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Prevailing Romantic Customs Among Species

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by FakeGeekGamerGirl, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    I imagine that could be a floran enemy boss...grafted into a (or several) giant tree(s) and moving around like an ent.

    Though we are getting far from original topic. Lets go back to the romance and love, and all that funny feelings.
  2. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero

    ... what if Greenfinger is a gestalt of thousands of floran combined into one entity? O_O But yea, you're right, back on topic.

    I just thought about Avians raising their babies and stuff. Since they're birds, there might be a "teach them to fly" esque moment but since they don't fly I dunno what that would be. Maybe... maybe Avians teach their babies to pilot young, meaning they'd have an extensive vehicle culture. This in turn would result in cruising culture like 1950s USA. Avian girl parks her small, rusted out ship on the edge of a nebula, in hopes of wooing this cute chick from her flock.

    I think I may have a problem...
    Markelius and CrimsonGiraffe like this.
  3. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    What problem? That sounds pretty reasonable for a speculation.

    Although I think they would be much more different, due to how religious or anti-religious they are.
    I am assuming Kulex worshippers have a theocratic government, so everything they do would be directed by their religious text. So if their religious text says girls gotta do this, guys gotta do that, and marriage and unions can only be between such and such in these conditions, they gotta do it. Love out of those accepted form would be looked down upon, or even punished.
    "We shall throw you off this tower to test your faith in Kulex" that kind of stuff. They are like religious extremists . Though we haven't seen religious text about such matter, so maybe it can be assumed that there is no religious laws on such things for now.

    On the other hand, the non kulex worshipper would be likely have more freedom of who they can love, and they would have more freedom of who they want to be. Perhaps there would be a dance ritual in their culture, which originate from the past as they perform mating dances, and evolve into more advanced modern forms now.

    What I am saying is, it is possible that the avians are some of the best dancers in the galaxy.

    Someone gotta make a video of avians busting out some moves.
    FakeGeekGamerGirl likes this.
  4. Searif

    Searif Void-Bound Voyager

    I've had Glitch flirt with my Floran, then again it is easy to tell when Glitch are flirting.
    FakeGeekGamerGirl likes this.
  5. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero

    Getting all kinds of fic ideas. TOO MANY IDEAS.

    And I suppose that's true, but then again 1950s America was pretty zealous and dogmatic, too. And young members of species are known to be rebellious, aren't they? Then again, since that could get them thrown off the tippy-top of the tower, maybe not for Avian youth...

    And oooh, yeah. Dances and plumage dyeing and stuff. I know birds love showing off wealth with knickknacks and strength and beauty and stuff, too, so they'd probably have substantial fashion culture, too.

    Which means hipsters. And HipsterBirdsDate.com.
    STCW262 likes this.
  6. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    The Avian doesn't seem to embrace their technology as much as the other cultures though,so I doubt we get HipsterBirdsDate.com.:p

    It seems like they are using it, but possibly due to being an uplifted race who got introduced to technology instead of inventing their own, they
    don't seem to develop an affinity with it yet. They use their technology in a more simplistic way like lights and putting them on top of wardrobes and stuff, with the exception of the starships and guns. They haven't perfect and branch their technologies into other fields like some other advanced races. They don't seems to turn their technology toward advancement of further technology like the apex, nor direct it toward entertainment like the hylotl and human. I would classify them as one of the "advancing" species among floran and glitch who are, culturally and technologically, still in the progress of modernizing.

    Perhaps it can be thought of the Avian as the Amish communities who only use technology to help them with certain practical things, but do not rely on it nor use it to enhance their life further. It is also often noted that the Avians are excellent craftspeople, so I believe it is also a crucial thing in their culture. Perhaps it would require an avian to craft something for their potential partner, along with the dance, and the quality of the gift along with the dance would help them woo their partners.

    I think I gotta compile all my headcanon about starbound cultures at one point.
    FakeGeekGamerGirl likes this.
  7. CmereSweetHeart

    CmereSweetHeart Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well the Kluex worshippers uses a lot of their technology unlike the Avian villagers, I often see large keyboards with screens around them in avian temples and avian tombs, so I suppose one half don't realy care about their technology and the other one uses it a lot more
  8. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    As said before, they were gifted with the technology and when you
    It's all about that plumage girl, the biggest and largest P-lumage the better...
  9. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    Note where they are: Temples and Tombs. They could be relic from way back since they got uplift. Those technologies are old. The starmap screens in the temples are noted to be "primitive".

    I have a feeling that the avian treat their technology with a kind of reverence, and do not use it nilly-willy. They consider the technology they have as a gift, instead of something they own, so they are more serious about what they use it for.

