Modding Help Race Mod

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by AArticuno3, May 3, 2017.

  1. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    Hello, I was trying to mess with a race mod and everything worked well so far, but now whenever I open the character with the race the game crashes and gives me this error:

    [03:13:11.267] [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (MapException) Key 'ancient' not found in Map::get()
    0 starbound 0x00000001004c5210 _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKcNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE + 128
    1 starbound 0x00000001005394d7 _ZNK4Star8MapMixinINSt3__113unordered_mapINS_6StringENS_10AiDatabase19AiSpeciesParametersENS_4hashIS3_vEENS1_8equal_toIS3_EENS1_9allocatorINS1_4pairIKS3_S5_EEEEEEE3getERSC_ + 135
    2 starbound 0x0000000100538b18 _ZNK4Star10AiDatabase15staticAnimationERKNS_6StringE + 248
    3 starbound 0x0000000100eca121 _ZN4Star11AiInterfaceC2ENSt3__110shared_ptrINS_14UniverseClientEEENS2_INS_9CinematicEEEPNS_21RegisteredPaneManagerINS_18MainInterfacePanesEEE + 6753
    4 starbound 0x0000000100f862c8 _ZNSt3__110shared_ptrIN4Star11AiInterfaceEE11make_sharedIJRNS0_INS1_14UniverseClientEEERNS0_INS1_9CinematicEEEPNS1_21RegisteredPaneManagerINS1_18MainInterfacePanesEEEEEES3_DpOT_ + 152
    5 starbound 0x0000000100f68c18 _ZN4Star13MainInterfaceC2ENSt3__110shared_ptrINS_14UniverseClientEEENS2_INS_12WorldPainterEEENS2_INS_9CinematicEEE + 3544
    6 starbound 0x00000001003c025c _ZNSt3__110shared_ptrIN4Star13MainInterfaceEE11make_sharedIJRNS0_INS1_14UniverseClientEEERNS0_INS1_12WorldPainterEEERNS0_INS1_9CinematicEEEEEES3_DpOT_ + 172
    7 starbound 0x00000001003b0246 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication11changeStateENS0_12MainAppStateE + 9046
    8 starbound 0x00000001003b145e _ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv + 430
    9 starbound 0x0000000100e36d21 _ZN4Star11SdlPlatform3runEv + 577
    10 starbound 0x0000000100e36964 _ZN4Star18runMainApplicationENSt3__110unique_ptrINS_11ApplicationENS0_14default_deleteIS2_EEEENS_10StringListE + 180
    11 starbound 0x00000001003b55cc main + 92
    12 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fffbeddc255 start + 1

    Please reply if anyone can make sense of this and tell me what I can do to fix it!
  2. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    could we get the full log? there may be more errors to this that you don't know are affecting your game
  3. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    More info on your race would help too. Is ancient something to do with your race mod?
  4. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    Thats the name of the race.

    I can post it, but I am sure that no other error contributes to the crash, I checked all of them. This is the only one I can't make any sense out of..
    The app shuts down right after it
  5. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    well, giv it to us, if thats what closes it that can easily at least hint at the prob
  6. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    Alright, here you go:
  7. projectmayhem

    projectmayhem Spaceman Spiff

    if ancient is the name of your race, its probably the AI config patch. If i remember right. Do you have the AI.config.patch like this?

    "op" : "add",
    "path" : "/species/ancient",
    "value" : {
    "aiFrames" : "AncientAI.png",
    "portraitFrames" : "portraits/ancientportrait.png",
    "staticFrames" : "staticAncient.png"

    With of course, all the appropriate files.

    Btw, when making a mod, its best not to have other mods present when your are testing. Remove everything except for your character extender.

    Having the actual mod to look through we be best, there are a lot of files to make when doing a new species.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2017
  8. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    @projectmayhem Please edit your last message if nobody has replied to avoid double posting.

  9. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    I was testing with all the other mods to make sure I don't have any compatibility issues, because I plan to play with all of those mods at the same time in a pack.
    Thank you very much for the link to the tutorial, that helped a lot.
    I fixed the problem, and though I have many more new errors I have an idea of how to fix them.
    projectmayhem likes this.

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