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Server Help rcon command list

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Narks, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Narks

    Narks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Does anyone have a list of rcon commands?
  2. Nordan

    Nordan Big Damn Hero

    Based on what another user said, RCON commands are the same as the in-game admin commands without the slashes. I haven't gotten any implementation of Valve RCON to work with Starbound to test that out though.
  3. Narks

    Narks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They are not the same. Many ingame commands do not work through rcon, and there are some rcon commands I've found (through extensive gogling) that are not ingame commands or documented anywhere, like "say" and "stop".
    Dunto likes this.
  4. Narks

    Narks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I was wondering why all the Java libraries for RCON did not seem to work.

    What I found was that when the client sent a SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND to the Starbound server, the server would respond with an empty SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE followed by a SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE with the actual response. SERVERDATA_AUTH seems to work to spec though.

    Additionally, the Starbound server responds to a client sending an empty SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE, with an empty SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE followed by a SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE with the body "Unknown request 000000" (in ascii). From what I understand, the correct response should be an empty SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE followed by a 0x0000 0001 0000 0000 in the packet body field. The Java library I was using expected this in order to process responses over the 4096 bytes limit.

    I'll go post a bug report with my findings.

    But I still would like to know what rcon commands are available.
  5. Narks

    Narks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nah, I've got rcon working, I just don't know the commands.

    Apart from the commands listed in /help, the undocumented commands I've found are:

    say - seems to send chat messages as the server in galaxy chat. You can do stuff like "say /w Narks hello".
    stop - stops the server, which is good because on windows it is a real pain to soft-kill the server automatically
  6. hey @Dunto i have actually tried this, the script kinda sends the data to the server.

    I used the say hello, it kinda sends it the first 1 or 2 times. then it never gets the command return. Is rcon broken on unstable? Just to know so monday can see if they can get it working again. ^^[DOUBLEPOST=1428767415][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay Omneh told to delete line 96 on the script. However it did stop working with me. If rcon is supposed to be working now, can you test if you can get the script going? I'm trying to see if the problem is on my side.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  7. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    When you say it doesn't return a response, do you mean it doesn't respond after the first few times or doesn't respond ever? If you send a say command, does it actually go through still even if no response is returned via RCON?
  8. Omni said it's fixed on the unstable yes. Without that line no data actually reaches the rcon port on the server and every command i write returns one timeout. With the actual line it for example i can execute the command once or twice but then it doesn't work any longer even with the server log showing a rcon connection. So when you can check it i can be sure if the script needs a tweak or something on my side is wrong.
  9. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    If able, I will look into this more on Monday using a custom client and server to examine the exact messages being passed and compare them to expected. I'll probably kill whatever bug is still there. I'll also see about releasing an rcon client that is known working with Starbound (because many of them seem non-compliant/buggy.)
    Bacon and Dunto like this.
  10. Oh @Dunto so it's the same experience has me! Also the Ctrl C causing hangs it's something happening to my unstable server as well, i forces me to kill the process because it just won't do a clean shutdown, it starts the shutdown but won't finish it.
  11. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    Kyren did a big update to how packets are handled. This may have fixed RCON stuff. I haven't been able to reproduce against Dunto's script (with the extra read packet removed). And I've had a moderate amount of success against mcrcon (I had to patch it to fix its authentication handling because it's broken, and interactive mode does not work.)
    Dunto likes this.
  12. Been working with unstable rcon, we're building a webpanel:

    Pretty much easy remote access from our staff to our server, as lists clients, info, where they are... Broadcasting messages to the server, sending stop signals. On moderation "User Action" already have it "Where is", "Kick" and "Ban" per client connected. This is a good step with rcon working correctly :casper:
    Dunto likes this.
  13. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    I guess I wasn't the only one to be making a web interface for it. :) Nice.
  14. ModdedTibby

    ModdedTibby Void-Bound Voyager

    any progress to webpanel or anything?!
  15. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    (I know it's been a while, but....)
    You could always make your own if you want one. I believe a few major servers have their server linked to their site, be it to sync accounts or control the server or do other stuff.
  16. silentwisher

    silentwisher Orbital Explorer

    That looks amazing! Would love to have it.

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