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Race Headcanons

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Mile-High Hat, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Witch Cat

    Witch Cat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have a few really recent head cannons regarding relationships.

    Humans: Still a monogamous race. Preferring to stay with one partner but willing to change after a breakup. Still very social creatures with a tight group of friends

    Florans: Terms like "lover" and "boyfriend" do not exist. They have large groups of lovers and simply find someone else if the relationship between two specific florans isn't going so well

    Glitch: They do not love, as they do not know how. They pretend to want love, to marry, and to have robot children, but in reality, they do not care for each other and will not be traumatised if a lover dies. Only exceptions are the self-aware glitch who do have the capacity to love.

    Novakid: No lovers, only friends. Mostly because they forget and move on so fast that relationships don't have time to blossom.

    Apex: Very similar to how humans view and participate in relationships, the only exception being that proudly flaunting "trophy wives" is seen as a normal and accepted way to showcase your power and dominance.

    Hylotl: Very conservative views on relationships. "One man and one woman" is seen as the only true form of love. Many years of courting need to happen before a couple is allowed to be married. While a couple may truly love each other, they rarely show it.

    Avian: Everyone is just really close friends. Only a few select avians actually look for relationships. People just breed and then leave without bothering to commit to a relationship
  2. KingTomato

    KingTomato Jackpot!

    wait, so you mean to tell me that the novakid race survived for a good long time without reproduction? Either those guys are tough and immortal (even though you can determine a novakid's age by color which probably means they die from old age anyways)
  3. Witch Cat

    Witch Cat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well no, they still mate, usually in the form of one night stands. Just when they wake up they're unsure who the other person is and just leave. Children would then primarily be raised by single parents, before being accidently forgotten in the grocery store.
  4. KingTomato

    KingTomato Jackpot!

    the kid probably forgot he is in a grocery store by the time the father left :p but that actually makes mroe sense
  5. Witch Cat

    Witch Cat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Imagine how distressing it would be to be the only non-forgetful Novakid. Just random idea that popped in my head.
  6. KingTomato

    KingTomato Jackpot!

    it's like "ok...uhh...are you my son or?? ah whoever you are. stay here" and then the kid's like "ok" and the dad goes away, whilst the novakid's like "dad?" as the dad is in a bar 5 blocks from the grocery store, completely forgotten what he's even drinking

    EDIT: Actually, now that i think about it, novakids are alot like anterograde amnesiacs. I wonder if there is one novakid that remembers everything by having a whole room full of postit notes
  7. Witch Cat

    Witch Cat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think their apathy is more impressive than their forgetfulness, they just don't care that they don't know. I don't think any Novakid would bother with post-it notes, they just don't care.
  8. KingTomato

    KingTomato Jackpot!

    What i dont understand is, if the Novakid dont care and dont bother, how does the playable character even do anything? Either "dont care" means they are lazy and do it in about a year by the time, ooor we play as some special novakid who actually cares. Just a thought
  9. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    As far as I know, it's less that Novakids don't care about things or are very forgetful and more that they have a cultural attitude of "eh, good enough" and "you can figure that out yourself".
    Witch Cat likes this.
  10. KingTomato

    KingTomato Jackpot!

    sooo...lazy? Im pretty sure what the creator of the novakids intended was something like a low attention span. Novakids do seem pretty stubborn though

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