Question: Is there any way to have both Beta and Vanilla?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Lysa, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Lysa

    Lysa Space Penguin Leader

    Or do I need to uninstall the Beta to play the original version via SMAPI? For the sake of my old file if I have to I will, at least long enough to change her hairstyle as without the mod she looks like a boy lol. (yeah it matters to me).

    Is it possible or do I uninstall, make the changes needed and then reinstall? (btw I'm no techy minded so treat me dummy ;) )

    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      modded saves are unlikely to support vanilla 1.1 at all, you will have to wait until FarmHand (Or SMAPI if that turns out to be a quick fix) is ready for 1.1, but that is unlikely to happen until 1.1 is out of beta.

      So just use a new save, and keep your modded save waiting for once the modding gets there.
      • TownEater

        TownEater Void-Bound Voyager

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