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:: Project ARES :: Roleplaying Server ::

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Profound Madness, Apr 28, 2013.


Does this interest you in any way, shape or form?

  1. Nnnyes quite.

  2. A wee bit, lad.

  3. Not at all.

  4. Go die in a corner somewhere you useless piece of shit.

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  1. King Toad

    King Toad Cosmic Narwhal

    If you want to start back up the thing about the RP rules being too strict, feel free to go ahead and contact one of the mods, but I won't go any further about that subject.
  2. Casca

    Casca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Meh. We could try and use somethin' like Skype, or Google talk even to RP instead of the forums.
  3. Lyrael

    Lyrael Sandwich Man

    Oh, I'm way down for this. Hope you guys wouldn't mind havin' a gunslingin' Novakid walkin' the walk in ARES.
  4. Casca

    Casca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm, I could use fuel for my grill.
  5. Internet

    Internet Star Wrangler

    > : C
  6. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    The Restorative/Maintenance Division sounds fun.
  7. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just kidding you can talk :3
  8. Lyrael

    Lyrael Sandwich Man

    Wow, I'm surprised.

    You smart 'nough to run a grill, saladbowl? ;)
  9. Disciple Cain

    Disciple Cain Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Play by post on the forums has the luxury of being way longer. In the forums, posts get to around five paragraphs for a few reasons. There may be multiple characters being portrayed in the same post, there may be a lot going on that needs to be addressed within the post by the characters present and controlled by that roleplayer, or there may be fluff. Fluff isn't really needed, but writers put it in for... artistic expression, I suppose.

    However, if you actually want to play the damn game of Starbound and roleplay at the same time you're going to have to sacrifice some length. One thing that I see lacking in a lot of roleplays I've read lately is dialog. If you have good, well-written and convincing dialog that may be one of the only things you really need, and unless you need to explain or say something really long you will never worry about posting too little. You can get away with refined script roleplaying in Starbound because there is already a visual medium of the game itself, the rest is up to interpretation and how you express your character.

    I'm sure we can all be clever enough about it to make it work. I've done it before with several other games in the past. [​IMG]
  10. Casca

    Casca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Indeed. And Novakids are quite the fuel source once wounded and bound up."

    I know, but I still think that RPing, even paragraph, should stay to like, a maximum of three, or else it gets extremely daunting for a newbie.
  11. Disciple Cain

    Disciple Cain Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That would fall under 'Going in over your head'. If you don't think you can keep up or if you just don't feel like posting that much, don't bother. You don't have to post even three paragraphs to be a master roleplayer. Like I said, if you can handle expression and good dialog then everything will be perfectly fine in Starbound. Otherwise we get a bunch of dopes sitting around and spending the majority of their time writing than playing, or even roleplaying for that matter with how long it would take.

    But as for forum roleplaying, really it's up to the discretion of the roleplayers.

    Oh, and I'm totally in by the way.
  12. Casca

    Casca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sweet. Now to wait for the beta to launch. *Twiddles thumbs*
  13. nofo

    nofo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    PvP RP? Sounds like it could be fun.
  14. Loopie

    Loopie The Number of the Minibeast

    If I can get back into role playing I wouldn't mind joining in on this and supporting. So for now I'm just to vote the best choice possible.
  15. Sarbinger

    Sarbinger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm definitely in on this. Call me Middle Management Secretary of the Singularity Extraction Corporation's administration department. :megusta:
  16. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

  17. Figgusthegr8

    Figgusthegr8 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll just be the robot that doesn't contribute to the plot at all. :DD
  18. Mega Man X

    Mega Man X Industrial Terraformer

    Sounds interesting.
  19. Daj

    Daj Big Damn Hero

    A wee bit, lad.

    I make no promises. None of the factions particularly call to me and I'll likely spend so much time with my non-role playing friends that I won't have time for this.
    Still... I might look into it.
  20. Aaaand it's featured in Vector Squared.

    I can certainly offer my services in regards to this -- consultation, editing, minor things like that. Best luck to you on this project :)
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