Reactions to light

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Doctor Ragnarok, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    I like the idea of creatures or blocks or environments reacting to light or its absence. It's another neat little dimension to the game and makes you think.

    Hey, it's still a good idea, and just because it's gone a while without a reply doesn't mean it's without value. I mean, would you rather the forum being cluttered up with a duplicate thread?
  2. Dahoga

    Dahoga Phantasmal Quasar

    I was thinking of block animations for dying grass, but the idea of plants shriveling away or withdrawing away from a light source is really cool. Kind of like the way this tube anemone withdraws when threatened:

    Edit: My bad, posted the wrong video. Here's the correct one!
    Edit: Again the wrong video... Here is a pristine example of an anemone hiding from human touch.
  3. Sci-Fi Diplomat

    Sci-Fi Diplomat Phantasmal Quasar

    It would be cool to have passive creatures that perhaps initially dart away from your flashlight but will eventually attempt to destroy torches, sacrificing themselves in the process.
    I always imagined them to look something like Spring tail larva. So Cute :D
  4. Blazerer

    Blazerer Void-Bound Voyager

    While I like the idea, I would focus on enemies attracted to light. Having enemies shy away from lights seems a bit too easy to me, as you would have light with you at all times when exploring the deep caverns (how else are you going to see where you walk) and I would assume there are items that radiate an aura of light, instead of the cone from a flashlight.

    Monsters attracted to light are very interesting though, as it would either limit the light strength or the use of light completely. And let's be honest. The last place you want to be is at the bottom of the ocean without being able to use any kind of light source.
  5. Gramps

    Gramps Orbital Explorer

    What if these enemies that fear the light can also attempt to extinguish the light.
  6. Blazerer

    Blazerer Void-Bound Voyager

    Now that could work, assuming they have a way of doing so. I guess they could 'pop' placed items back into item form, thus 'breaking' the light. Not sure how that would work with light held by the player though. Perhaps the combined threat of light + unknown being would be too much, and they would not attempt to attack the light.
  7. Gramps

    Gramps Orbital Explorer

    There could be creatures that literally eat the light causing it to diminish in power and forcing the player to back off.

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