    Which means they are likely to have less silly things like taking selfies and send them over social media as a way to woo a potential partner, in their native culture, at least.
  10. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    that would explain the fact that the grounded doesn't get that much technology, because the stargazers segregate it!
  11. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero

    Sort of like... Icarus, I guess. The high-religious are called the sunborn right? Any Avian who attempts to get too close to the sunborn, whether through behavior or more literally trespassing in their tombs, will ultimately fall to their deaths.
  12. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    As far as i know they're called stargazers, the sunborn are the godlike ones...kluex, but yeah they protect the tombs because the sunborns that lay there are supposed to come back (like the egypt culture)
    FakeGeekGamerGirl likes this.
  13. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero

    As a sun-worshipping species, though, I'd assume they'd have some sort of photographic technology at least. Perhaps not, though. That's a shame. Avians sending cute selfies would be adorable. Sexting accidents would be horrifying though.

  14. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    What is the matter with the cloaca? is such a natural thing u_u you mammals are weird with that thing stinking out of your chests... (when i first played the game i liked to think that an avian did go to earth in ancient egypt, spread they religion and born the ideia of the god of sun being a bird(klue was an avian))
  15. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    Well, the technology is not of their own, and I don't think they have advance to a level where they can take the current technology they have and improve it even further yet. We haven't seen a lot of avian scientists in their native cultures, if any. So they are currently in a stand still in technology development as their understanding begin to catch up with the available technology. They know enough to replicate what they have learned, but not enough to improve it or take it to a different direction yet.
    Though with intergalactic connection with other species and exchange, I would say they are probably learning a lot and advancing real fast in their progress though.

    And avians that have been adventuring a lot and learning about other cultures will possibly do silly things others do too, like taking cute selfies. ;)

    About sexting though...it is one thing accidently sending it to the wrong person. It is another thing to accidently broadcast it on galactic public channels. I think there are a lot of hilarity to be seen.
  16. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    No one actually knows how word the resonance crystal, even a glitch say that "Not even my creators know about that" or something like this.
  17. CmereSweetHeart

    CmereSweetHeart Subatomic Cosmonaut

    FakeGeekGamerGirl likes this.
  18. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    About Avian technology.

    First off, it's based upon crystal resonances, not electromagnetism or electro-optical systems (though some can be adapted to produce electrical signals for compatibility purposes.) Second, it's regarded as sacred. It was developed by a branch of the Kluex priesthood (supposedly the first crystal resonance device was given to them by Kluex, and then developed from there). This is why there's such a dichotomy when it comes to Avian technology - common Avians will either have access to no crystal technology or only a few simplistic pieces (door locks, lamps) and have no means of repairing it if it breaks, while the priesthood will make extensive use of it, but only in reverent ways (consoles and panels in temples and tombs, temple-based starships, etc.)

    The Grounded are the exception here, as they always are. Most Grounded come from the ranks of common Avians: those who escaped being sacrificed; those who've seen corrupt, decadent priests abusing their authority; those who've been unjustly censured or excommunicated by the priesthood. However, more than a few come from within the priesthood itself, some having held a high rank among the clergy before losing faith. An example would be the gold-clad Avian in the Outpost - he used to be an advisor to the Stargazers themselves, until he lost faith. No doubt there's quite a few Grounded who were the victims of theopolitical jockeying within the priesthood, forced to flee their temples or shrines after being the object of an inquisition or frame-job by a peer or superior.

    What this all boils down to, is that Grounded frequently have a lot more access to and understanding of crystal technology than most, and don't view it with the same sacrosanct reverence as most Avians. They know from first-hand experience, that a kick is just as likely as a prayer to get the thing working again if it's on the fritz. Unfortunately, Grounded are pretty scattered, especially Grounded knowledgeable about Crystal technology. It's unlikely that major developments in crystal technology applications are going to be inventedby Grounded. In fact, a lot of Grounded abandon traditional Avian technology because of its associations with Kluex and the priesthood. As a result, the chances of crystal-tech cell-phones or other 'frivolous' uses of crystal tech being developed are pretty slim - much to the relief of the rest of the universe, as Avians tend to find Hylotl cute, and and Avian x Hylotl sexting accidents would probably be nightmare fuel to all other races.

    I'd imagine it'd go like this:
    • Human and Apex: *HURK, BLUUUUEEAAAGH.*
    • Floran: ... sssuddenly, Floran has lost appetite.
    • Novakid: Welp, I'm thankful that I won't 'member this tonight. But, just t' be safe... BARTENDER! I NEED 'NOTHER JUG O' 'SHINE OVER 'ERE!
    • Glitch: Primal Terror. Excuse me, I must destroy this communication device. Then I must format my most recent memory partition. Losing the last three weeks of memory is a small price to pay.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  19. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    As an avian myself i validate what you say
  20. FakeGeekGamerGirl

    FakeGeekGamerGirl Big Damn Hero

    Oooooh, just occurred to me. Sound travels way better in water, right? I wonder how fishpeoplesss engage in romance without eeeeeeverything being PDA.
    Nibolas O Anelbozas likes this.

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