy of the bandage to give it the picture of the teleporter core and a different description, but scripting is (probably more than a little) out of my scope.
    Especially considering the currently huge amounts of overtime I'm doing at work. It's paid, but I'd prefer going home before 7: 30 PM more often :/

    Thanks for the answer and good luck with your experimenting.
  4. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    Since I know we can't just warp the player without a quest or interface script, I recommend to use an active item that would work like the reward bags that would use the activeitem interact[something I can't remember go look in the lua docs] and open an interface then use it to warp the player to their shipworld.
    G.Xyon likes this.
  5. G.Xyon

    G.Xyon Space Kumquat

    The person that the OP mentioned does exactly this actually! Except that it doesn't consume itself; perhaps the lua could be done so upon uninit it could consume or delete itself? Is that even possible with activeitems?

    Also, I believe there's a player function called player.warp([warpAction]), but I don't know if it'd be available for status effects. I've been messing around a little bit, but no real dice...
  6. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    If I'm not wrong you could just use the player.consumeItem(itemDescriptor,Boolean) in the interface and it will keep the interface going.
    so you could just do
    function init()
        player.consumeItem({name = "theWarpItemId", count = 1}, true);  --  consume the warp item.
        player.warp("ownship", "beam");  --  warp the player.
        pane.dismiss();  -- close the pane, we no longer need it.
    G.Xyon likes this.

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