Quick update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. DaglessMcChicken

    DaglessMcChicken Void-Bound Voyager

    i know tone doesn't come off well on the internet especially since i used caps but im just trying to get a point across is all ( maybe the wrong way) dont worry though im chill :D i just feel tiy's pain
  2. jaloko

    jaloko Yeah, You!

    Well there is Comcast, and time Warner. Comcast has the best internet in the USA but they are asshats, they will try to penny and half a penny you out of everything. Get this, for a $20 router, you pay $7.25 a month for "Renting it" Think about it, you have it for 1 year, 12x7.25= $85. Pretty fucking nasty huh?

    Time Warner is the same but their internet lieks to go out every second, and when you ask for help they come over and find out noting is wrong... you have to pay them.
  3. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    I don't see how molly does so much work that she's only able to do it at 1am. I get community managing can be tough. So can moderating, but that and putting in vanity items (which molly has said is the extent of her code/art based contributions) do not take up the entire day. Plus looking at git commits and putting a bullet point list (which would be enough if everyone else was swamped) takes less than 15 minutes. It just seems like something a community manager should be doing, not any of the devs.
    Paddon, Pancoar and Pingeh like this.
  4. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Could you please edit your post to remove the large amount of Profanities then? Surely there are better ways to get your point across without resorting to crude language? :wut:
  5. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    do not worry. The community will be here to support you and to wait for further news
    Kokiris likes this.
  6. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    Theres no room for proper and ... "Non-crude" language on the internet, you should know that
  7. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    Molly does far more (as a volunteer) than you're aware of. And we're under no obligation to post updates anyway.
    Lord Girth, CJx101, Mopy and 34 others like this.
  8. Chompy

    Chompy Cosmic Narwhal

    Dang that sucks Tiy.
    I can live without daily updates, I actually almost feel like I'm spoiling the game by reading them all the time, but I don't know what I would do without internet. :cry:

    Also, ISPs are evil.
    Fairawen likes this.
  9. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Is that it? o;

    My monthly entertainment bill (TV, Internet, Phone) is £55.50
    Thats.. $88.83 or $1066 a year.

    And the internets the only thing I really use.

    Children are expensive...
    samufel likes this.
  10. TheKlu

    TheKlu Phantasmal Quasar

    Noooo! I can't say so much more wihout UPDATES! D:
  11. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    Oh god let me volunteer to make vanity items in my spare time, I'd be so honoured :c ahahahah
    Evangelion likes this.
  12. vae

    vae Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for the update. Hope to hear from you again soon :)
  13. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    Okay. But if you don't mind, can I ask what? If only so we have something to post when people say she doesn't do anything. Telling people saying the same thing I did "Tiy said she does more than we know" won't exactly end the argument, y'know?
    Wolfie14, KevinFragger2427 and Paddon like this.
  14. Jarlyk

    Jarlyk Astral Cartographer

    That was only the cost of renting the router. They charge another $80/mo or so for the Internet access. My 'bundle' is like $200/mo out here in California. :p It is pretty fast, though.
  15. DaglessMcChicken

    DaglessMcChicken Void-Bound Voyager

    he shouldnt have to say seriously, it wont end arguments anyways so lets just stay out of it molly has contributed alot its pretty obvious from how much she posts and moderates
  16. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    Nope you can't.
    Lord Girth, CJx101, Mopy and 8 others like this.
  17. Loxy

    Loxy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oooh, I was gonna say that you couldn't possibly be getting it all that cheap.. I know people in Sweden however that pay 30 Euros a month for a top notch internet service with free Phone. Makes me sad sometimes at how much we get monopolised D:
  18. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    So make us aware? A lot of fans are actually interested in the development and behind the scenes processes. Telling us what a typical day at chucklefish is like could be interesting

    Now, while you certainly are not.... saying it like that just makes you come across wrong.

    And this just sounds overly defensive. Questions about the role of staff are not meant to be hostile. Supportive people do genuinely have an interest in what the people they support do in a day. Friends ask about what my typical day is like as a teacher, or what certain people do at my job, I don't get defensive about it. He was just asking a question he didn't know the answer to.

    It can be kinda tricky to dig through the horde of threads on these forums for posts sometimes. Especially for posts by the devs with specific nuggets of info in them.
  19. Sergeant Scryed

    Sergeant Scryed Astral Cartographer

    Well then there should be a lot of stuff getting done since you do not have the internets to distract you...

  20. I talk a lot about what I do. I'm not really interested in ending your discussions about "what exactly it is Molly does" or what is or isn't my job. I know you're wholly convinced it is, but it's really not your place to say.
    Lord Girth, CJx101, Mopy and 19 others like this.
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