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Primary thoughts.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Aislygn, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Aislygn

    Aislygn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    At this point, a few things become clear to me. While the ability to interact and how to do so is made clear in the L screen, a quick blow-through of important icons might be something to consider. Took me ten minutes to open the door, and I had to contact someone else to find out how to transport myself back up to my ship. Turns out the icon and button weren't present at all. Apparently that's fixed now. Also, knock-back seems to be really killer. It's nearly impossible to get away from some creatures because it's ridiculously easy for them to knock you into a trap against landscape units. A little more balancing, at least at this stage when you're ridiculously beleaguered even on a threat-level 1 planet.

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